Illinois' finest


Thats the Chicago way!

Thats alright, lets see what happens when Chicago is Detroit. It will be sooner than anyone thinks!


New member
The politicians in this state and city are terrible, they are convicted and sent to prison on a regular basis. Unfortunately I live here and have a front row seat to this madness. I sure hope it does not turn into Detroit and I don't think it will, the reason being is that Detroit had all of it's eggs in one basket (auto motive Ind.), Chicago does not. I own here and can't wait until I can get out of here. Don't get me wrong this is a beautiful place to live but I am sick of the taxes and high cost of living. I am sick of working to support the welfare generations that are bleeding this place dry.


New member
If you pay taxes in this state, this then has to make you sick to your stomach.

- - - Updated - - -

The politicians in this state and city are terrible, they are convicted and sent to prison on a regular basis. Unfortunately I live here and have a front row seat to this madness. I sure hope it does not turn into Detroit and I don't think it will, the reason being is that Detroit had all of it's eggs in one basket (auto motive Ind.), Chicago does not. I own here and can't wait until I can get out of here. Don't get me wrong this is a beautiful place to live but I am sick of the taxes and high cost of living. I am sick of working to support the welfare generations that are bleeding this place dry.

but where will you go?


Well-known member
more people moving to TX than any other state.
I think TX should make people pass a litmus test before granting citizenship


New member
My main residence will be in Arizona with a summer residence somewhere out of this city I live in. It sickens me to see the wasteful spending while I go to work everyday and bust my hump. What's worse is I work for the city of Chicago so I really see the nonsense day in and day out. A few more years and adios to this city and county.


New member
I left 15 years ago becuz of the corruption and luckily moved north and slowly got into sledding..lucky for me..i get to ride and read the trib every day and laugh my a off..still get my teams and don't have to feed the politicians are too stupid to steal and I love it(or at least don't get caught!!!)


New member
Believe me when I tell you, Minnesota along with the Twin Cities are being played by the welfare recepients of Chicago. Unfortunately for Minnesota the state does not cross reference the welfare recepients with ours. It is such a short trip up 94 for them and it is worth it to them for free cash. I love snowmobiling but I need to live in a conservative state where the handouts are limited. I am glad you got to get out of here and spend your hard earned money where it goes further. If you read the trib then you get a good laugh every morning.


Chicagosledder, what makes Chicago so much more diversified than Detroit? Everyone keeps saying that all Detroit was auto, but it wasn't auto that put the nail in the coffin. It was unfunded liabilites. Chicago is now facing another 600 billion on top of the 300 billion of unfunded pensions and liabilities, if the state makes Chicago own that. Then what, history repeats itself, a mass exit of the city because Mayor Emmanual will do everything possible to raise that money. You think your taxes are high now, wait till they boost your property taxes 60%, and raise ever fee imaginable. Parking will go from $25 to $50 bucks and the hotel tax, entertainment tax, and probably will introduce a bicycle tax, via registration.

What killed Detroit is when people said enough is enough and left for the burbs and took all their money with them.

Its going to be interesting to see if the state is going to make the city pay that 600 billion, because the state itself is screwed with its own ridiculous unfunded liabilities. Were racing California to the bottom!


Well-known member
tap that map to enlarge and see where your money is going Dan.
BTW the DFL got a court order to make the GOP remove this sign at the state fair welfaremn2 MN map.jpg yeah back when u still had to show up to get a check greyhound ran 10 extra busses a day the 31st to the 2nd from Chicago to Minneapolis.
and believe me dan U are being ripped off just like in chi town
MN elections are becoming worse than Chicago Mark Richie is seeing to that and KARE and WCCO star&trib etc etc etc are running cover


New member
Chicagosledder, what makes Chicago so much more diversified than Detroit? Everyone keeps saying that all Detroit was auto, but it wasn't auto that put the nail in the coffin. It was unfunded liabilites. Chicago is now facing another 600 billion on top of the 300 billion of unfunded pensions and liabilities, if the state makes Chicago own that. Then what, history repeats itself, a mass exit of the city because Mayor Emmanual will do everything possible to raise that money. You think your taxes are high now, wait till they boost your property taxes 60%, and raise ever fee imaginable. Parking will go from $25 to $50 bucks and the hotel tax, entertainment tax, and probably will introduce a bicycle tax, via registration.

