
New member
I have nothing against the people who are NOt inshured They are risk takers !! I use to be but started to think about the other person alittle more as time went by and the older I got also the cost of a sled and human life !! I think my A-D-D kicked in when I read that tread .. I hate having A-D-D you read one thing go back 5 times and it says somthing toatally different each time !!

So we all wait with baited breath...which of the above do you take, first, last or one in the middle, or do you just keep going until you get tired and fall asleep??


New member
Is it a law?

Is it a law in any of the states that have a trail system that you must have liability insurance on a snowmachine?



New member
All 8 sleds have insurance, the newer ones have full coverage, do not want to be the one not cover if there is an incident.


New member
Full coverage on 05 Pol, 07 Yami, 08 Yami. About $100 each or $300/year. I pay monthly so it's $25/month year round. I also have a $1M liability rider on everything - sleds, PWC's, home, cabin, etc.

Riding without insurance is just a risk I don't want to take. Peace of mind for my wife and son, too.

We have one older sled, a 2000 Pol, with no coverage, but it's usually not ridden on the trails and is at home in our garage.


New member
My insurance Agent is way cool with me. Full coverage for 4 months on 05 600 and a 06 700. comp for 8 months. $124 total. to me that is cheap. I had to reread the policy I thought that was for 1 sled not 2.


New member
Maybe you should ask who out there has unprotected sex... At a minimum liability, if you hurt someone or wreck their seld you'll wish you were wearing in condom... Don't be penny wise and pound foolish... Insurance is just part of the game like maintenace on your seld.


Active member

A sport such as ours has a somewhat higher likelihood of accidental loss. To not have insurance is a risk so large that I for one can not even fathom it. Unless you have no personal worth and care nothing about others or your personal wellbeing then maybe. Remember you can and will lose everything in the event of your being at fault and causing damage to others sleds and/or body. Think personal bankruptcy and the implications before venturing out without it. Sorry for the rant, I've seen too much in my day.


Active member
full coverage on everything plus a million $ umbrella also. can never be to safe, hopefully never need it but am covered if i do.


Yes I do

I'm glad/releived to see all of the sledders that carry insurance. Do you think the majority do or the ones that do not are just not posting?


New member
Well, up until last year, I never insured any of my sleds.

As of last year, I started liability only on 4 sleds. $14 per sled per year.

The only reason is because of soooo many sue happy idiots in this world. Including people that made threats in posts about sueing right in posts on JD last year.


On the flipside I think too many people want that "Peace Of Mind" without using their mind. They don't shop around. They just go to their agent, put full coverage on a 7 year old sled that they use twice a year at a total of 300 miles and pay whatever is quoted.


$150 a year?? You getting some cheap insurance! Mine is over $400 for one sled and my record is clean with no claims whatsoever and I'm 40!! WTH

yes, 150 a year. both of them are 600's. one is a 03 pantera the other is an 09 crossfire. i'm 33 and have everything insured via this agent.

I'll also state my deductible is 500

the more cc's you have the more $$. many agents will not insure 1000's. hear horror stories of guys buying 1000's then finding out their agent who said "no problem" comes back with "i cant insure you"
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New member
I have full coverage on the Yamaha's-99 phazer-01 VMax- and a RX-1 Warrior for #183.00, including liability per year. It is on a farm-pack with $100.00 deductable.