Live feed of bald eagle


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That's so funny you posted that. Friend of mine's parents are visiting from UP and he was talking about this yesterday. Gave me the addy and was just getting ready to go take a look!



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I was watching for about an hour this morn. and saw him squaking at another bird. It was really neat to see. We are just leaving the laptop on while we watch tv and if somthing happens we can hear it because they have the sound also. Pretty cool.


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I have the window open on the side. I'm just thinking isn't she bored??? :O
She just played with a stick for a sec and all you see is her looking at everything with her eagle eyes.
I know what's gonna happen for gonna have this window open non stop and then will be gone for the big event! ;)


New member
We are definately hooked-very addictive. had their first hatch this morning. Next one will be in 2-3 days. The eagles in Iowa on ustream won't hatch until around the end of March. Both nests are 3 eggs. Even teachers are having students watch. Very educational. They turn the eggs every half hour so embryo doesn't stick to shell. Mom likes them in position of a triangle and when dad gets on nest he positions them in a row. Yesterday dad arrived very late to take his turn and she really let him have it when he showed up. We have eagles nest here on this lake and see them every day. Big, beautiful bird.


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Thanks Krupps's - now I have another one to look at! Have had it up on the screen all day. The kids love it..."what're they doing now???"


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Thanks Krupps's - now I have another one to look at!?!

Have had the other one up on the screen all day. The kids love it..."what're they doing now???"


This isn't that far from me and we've been near the nest. Great area to visit and really neat to see the eagles. The eagles should be going strong here in the next couple of weeks as the rivers start to open up and all the winter fish kill becomes exposed.


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Just saw the dad and mom together in the nest. Didn't say anything to each other. Dad must be in the doghouse! Sounds like my house.ha


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LOL catalac!

Looks like somebody's getting some shut eye! She's gonna get real busy in a few weeks! :p

and sorry for the double post! The silly 24 hour eagle watch is making my old computer run a little slower than I'm used to!


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yeah, it'll be fun to watch when those baby's hatch out. All the feeding and stuff, then pushing them out of the nest to fly. Cool stuff!

Cat Woman

New member
Just whitnessed a shift-change, lol. I think I'm going to leave this up in the background, all the chirping bird sounds are soothing. Makes me forget I'm inside.


Active member to see the Norfolk baby getting fed. Cool that the camera can zoom in on the little feller!

2 of my boys came home for lunch today...first question was what's up with the eagles...becase now, of course, I have BOTH windows open - the IA eagle and the Norfolk family...

Guess when they first came downstairs this morning were watching them!


New member
Amazing photo coverages. Funny thing though,20 years ago they were far and few between. I'm glad they're back. They are AMERICAN.


New member
Do any of you have trouble getting the Norfolk website in?
Gotta love those little bobbleheads-amazing how gentle those big birds can be. I read that in 1 month they will be adult size. That's alot of growing in a short period of time. Mom & Dad are going to be continually feeding
I am so greatful to be watching this-kinda helps my glum attitude with the end of another snowmobile season ending toooo soon.


Active member
I had trouble getting in there yesterday...but am watching the baby get fed now! My son is home sick from school so it's our entertainment!

That little baby just can't even hold it's head up! And agree how gentle they are even though that beak and those talons are so wicked lookin!
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Active member
There isn't any sound with those southern eagles, is there?
Was watching the Iowa birds yesterday and dad came home with a big branch and hit mom in the noggin a few times on accident(yea right) and she gave him a peck. He squacked a couple times and flew off. Man you should have seen her look at him when he left. I've seen that look myself many times!