
New member
I just read somthing interesting on here in one of the other threads .. It was stated about not having inshurance on a sleds (( I hope I read this wrong )) Page 4 on sledding VS BAR hopping !! Now having said this :: I have liability on my sled cause you never know when FATE will come into play and throw you a curve ball !!


Me too. Full coverage. If I still had an older sled that wasn't worth much, I'd just go with liability, but not with a new one. Too much money at stake not to insure it.


New member
hey snow I do have insurance all the way around to one all of our sled and that is 3 of them . You got to ha it or you will get screwed I hope i can that lol


Well-known member

I just read somthing interesting on here in one of the other threads .. It was stated about not having inshurance on a sleds (( I hope I read this wrong )) Page 4 on sledding VS BAR hopping !! Now having said this :: I have liability on my sled cause you never know when FATE will come into play and throw you a curve ball !!

OK, I am going to pull a Nash here, it is Insurance, (insuring or being insured against loss by fire,accident,death etc... a contract (insurance policy) whereby the insurer guarantees the insured that a certain sum will be paid for a specified loss.) Sorry, I couldn't resist. Oh, by the way, Alway's insure yourself, you never know what can happen.-Mezz


New member
I have nothing against the people who are NOt inshured They are risk takers !! I use to be but started to think about the other person alittle more as time went by and the older I got also the cost of a sled and human life !! I think my A-D-D kicked in when I read that tread .. I hate having A-D-D you read one thing go back 5 times and it says somthing toatally different each time !!


New member
My sled along with the wife's sled are insured. That would really suck if I came out in the morning to go riding and some a-hole stole my sled. I mean it would suck anyway, but at least with insurance I would get my money back and go buy another.


Mine is $200 on an 09 800 Polaris. Could be less if I had other policies with the company. Met Life.....

oh, and I'm almost 41 and never had a claim, nor had a claim on any other vehicle in 10 years, and even then it was hail....

$150 a year?? You getting some cheap insurance! Mine is over $400 for one sled and my record is clean with no claims whatsoever and I'm 40!! WTH


New member
Mine is $200 on an 09 800 Polaris. Could be less if I had other policies with the company. Met Life.....

oh, and I'm almost 41 and never had a claim, nor had a claim on any other vehicle in 10 years, and even then it was hail....

Wow I'm getting ripped off! Mine's an '05 973cc and is included with my truck and home policy and that is even after a discount for being a government employee.....

What company are you with??


I have full coverage on all the sleds and the Grizzly even though I only use it to hunt. I go heavy on the uninsured and underinsured.


New member
Worth it

Have full coverage on both our sleds. Totally worth the $19.50 month for 2005 600XC & 2006 600 Switchback.


New member
I don't have insurance..just kidding,i have full coverage on my 03 polaris classic but i think i'm getting ripped off,my insurance is 220.00 per year.american family.i think i will call them and se what we can do.