John I'm a little Disappointed..................


New member
I love the people that say it's the union pay that has taken everything down, but yet you'd be standin right there in line at the bank waiting to get your money, if they paid you the same! You don't even have a clue as to what the unions have done for the working person in this country. Your just mad you didn't get your foot in the door to a better paying job. I just hope it's not too late to repair the damage done too our country from the greed of the upper management.

So typical of a union worker. Blame the non-union management!!!
I've worked the line at a union tear 1 supplier. I also moved into non-union management at the same company. Now I am in sales in a completely different industry and looking back, there is a number of reasons the auto industry is in the toilet. Union wages being part of it. Better yet maybe it wouldn't have anything to do with the wages if some of the union workers would realize what they HAD and didn't take advantage of the system. Give an honest days work for your $85,000/ year instead of going and sitting on the roof playing cards and getting high!!!


My 06 Pilot was manufactured in Alabama with 80% domestic parts. I am happy I helped the profits of those many domestic part makers and the employees of the plant that built the vehicle. I also realize some profits went to folks in Japan. My other vehicle is a Ford. Not sure of the domestic part content of the Ford but that was built in the USA also. My Pilot has been absolutely trouble free for 84,000 miles. The most reliable virtually trouble free I have owned vehicle was a 98 Dodge Grand Caravan. The tranny finally went in the Caravan at 195,000 miles. Not bad. The Pilot may give the Caravan a run for it's money regarding reliability.

John - You made a wise purchase.
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What is American? Im confused too...Honda has a plant in Anna, Ohio that is within an hour of me. They also have a plant in Marysville that is roughly an hour a way from me. Ford has a plant in Lima 15 minutes away and General Motors has a plant 45 minutes away. I have friends and know people who work in all four of these places. I also know people who work in factories that do work for some of these mentioned. It don't really matter to me where someone wants to buy a vehicle.

I do have a problem with what one guy I know that works for GM. He tells me last year when GM was going bankrupt "What is wrong with a guy making 60,000-80,000 dollars." I guess it's hard for me to understand when I have a masters degree plus 2 years of college credit on top of this and I get paid $52,000. His highest level of education was high school.


So typical of a union worker. Blame the non-union management!!!
I've worked the line at a union tear 1 supplier. I also moved into non-union management at the same company. Now I am in sales in a completely different industry and looking back, there is a number of reasons the auto industry is in the toilet. Union wages being part of it. Better yet maybe it wouldn't have anything to do with the wages if some of the union workers would realize what they HAD and didn't take advantage of the system. Give an honest days work for your $85,000/ year instead of going and sitting on the roof playing cards and getting high!!!

I am a union electrician and couldn't agree more. While it's not the union's fault for the situation they do play into it. My wife's aunt and her husband both worked for Ford in Virgina Beach. Her aunt was a milwright and her husband was a janitor. They both would go into work for overtime on Saturday and Sunday and come back home one or two hours later and spend the rest of the day with us while being paid. Her aunt had a radio so if worked called she could respond, but she and the other workers had a system where if called for a maintenace issue one of the other workers would cover for her. She used the radio to respond and act like she was in the plant but unable to man the call. This happened every time we visited her. I asked how she could get away with it and she said they do it all the time. They do this every day to go shopping, to the bank, or whatever things they need to do.

Her husband the janitor, would go into work on the weekends and come home too. I asked him how he could get to come home yet get paid. He said he and the union president, also a janitor, were scheduled to clean part of a building that had been torn down over THREE YEARS AGO!!!!!!!! It's still on their work schedule, and he said it's management's responsibility to schedule work load and man hours.

They had a combo tv/dvd television at work in the locker so they could watch tv together while at work on the clock!

He has since retired, after being off work for almost a year due to carpal tunel surgeries that of course Ford paid for. And paid his wages while off.

She has since retired too. After being off work on disability for almost two year due to accidents falling off her horses she has. All six of her horses. These same six horses she cared for while being on disability. Ford finally gave in and let her take a disability retirement. None of which was work related.

They both still compain that Ford wanted to pull the F150 line from there and move it to Mexico. The union stepped in and was able to save the line through contract negoiations. Which is a big boost to the economy in Virginia Beach and the local Walmart her aunt and uncle loves to shop at!


My wifes other uncle got a job at Chrysler in Ohio at age of 55 working on the PT Cruiser line. Several years later he was offered an apprenticeship opportunity by the union president! This was a four or five year apprenticeship for a man that was 57 or 58 years old!!!! He wasnt sure of taking it due to his age and being close to retirement but the union president convienced him, and told him it would be easier on him as his work hours would be reduced and he would be paid to go to school. This is how the union takes care of their older employees. My uncle-in-law took the apprenticeship and had this easy work schedule for several years until he unfortunately had a heart attack. He went on disability for a little while and went back to work. He then took a voluntary lay offs at 85 or 90% pay for the next couple of years. He unfortunately had a stroke and took a disability retirement.

There are two sides to my examples. One, being the union is stealing money on workers not at the plant or doing work. Two, the union is wasting money and apprenticeship opportunities for workers that are close to retirement and will not benefit the company. Three, the union takes advantage of big business and waste company benefits and uses many loopholes for themself.

The other side is the auto companies are big and there is a lot of waste and oversight. Management is not picking up on things. Some things, like benefits, they cannot do anything about. But it is still wastefull.

My point is both sides are at fault. Both sides must work together and look out for one another. They must make changes and realize it's not a battle against one another. I honestly do not think the union nor the companies are willing to give in and work together. We will see what happens.
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New member
I think this thread has run its course. All of this pro-union / anti-union talk has me getting riled up. Personally, I don't care what anybody drives/buys. I am a union member, but not UAW. Unions protect the lazy, and impede the true workers. I joined the union only because it was necessary at my dealership. If John Dee buys a Honda, I say...more power to him. If anybody else buys a Chevy, Ford, or Chrysler product, I hope they are happy with their purchase. THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS.


New member
Anybody remember an event called 'Bubbas Honda Drop' was in Millwaukee many years back. They had a big crane that dropped honda motorcycles from 50 feet in the air smashing them into the earth. They prolly still ran.LOL.

I find it pretty odd that this thread was started, someone must lurk around corners to see what kind of vehicles people are buying. Get a life and stop bashing what people are buying. Maybe you should set up a picket line at WalMart.

Oh and I am a union member but I dont get my union breaks dang it.


New member
Change the subject, Ford, CHEVY, CHRY ,HONDA! When you put a gallon of gas in where does the money go? Anybody got a breakdown?


New member
Change the subject, Ford, CHEVY, CHRY ,HONDA! When you put a gallon of gas in where does the money go? Anybody got a breakdown?
yep this is how i break it down or break it up


New member
I think this thread has run its course. All of this pro-union / anti-union talk has me getting riled up. Personally, I don't care what anybody drives/buys. I am a union member, but not UAW. Unions protect the lazy, and impede the true workers. I joined the union only because it was necessary at my dealership. If John Dee buys a Honda, I say...more power to him. If anybody else buys a Chevy, Ford, or Chrysler product, I hope they are happy with their purchase. THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS.

Very well said!! Merry Christmas everybody!!! Lets get out and ride this winter!!!!