I love Mtn Dew but!



I guess I probably have an addiction to caffeine because when I do not drink it for a day I get a headache sometimes. Today I had my last dew till I see if the article is truthful. Let the headache begin


Well-known member
I used to have the caffiene addiction. A couple of Dews or Coke, maybe a Pepsi every day. I quit cold turkey about 2 years ago. I had a headache for 3 weeks, and one of those weeks it was terrible. Since then I can say that I didn't need the caffiene in the first place. I can function just fine without it, and I think I feel better. Now I will have a Pepsi once in a while, but not to often. I say drop the Dew for good. It will be tough getting through the headache though.


Well-known member
I have a bad diet dew diet Pepsi prob at least 8 a day prob 10 no plans on quiting any time soon.it has been at least a 30yr habit.I think mom was filling the bottle with Rondo when I was a baby.when I was a kid we always had a 4ft stack of pop shop pallets in the basement I can remember every day I was a kid stopping at the store on the way to school for a couple cans of Rondo.I think all the preservitives keep me looking young oh well somthings got to kill ya


New member
I kicked the soda habit a few years ago, and just recently started in on straight black coffee. Believe it or not, I only drink a couple of cups a morning, have lost weight and remain "regular". I really enjoy the morning cup o joe. It's just more natural than soda and there are some real health benefits too.


Well-known member
If you do a little snooping around, I think you'll come to the conclusion that virtually nothing is worse for you than "diet" pop. Artificial sweeteners are just not really food, and do funny things to your metabolism and affect how your body's response to other sweeteners (even if they have no calories). Plus, no one really knows what the long term effects are of those chemicals. I used to drink 4-6 "diet" cokes a day (in addition to coffee in the am). Now I drink just one regular coke a day, the rest water or unsweetened tea. Feel much, much better and weigh less also. I'm not a nutritionist or anything, just feel strongly about artificial sweeteners and about trying to eat natural food.


Guys, do you really have to read an article to know that a can of high fructose corn syrup, water, and caffeine is bad for you?


Well-known member
well so is driving through the deep woods at 25 or 30 mph or buzzing a trail at 60 to 90 or clearing a driveway while ditch banging or high marking at 8000ft but no one is stopping that habit are we.11:30 on can #3


Well-known member

I like diet Dew, usually drink 2 cans a day at work. Don't drink much soda at home but I do like my captain and cokes and not giving those up.


New member
If you are worried about Dew then you should read the ingrediants in ANY soda, regular or diet. They ALL contain chemicals that are bad for you. I drink 3-5 sodas a day, diet usually since regular tastes too sweet to me since I switched. I don't smoke, only drink 1-2 beers or other alcoholic drinks a week, and have never used any illicit substances, so I guess 1 bad habit is ok. No, wait, make that 2 since I am a chocoholic also. LOL


Well-known member
I guess I probably have an addiction to caffeine because when I do not drink it for a day I get a headache sometimes. Today I had my last dew till I see if the article is truthful. Let the headache begin

Nah, don't cold turkey the quit. Ween yourself down. I used to drink a 6 pack a day, I dropped it to 3 cans, then 2, then 1, and then finally none over the course of a month or so. No head aches, no withdrawals, none of that.

I'm not jittery anymore, and don't crave it. I've had a can or bottle on occassion when I have to make a late night drive, and WOW does it keep me up, but then that's it. One and done.


Active member
I have a bad diet dew diet Pepsi prob … when I was a kid we always had a 4ft stack of pop shop pallets in the basement
Oboy can I relate to that! I was hooked on Pepsi for decades, from way back when I was a young sprout and grandpa yoosta keep pallets of Pepsi bottles in da sauna on da farm (no, not in da heat, but in da dry room!).

… Until they introduced Diet Pepsi Jazz, particularly the French Vanilla variant. That product took me to a new level — then they abruptly pulled it off the market!

Problem: After that French Vanilla Jazz experience, I found I no longer like the flavor of "plain ol' Diet Pepsi! From my perspective, they shot themselves in the foot with that experiment, and lost me as a Pepsi-holic! :(
<hr size="2" width="75%">And I know a bit about caffeine withdrawal, too. Back in the day, while working several 14-16 hour days in Generous HoneyBull's software shop, I often knocked off five or more cups of coffee per day. When I got tired of the coffee buzz, I tried switching to decaf. Oh gawd the withdrawal symptoms! Forget that!

As a certified genuine Finn, however, I can not be without my morning coffee¹, typically two 18oz. mugs each morning, but rarely any for the rest of the day. Heck, I was weaned on coffee flavored sweet milk!

By the way, didja know that a "coffee cup" is officially a meager 5 fl. oz. Yeah, right, 'lotta good that'll do! So my morning ration of coffee is approximately equal to 7 "coffee cups". :)

(¹ Click → Finns are the world's most voracious coffee-drinkers.)
… the Finns are the world's most voracious coffee-drinkers. Per-capita consumption here stands at an astonishing 10.5 kilograms (23.1 lbs.) of roasted coffee and 13 kilos (28.6 lbs.) of green coffee a year -- putting the country well ahead of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Holland, Austria, Germany and the United States.
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