How Do You People Do It in the Northwoods?


New member
I am from Chicago, I love the snow, but it's now mid April and the weather is still cold here and raining almost every day now. I do come on here frequently though to see the camera's up north and all I continue to see is snow still coming down to this day. I am very ready for spring and it should be here in Chicago by now and it's not. And it most certainly looks like the dead of Winter in Northern Minnesota/Wisconsin and the U.P. Aren't you guys tired of snow by now? I mean I think I would be depressed by now if I was living in the U.P. and there being still snow on the ground and lakes still frozen. How do you guys do it? This has to wear on you people in the North. You must be tired of shoveling by now and wet shoes from the snow and scraping ice off your cars and what not. I am just curious to know if it's as bad as it seems to live there year round for the winters. I just dont think I could handle the cold and snow as much as you northerns do. I feel for you guys. I really do!
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New member
I'll take the snow & cold over 9 million people & 500 + deaths, crooked political figures, & nowhere to ride.


Well-known member
LOVE the SNOW! Love to SNOWMOBILE! I do LOVE to ride my Harley but when summer hits I can ride it every day of the week!
Snowmobiling has to be planned sort of!
I live in the Twin Cities "3" of new snow right now BTW", but have to drive up to my Shack in Twin Lakes to ride my sled so it takes a bit of time and money etc...
when its good snow I go! in Dec and half of Jan there was no snow anywhere so when it came I went and went and went!
I hope to ride in May up there and I'm pretty sure it will happen!
Sounds like we might get a foot up in da Yoop today!
I can tell you the locals are sick of it tho!
My neighbor up there stuck a white flag in his 30 foot snow bank surrendering!
it was featured on the local news show even!

Places to put it have ran out and last Sunday when I was leaving there was a local guy trolling at Krupps mart with his frontend loader trying to get hired to move snow for people because a regular snowplow doesn't cut it anymore!
My 100'X30' driveway is so full ya can only park a snowmobile in it anymore! and I LOVE IT!
Last year it all melted in the middle of Feb and never recovered! so I have learned to enjoy it when its here!
I'm pretty sure if you don't like snow you wouldn't ever want to live in the Yoop!
This website was started by John for the love of SNOW and snowmobiling!
The thousands of people each day that visit must like it as well!
It should be motorcycle weather here in the Twin Cities and even warmer in Chicago but just think back to last year when it was in the 80's in March here and Chicago!
I'll take the SNOW!
The cold and rain can go away tho!
Trails are still in great shape up there! Its crazy but true!
Trails have 2 weekends left in them I'll bet! and 3-4 weeks left for boondockin!
I have hopes anyways!
See ya in the woods in May!

Scottiking OUT


Well-known member
j1cousin, I feel for you bud, as posted above, living here beats the hells bells out of anywhere else. We are hearty folks, though with the amount of snow in such a short time frame, even the hearty get weary, but, we will not be broken even though some times it feels like it. We have another round coming our way with another 8-12"+ on the way tonight through Friday. I may not be jumping for joy right now, but, we'll deal with it.:eek:-Mezz Spring-Where, not here.jpg


Active member
Just enjoy what ever Mother Natures throws your way.

I love the snow. The one down side is my driveway. No where left to push snow. If I break out the front loader at this point, its going to be a muddy mess.

I know a resort owner who also has a rental company. (Whitefawn - Hiawatha Rentals)
He is ready for summer! Cracks me up when he is working on getting jet skis and boats ready while it is snowing out. To quote him "This is Stupid! I am over this ****.)


New member
Now don't get me wrong, these past years, the snow just hasn't been there for any of us for good riding. I love the snow as much as any of you guys. I am a bit jealous there is a ton of snow there still and nothing here but rain and dismal temps. I 2 would take snow right now if the weather is going to be like this. This in between stuff sucks. I usually get a ride or 2 in per year in the U.P. and its a blast. The only thing is the trips are very expensive. Snowmobiling is not a cheap sport. But its very fun. But at this point in time I am ready for some warmer temps. I guess I would feel the same way if I lived where you guys do as far as the snow just keeps coming. This is a snowmobilers dream to have this much snow for this long. Almost unheard of now. I am glad you are all good spirited about living up north. All the locals seem to be use to winters like this up there, but in the back of my mind especially being mid april I do wonder if this is beginning to bother them. I have enjoyed reading everyones replies so far!


