John I'm a little Disappointed..................


New member
Level playing field?

Sorry people.....that playing field will NEVER be level. Get over it. There are always people
willing to work harder, cheaper, and more willing....and in most cases for even better quaility, better efficiency.
Everytime I hear someone say "level the playing field" I think of USSR, Venezuella, the NORKS. We are now reaping the great rewards of that level playing field today. Look around you. We now have politicians telling us how to live, where to live, what to drive. Soon it wont be long before they will tell sledders that we are destroying the evironment and forrests.

Sorry, too much coffee today.


New member
I myself am a former employee of Delphi (Formerly GM...Now GM again, just not called GM wth??) My dad worked for GM/Delphi for 40 years before retiring. He was always the kind to buy a new vehicle every 2-3 years...and you could bet your life it would be a Chevy. After this big bankruptcy deal my dad has now lost all his healthcare, as well as his retirement. He even lost the portion that was set aside specifically for him above and beyond the normal pension. He is a cancer surivivor so not having healthcare is NOT an option...Pretty costly and difficult for a man his age to find healthcare. Too young for Medicare, but he has to watch getting a job with healthcare available...if you make too much you have to pay back 1 for every 2 you make to Social Security. Such a catch 22. Kills me to see him having to deal with this when he was such a dedicated employee.

You can bet his next vechicle will NOT be a chevy... We are expected to be so loyal to our American suppliers, but they have no problem forgetting about us. Everyone needs to do what is best for themselves. Congrats on your new purchase John!

Ok, I'll get off my soap box now.


New member
American content

below is the american content (parts built in the usa) of the top 9 vehicles. So needless to say it is supporting the american economy!!!

Ford F-150: 80% domestic content, down from 90% for '07
Chevrolet Silverado 1500: 85% for '08, down from 90% for '07
Toyota Camry/Solara: 68% for '08, down from 78% for '07
Honda Accord: 60% for '08, down from 65% for '07
Toyota Corolla: 50% for '09, down from 65% for '08
Toyota Matrix: 65% for '09, down from 75% for '08
Dodge Ram: 68% for '08, down from 72% for '07
Honda Pilot: 70% for '09, same as '08
Honda Civic: 70% for '08, up from 55% for '07


New member
My only response is that Nora and I purchased the vehicle we did because it best fit our families needs, not the UAW or GM or Ford or Chrysler. I am sorry that it disappointed so many of you, you certainly have that right.

But as long as we are on the topic of what is American and what is not, can someone please tell me what is American about telling another American how to live their life?

My only request is that we keep this thread civil. So far so good.


Well said!! This whole argument of cars made in America is stupid. The vehicle you bought is built in America of mostly parts made in America! If you look at the sticker in the car window there will be a north American content percentage rating. Several Honda's and Toyota's have higher North American content personages then any of the comparable big 3 offerings.
The big 3 are in the shape they are in partly due to the UAW (U Ain't Workin). Go try telling all the Americans making good wages and having good health care that are building these Honda's and Toyota's that they are not made in the USA. See where that gets ya!!
The billions and billions that these foreign company's are dumping into the US economy thru wages, taxes, utilities, suppliers and so on!!! We should be happy they are here.....
Just my $.02....


New member
07 Sierra

Ok, in November 2007 I bought a brand new GMC Sierra, crew cab, fully loaded with a dvd player. I have always bought GM products since I have family that works there. Fast forward to August 2009. My truck started to consume oil at a rate of 2 quarts every oil change (3000 miles religiously and have records to prove it), and it only had 31,000 miles on it. Wholy crap right? Wrong. I took my truck to the dealership, they say I have to do a oil cumsumption test and the test confirmed I was consuming oil, still wholy crap right? WRONG. The warranty center came back and said that at the rate my truck is consuming oil is still within the specs of their oil consumption rate. I stayed calm and very professional and went up the ladder and up the ladder and up the ladder, everyone said the same thing. They even referred me to a service bulletin they put out in January 2009 which stated if a GM vehicle consumes oil at a rate of .97 quarts every 1000 miles the dealership is to do nothing and this is within GM specs. I have never ever owned a vehicle that consumed oil. The sad thing is their is nothing I can do. I went to the very end of the ladder and all they say is to keep adding oil because my truck is consuming oil at a acceptable rate. I still feel no new vehicles should consume oil, but GM says I'm wrong. The other thing that bothers me is that they wont even look at my engine to make sure their is nothing wrong, won't even take a simple peak at it.

