Helmet Laws

Should Helmets be required on a motorcycle?

  • Yes

    Votes: 53 43.4%
  • No

    Votes: 69 56.6%

  • Total voters


Active member
Hey roadking, better include the dads driving mini-vans too! They seem to be some of the worst because they're trying to prove how COOL they are - gotta drive that minivan like it's a muscle car so everyone knows they aren't whipped!? :p


New member
I doubt a helmet would save you even if you had on a helmet and got hit with a 2x4 like in the video.
Maybe we should limit the speed of snowmobiles to 30mph since so many of the fatalities and injuries involve excessive speed? Or maybe no riding after dark since a large number of accidents occur at night? Seems like alot of folks on here support government regulation.
My opinion is people need to take responsibility for them selves and not rely on the government to do it for you. Let face it motorcycling and snowmobiling have some risk involved, do we realy want the government to decide whats best for us?


New member
Big Mac's don't kill people....eating too many for some might. But one ride on one bike with one spill, and off to the hospital where you get expensive treatment, then fall back on the government when you become a vegetable. Who pays for that?

Whose insurance goes up to cover you when you fall?

Sign a waver of any insurance coverage, or have coverage that is only for those who ride without a helmet and then nobody but those around you would care.

It's all about a fool spending my money. I can't get around that, and must pay because someone else decided to go for a little ride without a brain bucket.

Now institutionalized and I am paying for it. Not fair just so he can go dumb...down the road.


Active member
I doubt a helmet would save you even if you had on a helmet and got hit with a 2x4 like in the video.
Maybe we should limit the speed of snowmobiles to 30mph since so many of the fatalities and injuries involve excessive speed? Or maybe no riding after dark since a large number of accidents occur at night? Seems like alot of folks on here support government regulation.
My opinion is people need to take responsibility for them selves and not rely on the government to do it for you. Let face it motorcycling and snowmobiling have some risk involved, do we realy want the government to decide whats best for us?

Hmmmm...a LOT of folks on here support government regulation? I'd be inclined to disagree with that. I'm gonna agree with you on the rest of your post, though.

Moose - your point about when personal responsibility DOES start affecting the public is a valid one. And one that was made in an economics and gov't policies class I took - in 1990!!! So the debate still continues about personal liberties vs. public policy.
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Even though I wear one when I ride, I think it should be up to me whether or not I wear one. I believe it is my individual right to choose whether I have brain damage or not. I don't think it is the states responsibility to cover my medical cost if I don't have any money or insurance. If you read the posters on the wall of the ER it states basically that they will make you stable then transfer you to another facility if you don't have enough insurance.

The problem is that the public does indeed pay for your medical bills in this type of emergency if you cannot. The whole root of the health care debate is whether health care a basic right, or do we let the uninsured die in hospital parking lots if they cannot pay for the care.

If it is your right to have brain damage, but not die, somebody has to pay for that. Either through your own means or through society.

The point of government is to ensure that its citizens have access to the basic rights of human society. Either health care needs to encompass this as a basic right or health care facilities need to be required to deny the uninsured or incapable from getting ANY health care outside of charity.

Requiring helmets should indeed be up to the individual in a perfect world where health care rights are clearly defined. Unfortunately they are not, therefore laws such as this will be proposed and enacted. Allowing individuals the right to take risking actions either needs to be restricted or they need to be covered by society. Allowing risky actions without a means to pay for the consequences is unsustainable, and is the current course of our nation.


Active member
The problem is that the public does indeed pay for your medical bills in this type of emergency if you cannot. The whole root of the health care debate is whether health care a basic right, or do we let the uninsured die in hospital parking lots if they cannot pay for the care.

If it is your right to have brain damage, but not die, somebody has to pay for that. Either through your own means or through society.

The point of government is to ensure that its citizens have access to the basic rights of human society. Either health care needs to encompass this as a basic right or health care facilities need to be required to deny the uninsured or incapable from getting ANY health care outside of charity.

Requiring helmets should indeed be up to the individual in a perfect world where health care rights are clearly defined. Unfortunately they are not, therefore laws such as this will be proposed and enacted. Allowing individuals the right to take risking actions either needs to be restricted or they need to be covered by society. Allowing risky actions without a means to pay for the consequences is unsustainable, and is the current course of our nation.

While I agree with your post (very well written post with excellent points) this is going to lead back to one of having the personal responsibility to take care of their business (insurance needs) properly vs the individual who does not. Why should the responsible person's choices be limited simply because there are those who don't take care of their business?

And in the real world, a law being in place to prohibit ignorant/reckless/etc behavior or to protect one's own self is NOT going to completely prevent people from choosing to behave how they see fit. Just cuz the law STATES I am to wear my seat belt doesn't mean I am going to...if the law states I HAVE to wear a helmet doesn't mean I'm going to. Laws can't dictate behavior entirely. There will always be those who choose to break a law and behave in a manner of their choosing.

