Wow!! I'm really suprised of all the people on here who support a helmet law. This country was built on freedom. After the age of 18, I'm considered an adult and responsible for myself, right? So, if I'm responsible for myself, then I should get to make my own choices for my OWN safety. The government should not have any say in how I take care of myself. If I'm married, my wife already knew if I wear a helmet, or seatbelt, before hand and chose to marry me anyway. Should there then be a law saying I can't be married, or have kids, if I don't wear a helmet or seatbelt? Do I need to sign that waiver too? As far as insurance, I agree with another post that says poeple who don't wear one will have less medicle bills because the chances of survival are less. Someone with a helmet has a better chance of racking up more medicle bills by living, there goes the insurance theory. Everyone KNOWS it's safer to ride with a helmet but, should be able to make the choice for THEMSELVES!! And bringing Harley riders into this is rediculous. Crotch rocket riders, more than Harley riders, are the ones you see going 100mph, riding in & out of traffic, hitting the front brake so hard that the back tire comes up off the ground, doing wheelies etc. So don't pick out the Harley riders.
Point being, yes it is safer to wear a helmet or seatbelt, as a grown man or woman, it should be MY choice to use them, not big brother.