I have two stories about Chad and his band of merry men. I think it was the first John Dee Ride In, maybe the second, and my brother and I were on our way up to the Ramada to register. Somewhere along the Nichols trail Kim pulls over on his 04 Ski-Doo 600 SDI and says to me, smells like something is burning? So I get on it and take off, sure enough, I smell it too. Couldn't see anything though, so we continued on. We get to the Ramada, and I start looking at everything, well, looky there, the jackshaft bearing went bad, and the jackshaft ate it up.Crap, now what? Keweenaw Motorsports was still in Calumet. I says, well, lets go talk to Chad, I've had great luck with service with CHad's brother Kip in Greelnad before! We walk in, first time we had met Chad, explain our situation, Chad says, we'll get it in pronto. They call around, jackshaft bearing is found, but we need a new jackshaft also, no jackshaft to be found! So the mechanic working on it, I think it was Jerry, says, I will run home and take my personal Rev apart to get you guys rolling!

Next story, fall, 2007, my brother was looking at getting a new MT Sled. He wanted an RMK like mine, or an M8. So, I sent pictures via e-mail to Dan's Polaris to see if they would take a trade, and how much they would give in trade, BALLPARK. I knew we would have to drive the sled up there for them to look at it, but we just wanted a ballpark figure. I waited 2 days for a response from Dan's. Nothing, so I called, did you get my pics? Yes we did, the boss just left for an eye doctor appointment, maybe when he gets back he will let ya know. Hmm, screw that I says, I sent the EXACT same e-mail to Chad. Within an hour I get an e-mail back from Chad, here is what I will give you, and this is what I have in stock. Fricken sweet! Now that is more like it! My brother wanted an orange M8, so Chad was able to get a new one in, and we drove up there at the end of Nov 2007 and picked it up!
Again, GREAT customer service! If and when it is time for me to get a new sled, Chad will be at the top of the list for sure, if I switch over to Cat.