Live feed of bald eagle


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snowbuff - I thought for sure it was gonna happen while we were gone - I mean, look at what's happened with me and snow this year!?! But I got to see this one! There's still one more baby for the IA eagles for you to catch. I couldn't believe how huge the VA eagles were in just a week!


New member
I'm glad you got to watch it happen!! :) I was wondering where you were. Haven't seen your little green light on. Hope vacation was nice. Welcome back. Ya, the VA babies have grown a lot. All getting their darker down feathers too.


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snowbuff - they have a video collage type thing where you can watch these IA babies - it's pretty cool. I didn't see it happen per se...just saw there was a crack in the egg...looked at 7 am-ish and didnt' thing I know there's that grey instead of white. Next day another grey blob. I should go moderate with all my technical jargon!? :)


New member
snowbuff - they have a video collage type thing where you can watch these IA babies - it's pretty cool. I didn't see it happen per se...just saw there was a crack in the egg...looked at 7 am-ish and didnt' thing I know there's that grey instead of white. Next day another grey blob. I should go moderate with all my technical jargon!? :)

WTG, your hooked on that camera! It is way cool! You need internet on the Big screen so you can follow all day long and actually function away from the dang computer! lol and smiley faces a plenty for you sweet heart!. Last night while we were emailing back and forth I was also sending our conversation out to the VP of a club I am in. he called me this morning at 7am. and said, What the heck you doing chatting with a woman at 2:30 am? lol. Back to the birds...


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Don't forget PR1, you were avoiding the eagle thought it was 'ridiculous?' may have been the word??? See? It's additictive!


New member
Just watched Dad feed the two new ones. Pretty cool, first time I've seen the new guys. Then the camera guy zoomed in on the egg and it looked like it was moving!!! Must be getting close. It would be a bit more fair in the fight for food, if they were hatched this close together. Funny to think it's only been a few weeks since the VA ones were this small and bobble head like. :D


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The VA eaglets remind me of how I felt when my kids were on a ledge, a dock - SOMETHING they could fall off of and get seriously hurt. Keep feeling like they're gonna get to close to the side of the nest!?!


New member
Im getting dizzy watching the VA eagles, man its windy there! WTG, in one of the slideshows from the VA cam from last week there is picture of the oldest eaglet sleeping on top of the other two with its wings stretched out to cover them up! Its so cute! Considering what a bully he was at feeding time....


Active member
Guess the hatching was yesterday - according to the little blurb underneath. Can always watch the video of it!! Tiny little things! I haven't been able to get into VA lately. Didn't try yet today.


Active member
One animal addiction at a time, Lenny! I know someone mentioned hummingbirds but I never did look into it and I don't know about the bears but I'm sure it's out there. Was waiting for the IA babies to be born before I committed to another animal...or committed myself - whichever came first?! :)