Live feed of bald eagle


Active member
Ya know, I feel bad for those VA. babys, but I'm glad they were being watched so those good people could save them from possible death. Hats off to them.
The Iowa eagles are getting big, aren't they?!


Active member
snowbuff, me either...kind took the wind outta my sails, so to speak.

I FB friended the place where the VA eagles are...I read the updates....but my heart isn't in it like it was before.

Thanks for the IA update. Reminded me to go take a look at them again!


Decorah Eagles

The man responsible for the webcam of the eagles has died as a result of the tornado in MPLS. MN this past weekend. According to an article in the St. Paul Pioneer Press he died after running a chain saw helping to clear trees etc. in a Minneapolis neigborhood.


Active member
GTL - No WAY!! I just went to read the article...appreciate the post. How incredibly sad. Out there helping folks out and...

Thanks, again, for the post...I didn't see anything posted at the Decorah US Stream site.



Active member
favoritos, thanks for posting the article. He was only 52, for good Lord's sake!

Thoughts and prayers with his family. Sounds like he was a one of a kind guy.



New member
He was obviously a man that got pleasure from making others happy. It shows in his Raptor work, and it shows in the way he passed away...helping others. Thoughts to all family and friends.



The past 5-10 minutes they have been trying out their wings, hopping around in the nest, "feeling" flight. It's been really cool watching it. Should be any day now they leave the nest.


New member
The're still flappin away. They must be female... all that flappin and nothing happens :D

Just kidding girls, geeze!!! :p