Looking see what every bodies average drive time to their sanctuary


New member
renten, yes they do and their pizza and Chuck's prime rib is to die for too....
I'll have to try the prime rib. I hear they also have a great fish fry. Stillwaters is about 1/2 hour from my cottage in Boulder,east on 8, south on 7.


renten, Unfortunately he doesn't serve it in the winter. Summertime it's best to call and reserve what cuts you want ahead or get there early. If you stay on 7 South after you cross County K when you come to the intersection of 7S that goes to Vinchi's or 8 towards Conover stay on 8 and you come to Fred Luke Rd. If you take a left and cross K again on to Deerfoot our cabin is in that subdivision. I think we can get to Stillwaters quicker on sleds then by car. I guess we got a little off topic. Sorry all.


New member
(6 hours) Marengo Il to Ironwood Mi.The sad part is the property in Il is more secluded and twenty times the size with the trail out my front door it just doesnt work without snow,and in summer theirs too much corn around. I would agree with the 2 hour drive time but that gets me to about Madison. Trails and snow conditions are about they same as Marengo.LES makes 6 hours into 2 LOL


New member
snow_monkey I will have to totally agree with you on that one.My problem is the price you might as well add over $40.000 if you want to take off 2 to 1.5 hours off your drive time out of Detroit area .I think the average of 4 hours gets you into some good properties and close to some good trail riding.Even with the economy being tanked properties are still fetching some good money all about location location .. :)