Has your snowmobile come between you and your wife/ significant other?


Well-known member
You guys crack me up! I love snowmobiling, it came to me long before my wife did. I've been involved with sledding my entire life, and I mean "my entire life". With that said, something material like a sled, will never come between my wife and I. I love snowmobiling, but I love my wife more, lots more.


New member
You guys crack me up! I love snowmobiling, it came to me long before my wife did. I've been involved with sledding my entire life, and I mean "my entire life". With that said, something material like a sled, will never come between my wife and I. I love snowmobiling, but I love my wife more, lots more.
I lucked out and married into a very large snowmobiling family, they all are snomosexuals and highly addicted. At Thanksgiving it is a sledders convention in the living room of wherever we all meet. It has always been like this. Most the wives can out ride their husbands. Mine just happens to like being the Den Mother, (same as some of the guys in here do.) I say great, her cooking is fantastic. Hang out by the fireplace, The rest of us are going riding. And she is totally fine with that. A wife should not use your snowmobiling passion as leverage. If money and small children at home are involved, well then it is time to "Dad up". And stay home during this time. But if she loves you (winter is very short) she will give you the blessing. Everyone has a different situation to deal with.


Well-known member
I lucked out also, I have a great wife. She understands what winter means to me, and the U.P. for that matter. As a matter of fact she encouraged me to go up for the trail clean up session this past weekend, when I was having second thoughts because of the work that I need to get done.


My wife demands I get snowmobile therapy, motorcycle therapy, jeepin' therapy, paintball therapy, john deere therapy. She knows I get grumpy. Otherwise we would have big bills from a therapist.


New member
My wife demands I get snowmobile therapy, motorcycle therapy, jeepin' therapy, paintball therapy, john deere therapy. She knows I get grumpy. Otherwise we would have big bills from a therapist.
As long as it isn't therapy from the neighbor lady, I am also good!!!!


New member

I have a good one also. She understands my snomosexualality .... and understands the disease ! It is chronic & progressive. In other words never goes away, and always gets worse the more I do it. To us abbreviations like " UP " mean .... "understanding partner", and PC F SP ( procross F 800 sno pro ) really mean " purchase choice find soon please ".....
It is all a balancing act. Now In better start looking for a job before things " melt down " .....