Just when you've seen it all....


Active member
WOW, Thats quite a statement. Uhhhh, what are we talkin' about.

Oh yeah, my entitlement. I meet the Fed guideline for eligilibilty. So at that point I'm entitled. Just like, once you are qualify for your mortgage or MI Homestead or other deductions Schedule A / B you too are now entitled. You just take a diifferent route. If anyone feels that strong about free monies , just fill in the EZ IRS Form.

My Arms and Legs are just fine, though my back flare's up, but probably too much Party Time and my Yardwork...


New member
WOW, Thats quite a statement. Uhhhh, what are we talkin' about.

Oh yeah, my entitlement. I meet the Fed guideline for eligilibilty. So at that point I'm entitled. Just like, once you are qualify for your mortgage or MI Homestead or other deductions Schedule A / B you too are now entitled. You just take a diifferent route. If anyone feels that strong about free monies , just fill in the EZ IRS Form.

My Arms and Legs are just fine, though my back flare's up, but probably too much Party Time and my Yardwork...

I'm not talking about your monies ( or anyone else's ) But that about where I'm at with politicians & taxes.


New member
My goodness! I have never met such a judgemental group of folks in my life?!

I bet none of you business owners cheat the government on your tax filings huh? ;)

Some of you will be lying if you say you never have or don't.

Yes some folks may abuse the system, but, the same folks who like to jump all over others probably need to take a good look in the mirror too.


New member
WOW, I just read an article about this reciept linked to the Drudge Report. Looks like this receipt was the result of foodstamp fraud... The Milwaukee Journal had an article about foodstamp fraud over the weekend as well... There are huge problems with this system and anyone who gets high and mighty over taking away people's "rights" has their head in the sand. The USA is broke fbecause of systems like this and things need to change or we are the next Greece.

