how many miles so far?


New member
About, 120 in Caddy & 785 in the West UP. = 905.... We are having " handling issues " we either smashed them up or blew them up in 2 trips. We even caught a new 2010 SD rental on fire last week. good thing Marlin @ Timberline is a patient guy. I hope our luck changes, no one got hurt ( but my ribs ).... I'm starting to run the sled cash low too early in the season.
600 miles so far, sucks could have more, nobody wants too
ride, now it too flipping cold, but i have put on 100 miles
the last 5 days, the warmest it has been was 8- below
until today!!!

More on the way tomarrow
gotta love it!!!!


New member
Well I have about 650 on my first trip The big thing is my son and his friend rode two up monday and I rode his phazer 260 miles on Mon and drove back to Minocqua in the truck after the ride boy am i getting old hey


New member
201 miles in SW Mich. Snowed all weekend. Pit stops at the old Dewey's on M140, Keeler Keg, and a place at Sister Lake. Great time!


New member
Silly rabbit the season is not measured in miles. It is measured in sticks or is it stucks. Anyway.

Kidding all. Glad you all are getting out riding and having some fun. That is what is all about.

Just to add to the thread 0 miles so I haven't had a chance to stick it yet. Just a matter of time.