Does that make sense?!? I'm hoping it does...


New member
i say no .you should be able to do what you want .last i new it was still a free to do what you want country .but wear helmet ,buckle up ,dont smoke ,dont drink ,dont eat that ,slow down .i allready have a wife and a mother .


New member
Wow!! I'm really suprised of all the people on here who support a helmet law. This country was built on freedom. After the age of 18, I'm considered an adult and responsible for myself, right? So, if I'm responsible for myself, then I should get to make my own choices for my OWN safety. The government should not have any say in how I take care of myself. If I'm married, my wife already knew if I wear a helmet, or seatbelt, before hand and chose to marry me anyway. Should there then be a law saying I can't be married, or have kids, if I don't wear a helmet or seatbelt? Do I need to sign that waiver too? As far as insurance, I agree with another post that says poeple who don't wear one will have less medicle bills because the chances of survival are less. Someone with a helmet has a better chance of racking up more medicle bills by living, there goes the insurance theory. Everyone KNOWS it's safer to ride with a helmet but, should be able to make the choice for THEMSELVES!! And bringing Harley riders into this is rediculous. Crotch rocket riders, more than Harley riders, are the ones you see going 100mph, riding in & out of traffic, hitting the front brake so hard that the back tire comes up off the ground, doing wheelies etc. So don't pick out the Harley riders.

Point being, yes it is safer to wear a helmet or seatbelt, as a grown man or woman, it should be MY choice to use them, not big brother.


New member
Big Mac's don't kill people....eating too many for some might. But one ride on one bike with one spill, and off to the hospital where you get expensive treatment, then fall back on the government when you become a vegetable. Who pays for that?

Whose insurance goes up to cover you when you fall?

Sign a waver of any insurance coverage, or have coverage that is only for those who ride without a helmet and then nobody but those around you would care.

It's all about a fool spending my money. I can't get around that, and must pay because someone else decided to go for a little ride without a brain bucket.

Now institutionalized and I am paying for it. Not fair just so he can go dumb...down the road.

Well, then following this thought process it would only be fair to assess other activities and risks we take as individuals in society and exclude or regulate appropriately. Silly right? That is the point. Why as a free nation would we want our government regulating our choices any more than is necessary. If financial burden on others is the criteria, you are opening up Pandora's box. What about driving a car? Is that a right or a privilege? I know my state considers it a privilege. Should auto drivers sign a waiver also? Statistically auto accidents must cause more of a burden on society than motorcycle accidents. Yes I realize that there are more auto drivers but we are just focusing in financial burden right? The issue for me is not if you should wear a helmet or not, it is the point that the government is telling me that I must protect myself even if I choose not to. Life is full of calculated risks. Some CHOOSE to take more than others. Choosing to eat an unhealthy diet and not exercise is also a choice. Would you hold those that make that choice accountable for their actions also?


New member
well alot of people are killed riding a snowmobile while wearing helmets also, maybe the government should regulate roll cages.


New member
I would like to say yes to a helmet law, but it would not do anything good but cause more cost to the taxpayers. When I was young and WI put a helmet law into place you had to get your helmet approved by the DOT and they would put a approval sticker on the back. But then a lot of people would carefully remove the sticker and transfer to another helmet that was not approved. So it was a big waste. They same thing would happen today because there would be a lack of enforcement, like texting while driving is really enforced.

I know helmets work because I have cracked several of them while racing bikes, don't remember some of the days. Do I use a helmet everytime I get on my bike, no. I will sometimes ride to the end of the block and back just to check out the bike and not take the extra time to put a helmet on. You can put all of the safety equipment on that you can but there is only one guy that knows when your number is up!


New member
all I know is that I would go the extra mile to protect myself by wearing a helmet Who in here wants to have there loved ones told that you died by doing something stupid ? They are the ones that will have to go and pick up all the pieces for the rest of there lives . And thats one phone call or a police car coming to my house to tell me that my loved one died I don't want NOT all the so called Freedom of Choice would want this on anyone Death by not wearing a helmet IRREVERSABLE!!!! Wearing one and Saving your own life === PRICELESS !!!!!!!


New member
all I know is that I would go the extra mile to protect myself by wearing a helmet Who in here wants to have there loved ones told that you died by doing something stupid ? They are the ones that will have to go and pick up all the pieces for the rest of there lives . And thats one phone call or a police car coming to my house to tell me that my loved one died I don't want NOT all the so called Freedom of Choice would want this on anyone Death by not wearing a helmet IRREVERSABLE!!!! Wearing one and Saving your own life === PRICELESS !!!!!!!