What killed Detroit is when people said enough is enough and left for the burbs and took all their money with them.

Its going to be interesting to see if the state is going to make the city pay that 600 billion, because the state itself is screwed with its own ridiculous unfunded liabilities. Were racing California to the bottom!

This thought always is in the back of my head and I certainly hope you are wrong. The polticians continue to play the underfunded pension song as the budget problem. Let me tell you this if the Daley and Madigan dynasties weren't using them as their personal bank accounts and were contributing when they were supposed to instead of borrowing from them they wouldn't be underfunded like they are. I don't know what the answers are, what I do know is the Feds lock them up and it does not seem to slow the corruption down one bit, heck we have one Alderman who has been convicted twice and is awaiting sentencing AGAIN. By the way the don't even get me started on the parking fees, Daley screwed everybody on this one when he sold the meters to a private company. If you pay $50 to park overnight at a hotel you're getting off easy. I never go downtown and spend my money, I travel 5 minutes away to the suburb of Rosemont where you get everything the city has without the congestion and high fees. The bottom line is I hope you are wrong when comparing Chicago to Detroit, I would hate to see it go this route in the future.

On another note keep doing the snowdance up there in the U.P., we leave Thursday for Houghton.


Well-known member
and probably will introduce a bicycle tax, via registration.


I hope all states do this soon I am sick and tired of bikers getting off scot free.
they insist on road redesigns new paths new laws getting sled trails closed .
not 1 thin dime PAY UP.
my first ticket in my life was in 2nd grade I got a ticket on my way to school for not having my Minneapolis bike tab. then they quit. has to be the only tax in the history of government they stopped assessing.
U can argue till u are blue in the face with me on this U are wrong if u think bikes should not have to pay to use roads and trails.


New member
chicago politics= Obama.....thanks Chi town for that...the only place he could lie,cheat and steal his way to top......


Ezra....your absolutely right! No argumnet here brother! My taxes went up just for that very thing........we need bike lanes to make everyone safer when sharing the road. Give me a break! Thats why I mountain bike, no need to maintain anything, actually, crapper the trail the better!

Even with mountain biking, the "enviromentalist" are having a conniption fit! Your ruining the land with your 2" wide tires! Freaks!


Well-known member
Lets put it this way, if the pension problem was such a big issue (which it is) then why did the pension reform EXCLUDE politicians and judges?


New member
ez-chi..I never heard of that..its hard to read the graph but it sounds like you are saying we just hand out the welfare even if u don't live here? I knew mn was liberal but that's even dumber than governers going to jail..good thing im self employed and pay very little tax..just heard this morning new hikes will push over 50%..make 2 give one to the free spenders and the entitlers


New member
and probably will introduce a bicycle tax, via registration.

....... U can argue till u are blue in the face with me on this U are wrong if u think bikes should not have to pay to use roads and trails.[/QUOTE]

You miss the point. We are taxed to death. What is next walkin tax.....lounge chair tax? Our forefathers are turning in their graves. Make a tea tax revolt seem like child-play. We need another revolt.


New member
ez-chi..I never heard of that..its hard to read the graph but it sounds like you are saying we just hand out the welfare even if u don't live here? I knew mn was liberal but that's even dumber than governers going to jail..good thing im self employed and pay very little tax..just heard this morning new hikes will push over 50%..make 2 give one to the free spenders and the entitlers

yep thats what he is saying....not a big secret!!!The Graph is nuts seeing where my money is spent...Their been news reports about parole officers in Chicago telling their newly released to head to Mn as we don't have 3 strikes and the welfare is much better......they lol all the way across 94.......

alot crimes you read about in paper are usually a transplant from Chi town......


New member
I know that happens for a fact with the welfare plain and simple. Im in the Law Enforcment field and I have spoken to a ton of recepients who boast about it and laugh it up. And like Firecat said they are laughing all the way up 94 to pick up there check. I also agree that we are being taxed to death, that is one thing you don't have to tell me. If I told you what I pay in property taxes you'd have a grabber in front of the computer. It sickens me to know this, but I realize the workers are being replaced by the voters. And unfortunately with the voters where I live they are not workers. If you don't believe me Google the name Willie Lloyd and see where he is living. He was the leader of a street gang here in thecity and was shot. He was on Gangland on the History channel. Believe me he is on the MN. welfare.