Live feed of bald eagle


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its funny to find this thread on here now. College Chemisty teacher brought this up to us the other day in class. at one time i saw over 9000 viewers. crazy!


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02 zr...indeed is crazy. I leave it up in a corner and stop by and check on far too often! :)
Sad that I can't get VA feed again...feel like I'm missing out on what's new with the baby! :eek:


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How does that bird not fall asleep?

I've been watching for about 30 minutes and am dozing off myself.


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Hutch, my kids were watching her sleep the other night...they asked me where daddy was? :confused:
But at least you know you have a nice sleep aid if you need one! :)
I feel like a nut with the windows open and looking all the time!


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I know what you're saying. It's so addicting thinking what could happen next and if you close the window what you might miss. It's like dumping money in a slot machine thinking what could happen next... LOL.

Tell the kids Daddy is high above protecting Mom and the soon to be babies. We both know that Daddy is probably at the local watering hole flrting with other birds of prey. LOL.


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Poor little one.:eek: The older sibling gets mad when the younger one gets food from the parents. He tackles the poor little guy. :(


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snowbuff, I had to warn the kids that one of the deadliest things to those little chicks are their siblings. I saw the look my 10 year old gave my 8 year old...hmmm...


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Thats funny, I used to torture my little sister too!!!

My dad has a place on a lake north of Antigo that has an eagles nest on an island that they watch every year. He told me he has seen the older, bigger ones try and hurt the little ones too. One year he said the bigger one throw the little one out of the nest!! :eek:
It's pretty cool to be able to watch nature that close up. He said that they usually take their maiden flight around the 4th of July. I'm sure the farther south you go, the earlier they are hatched, and then fly. Thats probably why the eggs on the other cam haven't even hatched yet. Still cool!
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snowbuff, I was thinking if I'm gonna stare at these darn things all day I should know something about em... um, most of it's scary! :eek:

These bad birds are making me look like a good parent! At least I don't just sit by and watch as my boys pummel each other...and I've kept them alive a pretty long time now! ;)

That's cool about the eagles at your dad's place! Am not surprised at seeing one get dumped outta the nest. Mean buggers! But cool to see that first flight, I bet.

At the family cabin that got sold for a song off of Little Arbor Vitae, there was a pair we would always see. They liked to watch us fish. I think they might've been eyeballing the kids when they were little too!!


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"These bad birds are making me look like a good parent! At least I don't just sit by and watch as my boys pummel each other...and I've kept them alive a pretty long time now! "

LOL!!!! Me too!


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The VA camera zoomed in on the babies...makes more sense now how the mommy "sits" on the babies...their little heads are sticking out...just can't see it from most angles.

Read that if the first hatchling is a female, more likely to "do away with" the smaller hatchlings because the famales are bigger (and dare I say meaner?? :eek:)


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Baby #3 hatched today-Apparently others have had trouble getting on like I was because the mods have said to hit refresh-might take more than once- or try control and F5. This nest will be getting more active with those little birds with each day and then at the end of the month we'll have to start watching more on the ustream websight again as they will be hatching. Sure is alot of enjoyment and fantastic that so many schools are allowing students to learn all the facts on Eagles, the United States bird.


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Thanks, Krupps's, for the heads up! I didn't see baby #3 and I just watched them get fed! I just know I don't wanna see anything I don't wanna see (like hatchling carnage!?!)


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Haven't seen #3 yet but, I just saw mom seemingly protect #2 from #1. #1 was attacking #2 and mom interviened.

WTG - They are bad birds!! But, like you said, they make us look good :). With my daughter being older than my son, I just always told her to be careful, someday he will be bigger than you!!! It was funny when that happened and she couldn't pick on him anymore:D. Now I get to watch the 3yr. old grandaughter pick on her little brother!!! Funny as h*ll!


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I still haven't seen the 3rd one...

snowbuff - payback's a "b"... :) Funny to watch the cycle of sibling "abuse" continue!?

I always tell my younger guys to take their vitamins and eat their veggies so they can get big enough to beat up the olders...boys 13, 10 and 8 there's gonna be some pecking to death! :eek:


New member
Now I've seen #3. So small compared to #1. I can't believe how fast #1 grew!! Now #1 has to hold the other two out of the way so he gets most of the food. BULLY!!!

13, 10 and 8..... all boys..... good luck!!! :D