What is a man to do? All I know is a smart consumer should shop around, do their homework and buy the best product available to them and if its a foriegn vehicle then so be it. I work to hard for my money to have this happen to me and get this type of customer service.


Well said!! This whole argument of cars made in America is stupid. The vehicle you bought is built in America of mostly parts made in America! If you look at the sticker in the car window there will be a north American content percentage rating. Several Honda's and Toyota's have higher North American content personages then any of the comparable big 3 offerings.
The big 3 are in the shape they are in partly due to the UAW (U Ain't Workin). Go try telling all the Americans making good wages and having good health care that are building these Honda's and Toyota's that they are not made in the USA. See where that gets ya!!
The billions and billions that these foreign company's are dumping into the US economy thru wages, taxes, utilities, suppliers and so on!!! We should be happy they are here.....
Just my $.02....

I couldn't agree more. Those manufacturers are investing in America and generating incomes and taxes for American workers...while Ford, Chevy, Dodge cant get out of the country fast enough! If the UAW didnt keep them here through their negotiations they would of been completely gone many years ago. Looks like they may get their go away that is.


k9dep- holy crap that is alot of oil consumption to be cosidered normal. I have never had a new vehicle consume any oil. I guess on the bright side, with that amount of oil consumption you should never have to take your vehicle in for an oil change. It is always new oil!


You people that buy honda toyota ... and send are money to the japan i guess you still dont get it... thats why are country is the way it is Broke!!! sad deal people
Ok, in November 2007 I bought a brand new GMC Sierra, crew cab, fully loaded with a dvd player. I have always bought GM products since I have family that works there. Fast forward to August 2009. My truck started to consume oil at a rate of 2 quarts every oil change (3000 miles religiously and have records to prove it), and it only had 31,000 miles on it. Wholy crap right? Wrong. I took my truck to the dealership, they say I have to do a oil cumsumption test and the test confirmed I was consuming oil, still wholy crap right? WRONG. The warranty center came back and said that at the rate my truck is consuming oil is still within the specs of their oil consumption rate. I stayed calm and very professional and went up the ladder and up the ladder and up the ladder, everyone said the same thing. They even referred me to a service bulletin they put out in January 2009 which stated if a GM vehicle consumes oil at a rate of .97 quarts every 1000 miles the dealership is to do nothing and this is within GM specs. I have never ever owned a vehicle that consumed oil. The sad thing is their is nothing I can do. I went to the very end of the ladder and all they say is to keep adding oil because my truck is consuming oil at a acceptable rate. I still feel no new vehicles should consume oil, but GM says I'm wrong. The other thing that bothers me is that they wont even look at my engine to make sure their is nothing wrong, won't even take a simple peak at it.

What is a man to do? All I know is a smart consumer should shop around, do their homework and buy the best product available to them and if its a foriegn vehicle then so be it. I work to hard for my money to have this happen to me and get this type of customer service.

I would figure out a way to make it burn three quarts every oil change. pull an oil line suck it out of the breather but just make sure that you pull out one quart. How long is the warrenty for 36000


New member

The big three paid $61.50/hr to the guy pushing the broom down the aisles, that’s is part of the reason why the auto industry is upside down. I have owned 2 Honda's over the last 30 years and I would have to say I would have bought American but I would have had to purchase 4 cars to last as long as the Honda's did. The big 3 have to be able to compete but can't because of the wages UAW dictates. Gee I wish I could of had a job pushing a broom for 61.50/hr. I would be pi$$ed that I was out of a job now too! John, the Pilot had the best Consumer report for a SUV in 2008 and it was top 3 in 2009 for families. Try driving that Chevy Tahoe for 265,000 miles in the UP. Not going to happen, thank god they use sand!


New member
My dad was born in 1916, he fought in WW11, and would never buy anything not american made. I think that in his era, vehicles stamped with "made in America" were just that. My thinking is that the rules have changed and I think that if he were still alive, he too would take a second look at the domestic vs. foreign issue. He was always looking for the best value when it came to spending his money, because his money was earned by hard work and long hours.

