Got to put the stop to that nonsense there Peter. Tell her the boat is hers, buy her a bike such as a Harley and tell her it is hers. then get her all the way cool Harley clothes (I did not say this was going to be cheap), she will wear the clothes and preen around on the boat and she will just have to understand that you need to go snowmobiling with the guys to energize and regroup to make her more money. So she can get that new bedroom set or whatever? Hey, by the way the Temper pedic mattress that vibrates and folds up into way cool positions are every bit as much for you as it is for her too! (bedroom set=$7000 new sled $12,000) you win.The wife come between sled and I? Yes all the time as well as the boat and other toys. I figured it out a while ago I get her something nice then there is no problem till next season.
Yeah we got married 4 months ago so I have to wait 15 years. Great. The **** hit the fan when I switched from summer mode to winter mode in August. She dated me for 8 years so she knew before we got married how much of a snowmosexual I was.
Got to put the stop to that nonsense there Peter. Tell her the boat is hers, buy her a bike such as a Harley and tell her it is hers. then get her all the way cool Harley clothes (I did not say this was going to be cheap), she will wear the clothes and preen around on the boat and she will just have to understand that you need to go snowmobiling with the guys to energize and regroup to make her more money. So she can get that new bedroom set or whatever? Hey, by the way the Temper pedic mattress that vibrates and folds up into way cool positions are every bit as much for you as it is for her too! (bedroom set=$7000 new sled $12,000) you win.
The boat is hers when its in the water ready to go. The boat is mine when it needs to be cleaned or any other maintence needs to be done.
The bike thing will happen she wants the kids to be a little older. "ssshhh I have one hidding at brothers house that I sold haha"
$7000 bedroom set would also come with $5000 of shoes, clothes, purses and nail salon visits. I dont see how I win.
Someone explain how its cheaper to keep her!
yes, One time about Dec of 1997 my wife was pregnant and ran out the front door yelling something about my "precious snowmobiles!".......Started wailing on my sleds with a baseball bat ! She still thinks its funny today!
It's the groomer tractor that keeps us apart. He's grooming and I ride out to see him.
yes, One time about Dec of 1997 my wife was pregnant and ran out the front door yelling something about my "precious snowmobiles!".......Started wailing on my sleds with a baseball bat ! She still thinks its funny today!