Helmet Laws

Should Helmets be required on a motorcycle?

  • Yes

    Votes: 53 43.4%
  • No

    Votes: 69 56.6%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Just the humble opinion of a non-motorcycle rider (who also has seen his fair share of wrecks and bodies):

Is it a good idea to wear them? Yes....though they aren't always the savior that some would make them out to be. If I rode, would I wear one? You know it. Should the government be obligated to make that decision for me? No....I'm an adult, intelligent enough and care enough about myself (and my loved ones) to make it for myself. I don't need or want Big Brother making decisions for me that I'm quite capable of making on my own.


New member
I find it ironic that those folks on here who "adhere to personal rights" like it is life or death, are the same ones who hunt down insurance trying to find the cheapest ones available and complain it is too expensive.

You can't legislate away dumb. I swear if they said you shouldn't jump out of an airplane at 20,000 feet with no chute....you would run out of tickets on the first jumbo jet flight.

We all know that biking is dangerous, and each time you jump on the bike, it might be your last bike ride. Same with a sled, or go-kart, bungee jump, or balloon ride. Why would you do it without trying to remove as much possibility of death as you can?

No we can't go down thru life and put check marks on everything we do that's dangerous, and congress can enact laws enough to cover all of these things that cost everyone else money when you do them and it kills you. Helmet laws are easy to enforce.

But there are reasonable...REASONABLE...things you can do to try and prevent or lower your chances of death, or worse disability. Helmets are one of those things that fits this description completely. No it won't protect trying to jump 20 cars, or speeding down the interstate at 90 mph in heavy traffic, but then maybe it would...if you feel lucky.

Well do yah punk....do yah feel lucky?? Increase your odds that you can talk about it and explain how "lucky" you were by wearing a helmet.

I ride bike; I sold my bike when the kids came around...stayed off them for 20 years...now the kids are on their own, and I like biking but I wear a helmet...always, full face job (hate the idea of living but looking uglier than I already am) and I stay out of traffic. Yeah, I might meet my maker coming around a curve, or over a hill, but that's the chance I take. I ride snowmobiles the same way....safety first, last and always,....and everyone always has fun. Biking has to be the closest thing to horse and buggy rides...you smell everything you miss riding in a modern car.

If you don't see how the rest of society must pay for your stupidity by making you wear a helmet...then just try and understand that like when you were a kid, and your dad wanged you on the head a few times because you did something wrong....understand...NO means don't do it.

Leave the think'n to those who do it better.

I see a biker rid'n down the road without one...I think to myself...poor slob....he's got nothing to live for...and then I pity him.

Me....got too much stuff on the bucket list to cash it in just yet. Pick'n and choosen....on that list...leaving the most dangerous for last.


Staff member

Take 'er easy. Looks like your emotions are getting the best of you and you might want to step way from this for a bit and cool down.



New member
Well john I made sure I did not use any words that amo-moose did not use in his last post so to single out my post...this thread reads just like the smoking thread from last year.....


Well-known member
I am shocked 44% of the vpeople on this site think they are to stupid to make a life choice with out the Gov telling them it is the right choice very sad.grown ars men that cant make there own dicisions boarderline imbarising for you


New member
I wonder how many of u that voted yes even ride a bike ? Iv rode 4 over 40 yrs & have seen more problems with cars that see u but just because they r bigger than u & have a cell phone in there hand that means they can pull out in front of a bike. I wonder what the yes people would think if u were 30 lbs over weight and had 2 pay more 4 Ur health insurance. I suppose u would like the government 2 make a law that all biker women have 2 where bras. We need 2 give our government alittle more power. I would say wet tube tops on a bike r mandatory.