Just when you've seen it all....


New member
I get the point but a 10-15 y.o. Navagator can be of little value too.
Maybe you should stand there with a Bluebook and look up the values, if it's worth more than 5K tell them to keep moving. LOL

Ever look at a car lot that caters to low income, they are full of Lincolns, Caddies, Lexus. All have a bunch of miles on them, they sell them for 2X what they are worth but will let anyone make payments on any vehicle, no credit check, no downpayment. And Guiedo sits in the back of the office ready to go get it back if you miss a payment.

Explain the fancy hairdos and shiney jewlery they wear too, would you. Guess you never been to Grand Haven, Mi. Everyone has money there, not sure why club doesn't take it out to the real poor. Guess because the 4 semi trucks of food we give away is donated by local stores who just care about the tax write offs and they stated just do the best you can to distriibute it. Nothing is perfect but if they are driving junk and look like they live in their cars I load them up with food and hope they have a way to cook it. Mrs. Fancy clothes will get much less and her maids wont have to eat the off brand mac an cheese we give out. Anyways as a new trustee of the club I will work on making this distribution work better. I did get several pickup loads of food to the women in the" Battered womans" shelter in Spring lake last year and some to a day care center. But this is a drop in the bucket of good compared to the whole size of the issue.


Active member
Abusing the System

All programs or "giveaway handouts" are based on some kind of criteria. EBT and Cycle clubs make that decsion.
EBT doesnt care what kind of car you drive, instead its based on income, and home ownership or rental roof, obligation over your head and cost. Plain and simple. Either you qualify partial.. whole.. or you dont. Where does the the abuse come in for "those people" ?

I guess I better not shave or shower.


New member
All programs or "giveaway handouts" are based on some kind of criteria. EBT and Cycle clubs make that decsion.
EBT doesnt care what kind of car you drive, instead its based on income, and home ownership or rental roof, obligation over your head and cost. Plain and simple. Either you qualify partial.. whole.. or you dont. Where does the the abuse come in for "those people" ?

I guess I better not shave or shower.

shaving and showering is over rated anyways. I suspect that there is corruption and/or under staffing in the EBT as in most all our government programs. Hey, I hear the ice cream truck coming down the road!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gotta go! they take stamps too!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
My motorcycle club puts together a food Drop in the fall for the poor. It amazes me how many nice Lincoln navigators and Cadillacs go thru the line. I told the club that we need to do it differently. Those who really need the food don’t have vehichles to get to the food we are giving out. They say, "we don’t know the sitiuation that the fancy car owners are really in so give them the food." I say BS. They can sell their Lexus then think about stealing food meant for the poor. Just ticks me off to no end.
my sled club always makes money fot the food shelf and most of the folks in the west metro dont need the food shelf and the ones who use it for the most part are also driving up in nice cars.I wanted to switch to giving to MARS midwest animal rescue and the yahoos in my club did not tink it was a good Idea.so I now decided I am done with going to work the money making events for the club so they can give it away to freeloaders.they will give it away to freeloaders but complane about buying solar flashing lights to mark lake side trails so people can find ther way off the lake that dont know the area

Wild Bill

New member
my sled club always makes money fot the food shelf and most of the folks in the west metro dont need the food shelf and the ones who use it for the most part are also driving up in nice cars.I wanted to switch to giving to MARS midwest animal rescue and the yahoos in my club did not tink it was a good Idea.so I now decided I am done with going to work the money making events for the club so they can give it away to freeloaders.they will give it away to freeloaders but complane about buying solar flashing lights to mark lake side trails so people can find ther way off the lake that dont know the area

Guys: similarly my fiance works at an urgent care clinic. She says the ones who come in with the government aid cards and medicaid always have their nails and hair done. And usually driving decent to nice cars.

Obviously they are living outside of their means by driving nice cars and primping themselves, but I guess they can manage to pay for that stuff because their healthcare is paid for and they are also likely on food stamps (buying government surf and turf).

Granted this isn't the case for all people on economic aid, but how do we stop this?? Its surely not fair to hardworking Americans.

I think there should be tighter controls, maybe a manager/advisor that oversees 50-75 welfare/aid recipients and helps them become economically viable. If the manager sees that type of behavior purchasing surf and turf with welfare money, they should be cut off, immediately! If an aid recipient spends money on a luxury or something unnecessary, they're cut off! The point being, if there is somebody to monitor this closer it will become less of an issue. Plus it will create jobs and likely save money by cutting the fat of welfare/aid recipients. AND it could certainly help people.