What do I drive? A Ford Edge; why? Sister-in-law works for Ford! Also own a '01 Suburban, several Dodges and son has a pontiac. Would I drive foreign? Not really sure, live in a very rural area and dealership/parts/warranty is usually top in any decision that we make, be it personal vehicles or work equipment.

Just my rambling thoughts, now I will go and make cookies like a good wife/mother!


New member
The big three paid $61.50/hr to the guy pushing the broom down the aisles, that’s is part of the reason why the auto industry is upside down. I have owned 2 Honda's over the last 30 years and I would have to say I would have bought American but I would have had to purchase 4 cars to last as long as the Honda's did. The big 3 have to be able to compete but can't because of the wages UAW dictates. Gee I wish I could of had a job pushing a broom for 61.50/hr. I would be pi$$ed that I was out of a job now too! John, the Pilot had the best Consumer report for a SUV in 2008 and it was top 3 in 2009 for families. Try driving that Chevy Tahoe for 265,000 miles in the UP. Not going to happen, thank god they use sand!

I dont think they paid the guy pushing the broom $127,920 a year. Id believe 16.50 an hour but not 61.50


Active member
I love the people that say it's the union pay that has taken everything down, but yet you'd be standin right there in line at the bank waiting to get your money, if they paid you the same! You don't even have a clue as to what the unions have done for the working person in this country. Your just mad you didn't get your foot in the door to a better paying job. I just hope it's not too late to repair the damage done too our country from the greed of the upper management.


New member
Im just going to throw this out there!!most the peeps i see on here saying "BUY AMERICAN" look at there photos and their on a SKIDOO or YAMAHA??wth?
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New member

Skidooking and the others who are railing against the union, get off the "bash the UAW train", it's getting old and your ramblings can't be supported with facts.

As for the Big 3 being irrelevant in Michigan and elsewhere, tell that to the cities and towns that depend on their workers for income and tax revenue, not to mention all of the northern Michigan towns that rely on tourism and property taxes. Because of the tremendous growth of the auto industry over the past thirty years, places like Gaylord and Traverse City have grown leaps and bounds due to the influx of tourism and second home ownership. Who do you people think they are, out of staters? As for American built, no car is 100 % American built. I get that. While I would never own a foriegn automakers vehicles, I understand that the Pilot is built here in the US and therefore technically "Built in the USA", by a transplant.

My complaint isn't with the Honda purchase, it's about buying from your neighbors. When I go to the Keweenaw, I shop local, my sled and four wheelers came from KMS. I shop at Ace hardware and Pat's IGA, not at Walmart (who puts too many Mom and Pop's out of business) Because John lives there, I would think he would shop "local" first. If his neighbors are working, he works. It seems to me that there are a lot of ads for "local' stuff on this site and I would have expected that he do the same.

And yes, I am a third generation UAW employee. And we are not as "stoopid" as some of you may think. Many of the people I work with have college degrees.


Staff member

Best to check your facts before you start telling folks how to live.

The Honda dealership in Marquette is our "local" dealership. Or are you saying we should not buy a Honda because we had to travel to Marquette to get it? If you really spend the time in the Keweenaw that you say you do, then you would know just about everyone makes one or two trips to Marquette a month to get things they cannot get here in the Keweenaw.

Mom and pop stores shut down by Walmart? Have you checked the 4 mini-malls that have popped up around Walmart. Just about every one of the shops in those malls are mom and pop. You can choose to not like Walmart for lots of reasons, but the "shutting down mom and pop stores" is a myth. It's a proven fact that Walmart creates shopping traffic and thus creates new mom and pop stores within it's vicinity.

Oh, by the way, all the local stores you speak of, I am on a first name friendship basis with the owners. All because I spend so much time and money there.

Have a good night.



Active member
I believe $61/hr is for all the other benefits included.

Either way...that is a lot of change for that type of work.

Granted, more power to you if you can finagle that kind of pay, but it does boil down to the facts that have been stated bigdave that those types of jobs in that auto plant shouldn't pay that. Therefore, it has caught up to itself and with the other side of mismanagement, they are in serious s### up to their eyeballs.

Unions were good back in the day and I thank them for that, but they have long been overdue to outta here as they are as greedy as the next CEO ***** that mismanaged a company needing a bailout!