New member
You are correct on this statement 100% Illinois is as crooked as any state could possibly get. I wouldn't recommend anyone to move here unless they want to pay the highest taxes in the country in Crook County and pay 13 bucks for a pack of cigarettes.

I'll take the snow & cold over 9 million people & 500 + deaths, crooked political figures, & nowhere to ride.


Active member
Better than living in IA

I'll take this spring snow storm over the spring tornado season I lived in 5 years ago!!


New member
Everything is relative. Temps, rain, snow, sunshine, cold, heat.....

While you are running from car to house, to house to car to work to store and it is soooo hot that you can't touch the steering wheel without gloves in July....the big lake cooooools.....yeah, it get hot up there but as soon as the sun goes down and presuming there isn't a south wind, the big lake does it's thing of moderating the temps. Who feels sorry for whom?

You can only take off so many cloths right? In winter....layer up....go for a walk, shovel a load of snow...who needs the fitness gymn you got your straight shovels and long handled shovels and the curved handled shovels and scoops and rakes and power many do yah have in the windy city???

Most places up north you can leave stuff sitting outside where you intend to work again in say a couple hours after running to get johnny at school or suzy at practice....don't do it in the windy city...don't bother to try and go back...all your stuff is GONE!

North of the arctic circle they will be sledding for two more months....what do yah think that they do....go home and drink themselves to death because, "oh,'s snowing out???" They get out in it and enjoy it.

In Florida they grow cockroaches as big as robins and the ground never freezes....they deal with bugs you can't see and bite the living daylights out of you....and you can get sick. So you like tornados do about a few hurrycanes......blowing your stuff around.

You jump on the mower and mow.....twice a week, all summer long and right into december.....folks up north don't bother....they mow "if" they feel like it....and it might snow, so they go over and towel off the sled and go for a ride! Try that in chitown in late may!

Everything is relative isn't it? Everyone gets tired of the cold, and the heat and the rain and the snow....that's why they put tires on a get to roll around and get a dose of whatever you want when you want it and then you go home again.\

Try making a snow angel when it is 45 degrees and raining dirty rain in your yard! Not gunna happen..... but I hope you don't dispair and run in and shoot yourself....put your rubber boots on, and go wade around in the street and spash someone....but be care you could get shot!


New member
I cant wait till the snow melts and i can ride the dirt bikes. Unfortunatly i couldnt afford a sled this year (or it would be a diff. story) and i am burnt out of snowshoeing! I really love it up here, my taxes would make some of you spit your milk back out there so cheap! The only place i might rather be is out west rural mountain area (of course).


Well-known member
I am also a snow nut but I have to admit it can go away any day now. We have some great late season riding still available at the cabin so thats awesome but it can all go away here in the Duluth area. We live with the winters up here so we can enjoy the 70 degree days in the summer by the big lake. Might see 90 degrees 1 or 2 times/yr so no complaints!


New member
When it comes to snow "nuts" I suspect I rank up on the list aways. I would not mind snow year round as long as someone else pays the heat bill. Chicago folks, not sure how you do it????? Your just a number in a hamster cage running the tread mill. Gray skies most all the time without the snow. Millions of others on their own agenda. Reminds me of Sim City. I guess if drugs, crime and the feeling of non exsistence is your thing then a big city such as Detroit, Chicago, Indianapolis is for you. In the north you still are an individual. Let it snow!!


Well-known member
Great topic.
Love snow, I love snowmobiling. But I cannot picture having to move over 200" a year. I can see how that can get pretty old.

I remember one of my first trips to Munising and riding threw downtown neighborhoods, couldn't believe how they can keep there driveways clean when there all so close together.

On a another note, what's a plow driver in UP make? lol Bet they can plow their route blindfolded by end of the year.:D


New member
All the seasons are awesome in the UP but this is the first year since i moved to the here that we have experienced a typical yooper spring. Last year we had 80's by now, this year there are still 4 to 5 foot banks around the house. The wife is ready for flip flops. I love it and wouldnt move back to what i had exprienced in Illinois but i am ready to get some nice weather to do some fishing and 4 wheeling!...
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New member
There is nothing wrong with Iowa as long as you live in the far northeast part of the state. Hills, valleys and the mighty mississippi. Just saying!


Well-known member
Oh by the way it is snowing & blowing like January out there right now. Looks like 2 seasons Winter & next