How about a system that requires all people on gov aid to turn in their receipts each month to be qualified for the next months aid. When I travel for my company it is required of me to save receipts and turn them in, should be the same for them. That would be one way to try and police this mess we have with the free loaders. I am sure not all people are scamming their way along but this would be a way to try and stop the abuse.
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New member
So Sad..

Had the wife in the emergency room for a migraine headache when I overheard a conversation between a young girl[6 months pregnant on Farewell] and a doctor. He asked what she was in for today? I guess this was the 3rd time in five days for her visit. After BS'n her way around the truth,and her 5 overgrown family members at her side, admitting that it was too hot outside[96 degrees] and she needed to cool down. ***? This while my BW is waiting for clinical care. Her family soaking up the AC while others who need the health care wait? There is something very wrong about this system.


New member
and in MN you can use your card for anything like a tatto mad dog 2020 anything you can use a credit card for you can swip the card. makes me want to punch MN dems in the face over and over and over.GET TO ST PAUL SAT FOR THE TAX CUT RALLY!!!!!!!!!!!you better go cuz you know it never makes the news when 10k show up to protest over reaching gov yr after yr and if they do show up they like to act like 10 people show up and interview 1 guy at the back with the cam facing away from the crowd.BTW the map above was baned at the state fair a few yrs back the dfl got a cort order the day after the the Gop put it up in ther booth reason it was to large had to be 3x5 or smaller and not not put where it could cause a people jam in other words had to be kept in side the gop booth not on the outside NICE land of Dayton Franken Klobuchor and running a close 2nd to IL foe voter fraud oh the shame of it all
Ezra - It's only going to get worse here in MN! Like you pointed out, look who we have in office representing us.


Well-known member
Had the wife in the emergency room for a migraine headache when I overheard a conversation between a young girl[6 months pregnant on Farewell] and a doctor. He asked what she was in for today? I guess this was the 3rd time in five days for her visit. After BS'n her way around the truth,and her 5 overgrown family members at her side, admitting that it was too hot outside[96 degrees] and she needed to cool down. ***? This while my BW is waiting for clinical care. Her family soaking up the AC while others who need the health care wait? There is something very wrong about this system.

Reminds me of the patient we had a couple weeks ago who walked out of her house, met us at the curb, and got into the ambulance all under her own power. Her reason for calling 911? Her doctor wouldn't refill her prescription because she had a past-due balance, so she wanted to go to the hospital to have it refilled. And we still have to be polite to these morons and treat them with the respect they don't deserve.


New member
My exgirlfriend 12 years ago was getting $400 a month for food for two kids and $400 cash and $400 for help with rent and free Med thats in Mn you go to Wi you get $50 for food and free med and thats it.


New member
It was just on the news yesterday that one in five Americans (?) whatever that means, is getting Government assistance of some sort.

one in five....that one stagers me. I have never seen what an unemployment check looks like. Not one nickle from the government ever.

That's good " What ever that means ".... We are handing out money to anyone . I hate to say this but my neighbor & I were talking and after I had received a whopping $682 back from the FED in a tax return ( my accountant says we make too much) We decided that if we could figure it out ( we would cheat on our taxes ) I'm just sick of it.

WE NEED TO STOP SPENDING WHAT WE DO NOT HAVE ANd RETURN OUR MANUFACTURING BASE TO THIS COUNTRY ! 1st farming made us great, then industry made us great, now what a service industry ??? opps that has been outsourced to the Phillipines......


New member
This is the $%^$% that makes my blood boil. And the sad thing is my ex-mother and father in-laws were on welfare, and would buy stuff like this and take it down to the local bar to sell it for cash so they could drink.
That was until the bad son in-law turned them in :)

Right ON..... a man of honor & integrity..... I love it. We have to hang out together ! Interested in starting a revolution in this country ? I have a few ideas....


New member
they aint all that dumb-they know how to use/abuse the system.
more babies = more money.


New member
I'm in. Do you think our government would shoot us?

Yes. That's why they want to take away firearms. Makes it harder for the revolution to happen.

Back on topic -- Remember this next time you sit down to eat the white "status" meat:
1. Lobster is just a butter delivery device (everything is good with butter)
2. Lobsters are the cockroaches of the sea


New member
Chords.....just wondering how you're ENTITLED to receive free monies from the government? Are your legs and arms broke? Huh?


New member
I'm in. Do you think our government would shoot us?

Unfortunately so.... they ( the corrupt gutless puke politicials ) whom have no honor, morals, integrity, ect.... I have something for them. I better stop with the comments before I get identified as a radical . This is how we run security here.