Has anyone read the book " The Jungle"? If so you would understand why unions were organized.
Author: Upton Sinclair.
Has anyone read the book " The Jungle"? If so you would understand why unions were organized.
I really don't care if Harley leaves Milw. I'm sick and tired of hearing bikes with loud pipes roar by my house or park and cops do nothing. But if I was in a 70 camaro with headers and straight pipes, boom - ticket.
There's a joke I heard once - great stuff:
What's the difference between a Hoover vacuum and a Harley motorcycle?
The position of the DIRTBAG!!!!!
YES - funny stuff, and pretty true!
Pat and Wayne, it was a joke!
Has anyone read the book " The Jungle"? If so you would understand why unions were organized.
I am not so sure completely a joke, based on the sterotype I've developed over the years.
Harley-Davidson: The most efficient method to turn gasoline into noise, without the byproduct of horsepower. Yesterday's technology at tomorrow's prices. They will be out of business in 10-15 years due to lack of innovation and increased pricing and most of all, their fanbase will have died off by then.
(not a joke)
I suspect it's because Cops, Lawyers, retired rocket scientists and Judges ride Harleys and kids drive Camaros. Did you know that a Corvette and a Camaro (long hood) are considered Phalic symbols for men and boys who feel they don't quite measure up. (It's a joke). lol But studies at Harvard back it up anyways.
Lets not turn this into a bash Harley thread please. Lots of guys on here love their Harleys, and I don't feel like babysitting this thread.
Can I run Citgo Sea & Snow in my Harley?
you guys and all your harley bashing.i'll play tug of war with any of your jap crap and pull you into the next county.