Tic,tic,tic. I take it you found the noise,bummer. At least its at the end of the season and not during.
I still think the tick is the powervalves. Still ran good tonight... It looks as if it's been this way awhile.
Anybody know the length of the bolt? i've read that some like to use a grade 5 instead of 8 but I don't feel comfortable doing that.
Yeah I've had that happen to me on a ONE WEEK old 2002 EDGE-X 800 up in the Mountains late at night just outside of YELLOWSTONE. Mine broke the adjuster and not the housing instead, had to tow it out and called for taxi service to pick us up.
When the machine shop drilled out the bolt on the lathe, he said it was "soft metal" and that was the factory POLARIS 5/16" bolt.
I ran the stock size 5/16" bolts, drove the sled another 6000+ miles, NO problems!
If you're ripping it apart, drill for the LARGER 3/8" coarse or fine, take your pick.
USE a grade #8 bolt NOTHING LESS!
Bolt length is approx 1", clean the threads w/Brake-clean, use RED Loctite and let dry overnight, torque to specs!
As posted in my TECH TIPS THREAD, place a 12" or so metal rule on the sprockets, shim with 1" I.D. automotive style valve spring shims to align the top + bottom sprockets perfectly!
I'd shop around for a used chain-case housing, they're plentiful and cheap
I'd replace ALL the bearings while apart, the chain-case bearings are #6205 standard at any auto parts store, same bearings are used in your bogey wheels with adapters.
Replace your speedo side bearing too, that's a POLARIS or "ALL BALLS" kit
Hope this helps
Well you are too young to go to the bars anyways.
Good luck Indy.
I don't think I'll need a new housing, the crack is at the top of the case. Could I throw some JB weld on there? or some sort of gasket sealant? The crack ain't that big and it didn't leak before.
I will probably only put on 1500 miles next winter on it, since i got my 700 to put miles on too. I'm sure the bearings will last, and I'll replace them next year, i tear apart my sled every summer so its no big deal.
You just need to get the 700 to the right price and you'll sell it in a heartbeat. Sold mine for $1500 bone stock except for mirrors and front shock covers. Almost 6000 miles. I know yours has some extras, but who wants those stickersj/k
Did you get those stickers?
As kraven said....change the bearings while you have it apart. I don't give a rats azz kid how many miles you may or may not put on. You've gone through all that trouble to take it apart...spend the $$ and put some new spinners in there! STOOPID if u don't. Sorry to be so hard on ya kid! Ditto with the cheap chaincase replacement.
I do have 1 new driveshaft/jackshaft clutch side bearing laying around. I know it sounds like a lot of trouble, but I do this every year to every sled I got. I don't mind tearing it apart. And if it does go out in the middle of the season, it's possible to get the bearings off with them on the sled.