John I'm a little Disappointed..................


Active member
Enough Already!

I can't believe this thread has gotten to this point. John made a decision that HE felt was best for him and his family. Who are we to question it? We have all been brought into his life thanks to his willingness to let himself and his family live in a glass house. I guess only those of us who have been a part of it for many years can truely respect all of the things he has done for, not only this site and it's members, but the community he now calls home. I am quite certain his decision to purchase, not only this vehicle, but everything else in his life was in no way meant to offend ANYBODY, but only provide the best for his family. Nobody on this site is in any position to question the things he does in his personal life. We should only be thankful that he welcomes us into his life and provides all of us with this great resource to share our experiences and knowledge with others who truely enjoy, and share a compassion for, the great sport of snowmobiling and all things related!

Keep up the good work John!



New member
I can't believe this thread has gotten to this point. John made a decision that HE felt was best for him and his family. Who are we to question it? We have all been brought into his life thanks to his willingness to let himself and his family live in a glass house. I guess only those of us who have been a part of it for many years can truely respect all of the things he has done for, not only this site and it's members, but the community he now calls home. I am quite certain his decision to purchase, not only this vehicle, but everything else in his life was in no way meant to offend ANYBODY, but only provide the best for his family. Nobody on this site is in any position to question the things he does in his personal life. We should only be thankful that he welcomes us into his life and provides all of us with this great resource to share our experiences and knowledge with others who truely enjoy, and share a compassion for, the great sport of snowmobiling and all things related!

Keep up the good work John!

Could not have said it better myself!


New member
Hey you yeah YOU see that dead horse over there, go on I know you want to hit it that's right beat that dead horse!!


New member
I read the last 6 pages of post and was shocked..... shocked by the "Idea" that saving America is buying a car made in America. It has been drilled in our heads that for some strange reason the entire country depends on us buying a new car. There was a time in our past when "ranchers" were the heart of America. There was a time when the "farmers" were the heart of America.

The Truth is that it is the "people" and not the industry that is the heart of America. My wife and I chose to buy older cars and trucks. You know the ones with over 100,000 miles on them. Its our choice. We chose to spend our money that way. We chose to save interest by paying cash. Again our choice. We chose to put PLPD insurance and not full coverage to save money that can be spent else where.

The point I am trying to make is that we as a people need to refrain from the "Idea" that we must buy from the Ford, GM, or Chrysler to be "good Americans" From what we save in cost of a new car we can spend at Mom & Pop's diner, store, gas station, gift shop, hotel.....

I have 23 years in Manufacturing and 22 of them have been auto related. I have never had a union job. I have always earned a fair wage and decent benefits. In 2003 I made the choice to leave the auto industry and move to a tech field. Again my choice.

That is what America is about.... its about "Choice" Its about "Freedom".

If you were able to read this, thank a Teacher
If you read it in English, Thank Marine!
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Well-known member
Skidooking and the others who are railing against the union, get off the "bash the UAW train", it's getting old and your ramblings can't be supported with facts.

As for the Big 3 being irrelevant in Michigan and elsewhere, tell that to the cities and towns that depend on their workers for income and tax revenue, not to mention all of the northern Michigan towns that rely on tourism and property taxes. Because of the tremendous growth of the auto industry over the past thirty years, places like Gaylord and Traverse City have grown leaps and bounds due to the influx of tourism and second home ownership. Who do you people think they are, out of staters? As for American built, no car is 100 % American built. I get that. While I would never own a foriegn automakers vehicles, I understand that the Pilot is built here in the US and therefore technically "Built in the USA", by a transplant.

My complaint isn't with the Honda purchase, it's about buying from your neighbors. When I go to the Keweenaw, I shop local, my sled and four wheelers came from KMS. I shop at Ace hardware and Pat's IGA, not at Walmart (who puts too many Mom and Pop's out of business) Because John lives there, I would think he would shop "local" first. If his neighbors are working, he works. It seems to me that there are a lot of ads for "local' stuff on this site and I would have expected that he do the same.

And yes, I am a third generation UAW employee. And we are not as "stoopid" as some of you may think. Many of the people I work with have college degrees.

Come on biggdave you want us to think you don't buy from Walmart where your neighbors WORK?!! You buy from Ma & Pa where your neighbors WORK!! What is the difference same products some have Ace names ....some have Walmart names? Or do you stay away from Subway where you your neighbors WORK because they are in the Walmart but ok to support Subway if they are in town & owned by Ma & Pa where you your neighbors WORK? How big is your neighborhood? Mine is very large 45 miles 90 miles RT Phelps to Rhinelander to get all the things I need from Walmart & Ma & Pa. You better think this out a bit more you can't see the forest thru the trees. :>)


Ok, so I'm drinking again tonight and have read every post, seems to be a little fact and fiction. The bottom line, live your life the way you want, you only get one shot at it so enjoy it. Your freinds and family are your true riches, in addition to the wonderful earth God gave us. You can waste your time bitching or you can live everyday like its your last. In the end I hope your freinds and family will say " man am I gonna miss (your name) what a good time we had. I wish each and everyone of you a Merry Christmas, be safe, and God bless each and everyone of you.

P.S. have you guys ever tried this Bud light lime, Wow do I like it..


New member
Ok, so I'm drinking again tonight and have read every post, seems to be a little fact and fiction. The bottom line, live your life the way you want, you only get one shot at it so enjoy it. Your freinds and family are your true riches, in addition to the wonderful earth God gave us. You can waste your time bitching or you can live everyday like its your last. In the end I hope your freinds and family will say " man am I gonna miss (your name) what a good time we had. I wish each and everyone of you a Merry Christmas, be safe, and God bless each and everyone of you.

P.S. have you guys ever tried this Bud light lime, Wow do I like it..

I agree 100% with you on this! I understand that this is an open discussion board and we do have the FREEDOM of speech in the USA. However, I was raised that if you do not have anything positive to say then it is best to not say anything at all.

P.S. I also like the Bud Light Lime!

Peace and Goodnight-


New member
.....yep last i remember


New member
I would figure out a way to make it burn three quarts every oil change. pull an oil line suck it out of the breather but just make sure that you pull out one quart. How long is the warrenty for 36000

Yup, warrenty is only good for 36000 miles. I decided to sell it and start to shop around to see who has the best product and the best customer service


New member
I would think John has done more to help generate revenue for the people of Michigan, the Yoop and the Keweenaw than buying 100 "American" vehicles. Honda's rule btw.


New member
I think instead of one American telling other Americans how to live their lives I would be a lot more concerned about the present state of the economy , my health,my family,my wallet,my real estate,my portfolio and do whats best for me and my family no matter what anybody tells you!! I'am sure John and Nora thought about a Beamer,VW,AUDI, a LEXUS or even a VOLVO,or SAAB but bought the best one to fit their wallet,not their niebours. mattus said he was only A LITTLE disapointed. Everybody have a MERRY CHRISTMAS and enjoy your new ride !! UBEE


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New member
OK people
here is my 2 cents worth, american made means nothing, it is what money stays in this country, you buy 1 of the big 3 the money stays here! not sent over sea's. Now now buy what you may, but follow the money, that's what matters! And as for saying who has the right to tell another american how to live there life,it's called Freedom of speech, you don't have to listen to them but it is there right