Is Everyone An Expert?


New member
i am an expert on how not to do things and i live by my example.i am still going to the school of hard knocks but i'll be damned if i'll admit that my folks were right.


i know a little about a lot and a lot about nothing.

hence why you see me ask more questions than anything on these boards. :D


New member
All the wisdom here is belittling!!! I used to think I was pretty smart....not so much now. Aw Crap!!!:confused:

Snow dance anyone?????


Well-known member
I also think age has something to do with it as well. When I was 20, I knew everything. When I turned 30 I started to question my all encompassing knowledge. By the time I turned 40 I started to realize how dumb I really was, and now that I'm only months away from turning 50 I am truly frightened by the fact that I'm pretty sure I don't know anything.

I too can totally relate to you & what a number of others have stated here. I believe age does have something to do with it. I am literally 1 week away from the big 50 & it doesn't sit too well. Though I know this too will pass, I think?!! LOL...-Mezz


When our group was young - mid 20's - we used to go out to Wisc for a week to ride. We would see the older folks - you know, the 40 plus guys - and wonder how on earth they could possibly be having any fun at that advanced age. Well, now we are all 50 plus and sledding is still something we all look forward to. It looks like there are a lot of folks like that on this site. Many of us have been there and done that and much of the advice that we submit is from experience rather than divine intelligence. Snowmobiling is better than a lot of other 'sports' for the simple reason that you can do it in some fashion for just about your whole life. I hope to be 90 on some monster Yammi riding in Wisc in another 38 years. Probably with a slow moving vehicle triangle on my back.


Active member
I have a 12 year old son that seems to think I know everything so he quiz's me on everything, I've had 2 answers that were only partly right so he say's I'm at 99.8%, I'm thinking it won't be long until I'm only .2% right becuase my 20 year old and my 16 year already know that.


New member
This was a point I was trying to make on the other site. Not everyone rides the same way. All the young bucks squeeze their flippers after every stop sign and tear the crap out of the trail. They are also never happy with what they purchased and are in constant search to make their machines faster. When I read sled magazines they tell you not to buy a sled with your ego and I agree. Anyone especially an ole goat with alot of saddle time will give many young ones a run for their money!!!!!!
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Active member
So for anyone that feels like an old fart or just wants to give those words of wisdom....let's here them.

I listed mine above.


Well-known member
This was a point I was trying to make on the other site. Not everyone rides the same way. All the young bucks sqeeze their flippers after every stop sign and tear the crap out of the trail. They are also never happy with what they purchased and are in constant search to make their machines faster. When I read sled magazines they tell you not to buy a sled with your ego and I agree. Anyone especially an ole goat with alot of saddle time will give many young ones a run for their money!!!!!!

95% of the young bucks sqeeze their flippers after every stop sign and tear the crap out of the trail.

There, i fixed it for you :)


New member
95% of the young bucks sqeeze their flippers after every stop sign and tear the crap out of the trail.

There, i fixed it for you :)

Indy, it is squeeze. always a "U after a Q". I have to admit I have reached old guy status at 50. Been a hard core enthusiast for 38 years. Plan to go another 38.


New member
I also think age has something to do with it as well. When I was 20, I knew everything. When I turned 30 I started to question my all encompassing knowledge. By the time I turned 40 I started to realize how dumb I really was, and now that I'm only months away from turning 50 I am truly frightened by the fact that I'm pretty sure I don't know anything.

Similar story: In my teens & early 20's I knew everything, you couldn't tell me anything because I already knew it ( ASK my DAD ). In my late 20's to early 30's ... I was even smarter than before and considered myself quite formidable, In my late 30's .... a shred of doubt had arose ???? Early 40's a sense of humility had been established, and at my late 40's ( current ) a light had turned on !!! and while following the " Road To The School Of Hard Knocks " realized.... what an asre I have been thru most of my life ! Stunning revelation , I may add. I have been trying to make amends ( karma ) for a while now. Funny how the world doesn't revolve around me. I went from telling my parents everything, to, asking what do you think about this, to , what would you do ????? The older I get the less I know..... for sure ! I would rather have wisdom than be smart, health over money, family over friends, and above all... BE THANKFUL for all that I DON'T have.


New member
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt.
Hey, wait a minute! What if I proclaim to be a fool and know, I know nothing?
Hence the screen name :D
Oh maybe I should have not spoke up. I could have kept everyone just thinking I was a fool. Too late now you know.


The older guys are so modest. They have forgot more than the young have seen. The best way to learn is to shut up and listen! I've kept that attitude through my career and it unbelievable what others will be willing to try to teach ya.


New member
I guess I am very lucky!!

At 35, I have been riding with a group of about 8 to 12 guys for almost 10 years now. Two of us now are 35 and the rest range in age from 40 to 72 and I can tell you for a fact that the knowledge I have gained from these older guys about snowmobiling is not measurable!! Whether on trail or off. Riding sitting down or standing. I would not be as good a rider as I am without their advise and knowledge.
I have ridden tens of thousands of miles with these guys and I can say it has been done in relative safety due to the experience of the group. I have a 3 season old machine with almost 13000 miles on to prove it..


New member

anyone can be a know it all, but it takes a special person to know it all and know all the questions!

i just ask my wife or the daughters (now 27 &32)but now they come back to the old man for some answers. At 60 i have wisdom not beauty, but i tell my better half ::::::i am still her hunk of burning love::::meathead