Has your snowmobile come between you and your wife/ significant other?


Yeah, now she's my EX!!!!! She used to ride all the time with me, but then she found out she could ride more at home when I was gone.......like I said "now she's my EX"


Active member
hmmm....is something else bothering her and it's just coming out as being mad about the sleds? Dating for 8 years one would think she knew the program. Sounds to me like something else is going on. But that's just my 2 cents worth. The only time I told bigdaddy no to taking a trip was when I 38 weeks preg with our 3rd kid...told him he needed to stick close because it was illegal to leave 2 kids under the age of 5 home alone?! :)
Have you actually ASKED her what's up??


The wife come between sled and I? Yes all the time as well as the boat and other toys. I figured it out a while ago I get her something nice then there is no problem till next season.


New member
The wife come between sled and I? Yes all the time as well as the boat and other toys. I figured it out a while ago I get her something nice then there is no problem till next season.
Got to put the stop to that nonsense there Peter. Tell her the boat is hers, buy her a bike such as a Harley and tell her it is hers. then get her all the way cool Harley clothes (I did not say this was going to be cheap), she will wear the clothes and preen around on the boat and she will just have to understand that you need to go snowmobiling with the guys to energize and regroup to make her more money. So she can get that new bedroom set or whatever? Hey, by the way the Temper pedic mattress that vibrates and folds up into way cool positions are every bit as much for you as it is for her too! (bedroom set=$7000 new sled $12,000) you win.


New member
I go snowmobiling every weekend, sometimes 3 times a month all the way up to the U P from Minneapolis... Hmmm, can't imagine why I'm single!!! LOL


New member
Negative!!! I actually am the one that got my husband into racing and back into riding. We honeymooned in colorado to do some riding and its by far our favorite hobby.

We enjoy going together, but if one can go and the other cant....CYA WHEN I GET BACK!!!!

We help our buddy with his grass and ice drag team so snowmobiling is a topic and interest year round for us. :)


New member
Used to be a little problematic when we had two sleds. She can/could ride but was not a skilled rider, more like a fair weather rider. Then she started having hand problems and couldn't drive (hold the throttle) for more than a couple miles. Solution, sell the two older touring sleds and buy one new comfy one. I get EFI and plenty of go fast, and she gets a nice comfy seat and can sit back and enjoy the scenery.
I've been fortunate...my wife has been very tolerant of my obsession with snowmobiling. Even though she's never been a fan of snow and cold (and has made that clear), she'll ride with me when I'm not riding with one of the guys. And if I have a chance to go with the guys, she's pushing me out the door. Best of all, she has even agreed to move to our vacation home in the Yoop when we retire. Quite the lady...I know I'm lucky!


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Yeah we got married 4 months ago so I have to wait 15 years. Great. The **** hit the fan when I switched from summer mode to winter mode in August. She dated me for 8 years so she knew before we got married how much of a snowmosexual I was.

LMFAO! Snomosexual, holy bejezus, I just about spit my beer all over the keyboard when I read that!


New member
Yea... I like that word " snomosexual ".....
As far as my wife, it is only a problem when she has to come to some emergency room because I'm busted up.
Other than that .... Snowmobiling and all things associated with it are treated like a " Black Operation " or " Black Op's " if you will. There is no accounting of money, I buy plenty of those same kind of muffins that the government buys @ $16 a piece. That's how things get paid for. Sleds come & go, boxes in the mail all the time, ect.... Lots of music & swearing out in the man cave ect... That's how things are.

Personally... I know for a fact that she would rather have me gone and out of her hair during the winter than stuck in the house with her. She likes to shop,read books, knit, and talk on the phone or text our kids.... and I like to turn into a " Snomosexual " and do my thing !


Got to put the stop to that nonsense there Peter. Tell her the boat is hers, buy her a bike such as a Harley and tell her it is hers. then get her all the way cool Harley clothes (I did not say this was going to be cheap), she will wear the clothes and preen around on the boat and she will just have to understand that you need to go snowmobiling with the guys to energize and regroup to make her more money. So she can get that new bedroom set or whatever? Hey, by the way the Temper pedic mattress that vibrates and folds up into way cool positions are every bit as much for you as it is for her too! (bedroom set=$7000 new sled $12,000) you win.

The boat is hers when its in the water ready to go. The boat is mine when it needs to be cleaned or any other maintence needs to be done.
The bike thing will happen she wants the kids to be a little older. "ssshhh I have one hidding at brothers house that I sold haha"
$7000 bedroom set would also come with $5000 of shoes, clothes, purses and nail salon visits. I dont see how I win.
Someone explain how its cheaper to keep her!


New member
The boat is hers when its in the water ready to go. The boat is mine when it needs to be cleaned or any other maintence needs to be done.
The bike thing will happen she wants the kids to be a little older. "ssshhh I have one hidding at brothers house that I sold haha"
$7000 bedroom set would also come with $5000 of shoes, clothes, purses and nail salon visits. I dont see how I win.
Someone explain how its cheaper to keep her!

Well ... I think it would be costly to get rid of her.... not necessarily " cheaper to keep her " LOL....

I couldn't speak from experience since getting rid of my wife is out of the question ! She is a contributor to the snowmobiling fund. She even holds the " CFO " position !

It is called BALANCE.... when in public or out socially, you refer to all items as hers. IE: for example my wife owns 3 sleds, 3 trailers, 4 cars, 2 jetski's, guns, tools, knifes, .... what ever. I work for her, keeping everything " a float ". She is envyed by my buddy's for sure. She owns things that she doesn't even know she has. Like the $700 of trailer components I just bought. I keep telling her that if something ever happens to me and she has to sell all this stuff, it needs to be kept up in " like new " condition.

You must get her to believe " Acceptance is the answer to all of her problems ".....


New member
i chose snowmobiling. my snowmobile doesn't get jealouse when i ride another sled, doesn't mind when i go to a show to look at other sleds. a sled can hang out in the garage with me and the guys and not get annoyed or be annoying.pretty much the same reasons why beer is better than some women


New member
yes, One time about Dec of 1997 my wife was pregnant and ran out the front door yelling something about my "precious snowmobiles!".......Started wailing on my sleds with a baseball bat ! She still thinks its funny today!
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Active member
I usually do not get any grief except when I mention a new sled ever since I got my '09 Gade, altho I did get the "you have to sell some before you by that". Previous to the 09 she had rec'd both of the new sleds that we bought which the latest was in '04 and before the '09 my last new sled was in '96 but I did have a few slightly used ones after the '96, so I figured I was due. I just hope she does not expect 2 more new sleds before I get a new one...


New member
yes, One time about Dec of 1997 my wife was pregnant and ran out the front door yelling something about my "precious snowmobiles!".......Started wailing on my sleds with a baseball bat ! She still thinks its funny today!

Uhmmm... arcticgeorge.... hate to say this but , I think that is funny ! Hope you took the bat away ?


New member
yes, One time about Dec of 1997 my wife was pregnant and ran out the front door yelling something about my "precious snowmobiles!".......Started wailing on my sleds with a baseball bat ! She still thinks its funny today!

George....this is no laughing matter!

Talk is cheap but ball bats can do damage to the "kids"....and it should not be tollerated.

These "types" need to be deal with sternly and "completely"......

Here is my solution......I have a friend named Guido....he and his bratha...Dominic can be "employed" for a fee and the rest we will leave to your imagination.

Ball bats on sleds.....not in this life-time!