Thunder-- And you are alowed to preech your beleifs to your loved ones, and even force your husband to obey, but it is not the governments place to force personal safety to an adult. It would be no different than them telling you - you CAN'T wear a helmet because you can't see or hear as well...right? As dumb as that sounds, it's the same thing. Just because they think it's right, don't make it so.
Yeah Snowbuff, if you don't want to leave your family then don't do dangerous things, snowmobiling included. If I want to leave my family or become a vegetable i will ride without a helmet. If I want to try to be safer I will wear one.


New member
does everyone finally get the point that they are the only ones that are right, i'm not going to change anyone mind, and they are not going to change mine. it's nice to live where people can make there own decisions, or can we?


New member
Well, then following this thought process it would only be fair to assess other activities and risks we take as individuals in society and exclude or regulate appropriately. Silly right? ... Would you hold those that make that choice accountable for their actions also?

This is called living in a society.

As such, we regulate how much noise you can make, whether you can carry guns around to shoot someone when you don't agree with them, vote on a certain day, get your car taken away because you drove drunk, the list is long.

In a perfect world, you could do anything and everything, and personally in reality, nobody gives a rats butt if you decide to drive down the road standing on the seat of your bike, and doing a handstand....IF......doing so didn't endanger others, or cost ME money when your wife goes boohooing to the government because YOU left 3 hungry brats starving just because it was your right to have a brain fart. Now your into MY pocket...costing my city, county, state and federal government MONEY.

It's all about the money, and personally I don't care if you want to exercise your right to do stupid....but don't do it on my dime. Hopefully if you do it right, it is quick and messy, but putting a helmet on, as we all know will save a dozen lives from the slow speed crash to the lucky son-of-a-gun who went flying thru the air with the greatest of ease...and lands on where his brains are most of the time he is going down the road with no helmet.

We don't let people exercise their rights to smoke in my face, shoot at my dog, or drive 600 mph on the interstate. We give up those individual freedoms to live in society that says, you can do this, but you can't do that. YOUR choice is to go live in outer mongolia....and feel free to eat dirt...nobody then cares...and your precious rights will never be infringed upon.


New member
This is called living in a society.

As such, we regulate how much noise you can make, whether you can carry guns around to shoot someone when you don't agree with them, vote on a certain day, get your car taken away because you drove drunk, the list is long.

In a perfect world, you could do anything and everything, and personally in reality, nobody gives a rats butt if you decide to drive down the road standing on the seat of your bike, and doing a handstand....IF......doing so didn't endanger others, or cost ME money when your wife goes boohooing to the government because YOU left 3 hungry brats starving just because it was your right to have a brain fart. Now your into MY pocket...costing my city, county, state and federal government MONEY.

It's all about the money, and personally I don't care if you want to exercise your right to do stupid....but don't do it on my dime. Hopefully if you do it right, it is quick and messy, but putting a helmet on, as we all know will save a dozen lives from the slow speed crash to the lucky son-of-a-gun who went flying thru the air with the greatest of ease...and lands on where his brains are most of the time he is going down the road with no helmet.

We don't let people exercise their rights to smoke in my face, shoot at my dog, or drive 600 mph on the interstate. We give up those individual freedoms to live in society that says, you can do this, but you can't do that. YOUR choice is to go live in outer mongolia....and feel free to eat dirt...nobody then cares...and your precious rights will never be infringed upon.

thank you and x's 5 up


New member
purproadking, I should of worded the poll as, "Do you think wearing a helmet is a good idea". That was the point I wanted to get accross. None of the, "I got rights too". crap. Folks I was looking for what "you" thought about wearing a helmet, not what the government thinks about you wearing one. There is no place for politics on JDee. trust me I have the rules figured out by now. I am in one of the few states that still "makes" us wear one. I like the idea. It holds my hair and doo rag on. (yes I have lots of hair). Oh and I hope it will also hold my head on in a crash.


New member
Well, then following this thought process it would only be fair to assess other activities and risks we take as individuals in society and exclude or regulate appropriately. Silly right? That is the point. Why as a free nation would we want our government regulating our choices any more than is necessary. If financial burden on others is the criteria, you are opening up Pandora's box. What about driving a car? Is that a right or a privilege? I know my state considers it a privilege. Should auto drivers sign a waiver also? Statistically auto accidents must cause more of a burden on society than motorcycle accidents. Yes I realize that there are more auto drivers but we are just focusing in financial burden right? The issue for me is not if you should wear a helmet or not, it is the point that the government is telling me that I must protect myself even if I choose not to. Life is full of calculated risks. Some CHOOSE to take more than others. Choosing to eat an unhealthy diet and not exercise is also a choice. Would you hold those that make that choice accountable for their actions also?

Okay Andy, the unhealthy diet and lack of exercise is because I want to wear out evenly. (I need my body to catch up with my mind). lol. Let's leave it as a NO for you.