
New member

If you guys want cheap but awesome insurance, call Liberty Mutual,,great prices on sleds,,I am paying on a 2009 800 RMK and 2010 600 RMK, $290.00 annually!


New member
all insured, even the spare and trailer. Was over $940, now 408 for same coverage with different company. All 1000cc or larger and 29' enclosed Legend. Got to pay to play!


New member
Always insured new sleds with full coverage, then drop to liability after 3 years. The older back up sleds that rode in the middle of the group got nothing, but rarely used. With 8 sleds in the family, and alot of off trail ,it seem to make the most sense at the time. Not sure what I would do today.


full coverage on my 03 and 99 for $268 year which is covered under my homeowners policy where my agent told me it would be cheaper and i got better coverage, i am 43 with 1 sled totaled in 2001


New member
i got full coverage on my sled with medical coverage. you never plan on having any problems but you never know. I was in Gaylord in 2004 and a female plowing out a driveway never looked and pulled out into the road and hit me. 8 months off work from having my leg put back together and a $27,000 medical bill, insurance took care of everything.....so for you that think, "naw i wont need it", well you never know......


i got full coverage on my sled with medical coverage. you never plan on having any problems but you never know. I was in Gaylord in 2004 and a female plowing out a driveway never looked and pulled out into the road and hit me. 8 months off work from having my leg put back together and a $27,000 medical bill, insurance took care of everything.....so for you that think, "naw i wont need it", well you never know......

my bud broke my leg in 01...... he was fully insured.......24 grand in medical bills......it's been said before; if you can afford this sport,you can afford the insurance.


New member
holly molly

Is it a law in any of the states that have a trail system that you must have liability insurance on a snowmachine?


Holly Molly As I respect all of yous decisions to feed the greedy and controling insurance industry more cash.

Once again I ask , is it a law to have liability on a snowmachine in any state that has a trail system?



New member
My 2 cents worth.

I agree with almost Everyone on here.
If You can "afford" to snowmobile,....
You can "afford" Insurance!

Just Budget for it.

The opinion of "Not Feeding the Greedy and Controlling Ins. Industry" will
be long forgotten the first time your sled accidently darts in the path of
another, injuring or killing them. Everything You Have will be GONE.
All because you didn't want to "fork out" 250 to 300 bucks (spread throughout 12 months).

The First time in my 30 some years of "paying out" insurance premiums came in handy
back in New Years weekend of '06. My '05 Renegade "exploded" at the gas pumps,...
Thanks to my "reaction time" and a Speedy wife getting the stations fire extinguisher,...
I put out the sled fire AND the one at the pumps. (still gives me goosebumps thinking about how fast it all happened!).
The sled had just under 3grand on the odometer,...
All the wiring was Fried, but because I take good care of my stuff,... 900 bucks and 4 days later,.... I was on a Brand New '07.
I will Always cover what I drive.

Another thing to keep in mind when buying ANY vehicle,....
It isn't just the "sticker price" you need to consider,... But the cost of
Insurance, Maintenance, ect.,.... that's the TRUE cost.
They "Got Ya" coming OR going,.... Ahhhhhh,... the cost of having things.

So,.... like Snow Trail Mike always says: "There is NO Yellow line,...and the Right side is Mine"
For YOUR sake and MY FAMILY's,.... PLEASE carry insurance, Use common sense, drive carefully , and Enjoy MANY winters to come.



New member
full coverage here!!been hit on the trail by a guy in 03...he had no ins...I did...I had new sled by june, only out lttle cash but thank god i had coverage as it was year old sled...


Not to endorse riding without insurance but....for those who say once you have a legal judgement against you, that you "Lose Everything", I can tell you first hand that is not exactly the case.

I hold a judgement against a certain individual for over $5,000. The original judgement was for $7,000. They garnisheed his wages for 10 years. Every three months I got a check for a whopping $16.32. Now they stopped garnishment. This guy is always driving a nice newer truck, goes to Packer games, seems to live pretty well. He's filed bankruptcy several times. I guess he puts the stuff in his wifes name or whatever. I've reported these things, nobody cares if he pays me, it's just a piece of paper in a file.


New member
Not to endorse riding without insurance but....for those who say once you have a legal judgement against you, that you "Lose Everything", I can tell you first hand that is not exactly the case.

I hold a judgement against a certain individual for over $5,000. The original judgement was for $7,000. They garnisheed his wages for 10 years. Every three months I got a check for a whopping $16.32. Now they stopped garnishment. This guy is always driving a nice newer truck, goes to Packer games, seems to live pretty well. He's filed bankruptcy several times. I guess he puts the stuff in his wifes name or whatever. I've reported these things, nobody cares if he pays me, it's just a piece of paper in a file.

yep thats why you have ins to protect your own butt..Mn is A no=fault state wich means that YOUR ins takes care of you and THEIR ins takes care them then your ins will fight between themselfs


New member
i ride a '96 vmax 600 and it has full coverage for a mear $67 a year. You can't fix stupid but you can definately have insurance.


New member
Just a question here...

Many have stated that if you get in a sled accident and do not have insurance, that you will lose everything.

Does anyone personally know anyone who has actually lost everything? I mean everything. Statements have been made that you will have to live in a cardboard box.

I am just curious who this has actually happened to.


New member
14 years old

i ride a '96 vmax 600 and it has full coverage for a mear $67 a year. You can't fix stupid but you can definately have insurance.

RightTun Just wondering do you actually have ins. on the sled (property insurance)as part of your full coverage on your 96 vmax? I dont think an insurance company will give you but a couple hundred bucks for a sled that is 14 years old if you have a loss.

Why not purchase liability only and save a few bucks and feed the profit driven insurance company less cash.
