Has your snowmobile come between you and your wife/ significant other?


New member

They get over it eventually. Takes about 15 years or so before they finally realize they ain't gona change it. :)

Oh yes....there is always the "TALK" with each sled.

It goes like this....."humm....number one daughter wants to go sledding...
yeah, yeah
.....and of course she wants to bring a friend....doesn't want to be stuck with the ole man all weekend long...
yeah, yeah!

So being that we only have 2 sleds....that's a problem.
WHY!!! Your second sled is a TWO up and can handle TWO people!

Well, what fun is that....everyone needs their own sled...it is much more fun that way, eh?

Wait a minute....what's the point of a two up if yah never use it as a two up?

Ah....well, you know...everyone wants to drive one around going their own way and all.....

Uh huh!!

Two weeks pass....one day, tinkering around in the trailer, wife sticks her head in and says, "Am I having a stroke, or do I count 3 sleds...and you never had a yellow one before...."

I smile...."oh, that sled....well, it was a close out model, and the dealer was very glad to unload that thing...we needed another sled...remember our discussion....well don't you?"

"I remember a lame effort to explain why we needed a third sled...and I thought we ....as in WE...decided that a two up would suffice?"

Well, I say, we don't have to have that problem any more, do we?

Now move this whole scenario up a couple more years and 6 sleds later, you have the thrust of it all.

Mind you that there are some very tough arguments along the way, so brush up on your one-upsmanship, arguments, fine tuning the what if's and wherefores....as you will need them for at least 6 months or so.

In the final analysis, it is better to be forgiven than to have to ask for permission...as the big QUESTION will always be answered with the same response.

Ok, any questions? Quiz on friday...don't forget to be especially nice to your wife for at least a month after, and it doesn't hurt to bring coffee and Chinese diners for a week before....I find that the sledding on this topic goes much easier if yah do!


New member
I can honestly say after being with my wife for 19 years she never had a problem with me riding. There was a time we both had sleds, atv's and the rig to haul them. Then came the layoff and everything had to go away. Now, she wishes at least I could get a sled again. Every fall when the snow is near I get the itch. But I need to tell myself that next year will be the comeback. It kinda bugs me when I hear some of my buddies complain that the wife won't let them get that new sled because the two year old machine just wont cut it anymore. I just think dammit at least you are riding this year!
Sometimes reality is more harsh than the wife! Sometimes...


New member
Jt...welcome to JD.....and you are right...any sled on any day is better than no sled all winter. But I like your attitude...this is a temporary condition, and eventually, you will be back into it even if it is with an older sled. I own two 1970's sleds which I use lightly, and in antique get- togethers....these sleds run well and are fairly cheap to buy. While they are not as comfortable with boggy wheels and stiff suspensions (if you want to call them suspensions) they are very reliable sleds and are alot of fun to ride....perhaps not putting 200 miles a day on them, but riding none-the-less. My point is don't deny yourself because you think you need to spend thousands when a few hundred could still get you out and running around...sledding is fun and does not have to be a major expenditure. Maybe you can get back in sooner than you realize.
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Well-known member
Yeah we got married 4 months ago so I have to wait 15 years. Great. The **** hit the fan when I switched from summer mode to winter mode in August. She dated me for 8 years so she knew before we got married how much of a snowmosexual I was.

4 months, that sounds about right! I right there with you, She knew the things I liked to do and always told me how much she liked doing them too, but every time there is a "disagreement" it come up how we do all the things I like to do. There are only 2 thing I have told her flat out NO, I will not do:
1.) Let her go on a shopping spree, main b/c she would make the national debt look small if I did.
2.) She like to run, I have no intentions of running ever! I have gone and watched/ supported her in 1/2 marathons, I'll ride a bike but I do not run!

Doc Brown: Of course we run, but for recreation. For fun.
Barfly 3: Run for fun? What kind of fun is that?

Indy you better listen up and take notes on how to find the ones that don't complain!


New member
For me it just depends on which wife we are talking about.... 1,2,3 or 4

My hat is off to you sir!

Any man who can go right back to the well, after 1,2,and 3 times....well, you are either dumber than a stump, or you know a whole bunch more than me....

I'm not even gunna ask....don't want to know....afraid to find out!


New member
My wife has a big birthday (50) coming up in Feb. Most of her friends that are turning the same age are going to Vegas for a week to party. I asked my wife if she wanted to go there, she looked me in the eyes and said I would rather go snowmobiling in Wisc. You have to love a wife like that.


Well-known member
My wife has a big birthday (50) coming up in Feb. Most of her friends that are turning the same age are going to Vegas for a week to party. I asked my wife if she wanted to go there, she looked me in the eyes and said I would rather go snowmobiling in Wisc. You have to love a wife like that.

Indeed. My wife already informed me she'd like to spend our first anniversary the same way we spent our honeymoon -- sledding in the Keweenaw! Gee, twist my arm......


Awe shoot I did have a significant other she must of moved out while I was in the garage working on the sled, oh well ha ha honestly not a problem here at all she is great and enjoy's it to.


thanks for helping me put a term to my addiction. I am snowho and I am a snowmosexual!!! Been going up north since 96 every year at least once.Started taking the wife on a couples trip 4 years ago on an annual basis with some of our friends. My problems started when I started going out west a few years ago. We have been married 18 years and was ok with 1 trip a year, then 2 trips if she was along with her friends on the second one. Started getting static with 1 up north with guys,1 up north couples and 1 guys out west.Last year 1 to the UP, 1 couples to WI, a week to WY to snowies and big horns, and spring break to snowies with 15yr old and his friend for their first mountain trip.
got back and she was talking big D if things didn't change. Got over it in a week until we came back from haydays and I got"I can't wait for winter!!!" with sarcasm. PLEASE HELP


New member
snowho96.... the big question is....will you miss her????
No doubt, Help her pack! I would ask her point blank, "What is your issue?" If it is money she has a point. Surely she don't miss you after 18 years of seeing your face day in and day out. There is more to the story.


New member
Do your kids mean more to you than some sled trips? What impact do you think letting some other guy (usually at some point there is some other guy) have access to your kids. What impact will this have on the stability of life for the rest of their youth? Did you stand in front of God and others and make vows? I love to sled as much as anyone however the choices you make will impact way more than telling your buddies you are going to not make a trip this year.


New member
Do your kids mean more to you than some sled trips? What impact do you think letting some other guy (usually at some point there is some other guy) have access to your kids. What impact will this have on the stability of life for the rest of their youth? Did you stand in front of God and others and make vows? I love to sled as much as anyone however the choices you make will impact way more than telling your buddies you are going to not make a trip this year.
So by being held hostage by his wife is a good thing?? NOT. Resentment sets in and marriage failure soon follows. What do vows have to do with any of this?? Mine said nothing about snowmobiling. "To love and to cherish, for better, for worse, till death do us part." is what I remember.


New member
Its not the money we grain farm and have had good years the last few. Maybe she just misses me when I am gone?
Is that a helicopter I here? Whoop whoop whoop?
Trust me they don't miss us. She doesn't have to hear you snore, fart or complain. She gets the whole bed to herself, She can talk for hours to her girlfriends,, she don't have to fix you supper, oh ya she misses you. Reality can be tough.