Well as DC says, we have met the enemy and it is us! This corporate greed is feeding on itself, but it is also like the fat lady who can't contain herself will eventually die. Why??? Because if you can't sell stuff to the very people you are importing products for, then even if you drop the prices significantly few will be able to buy it. For the life of me this "me now" corporate attitude I can't understand how they sell out their long term sustenance for short term huge profits. It is that simple.
We have to acknowledge places like Germany and France and other industrial nations, who KNOW that if they don't support the product made in THEIR country, then it will soon be lights out, and the unemployment line will build and the next thing that will HAVE to happen is that we will have to tax the crap out of everyone who IS working to support those who can not find a job. How stupid is that??
An answer???
Well, stop supporting companies that employ MONSTER greedy presidents. If you don't buy their products that can't do that can they?
Begin paying very close attention to where something is made. If it is made down around the corner that guy will put money back into YOUR backyard. If it is made in some third world country, it doesn't...and again you are supporting corporate greed....
We have become so used to buying what is cheaper, not always better but cheaper no matter WHERE it is made or more importantly where the money goes after it is made....not back into the area it was sold. This isn't that hard. If you have a company making widgets in your town, buy those widgets even if it cost a few cents more. Why?? Because that company employs workers who live in your neighborhood and they buy products YOU sell...services YOU sell, investing in your neighborhood comes back to you in more ways than one. Your neighbors pay water bills, fuel bills, pay school taxes, the list is very long....You lose all that when you buy something made outside your area.
Once we realize this and be more selective to what we make, what we grow, and what services we provide to one another, then we will turn the corner and watch corporate America fall into line. But as long as we don't, then we support the greed and we are victims of our own crimes.
Final question is...before we imported a bunch of stuff were we doing okay? Maybe it was more expensive, but it was American and it came right back to us. Now we import and BUY, BUY, BUY.....without a thought to what it is doing to us all.
I sure hope we learn this soon...or our grandkids will look back on us as being idiots and WORSE than the grand folks who robbed us in mining, destroyed our Forrest's, and turned the prairies into dust bowls....we will have ransacked this country to a point of near exhaustion.
What we really have to stop is productivity gains! That's what has killed all the jobs! US manufacturing output was at an all-time high immediately before the recession. We make more with fewer inputs. That has cost more jobs than any amount of outsourcing. Same thing that happened decades ago in the agricultural industry has and is happening in the manufacturing world. Quit blaming corp greed. Your 401k and your pension both depend on profits. They are essential for investment.
I am not saying I have the answer, but the key is to move up the chain. If you want to stay in manufacturing, produce something you can't produce elsewhere. The answer sure as heck isn't to be more like Europe. Compare our standards of living to theirs.