MI Now Right To Work State!


New member
Seems your bothered by my post ???? I guess I'm leaving this thread. You will have to pick other posts to reply to. I'm neither pro union or pro corporate greed, Both are responsible for the auto industry mess.....
Please debate with someone else.
I do respect your opinion. I just wanted to let you know the story you were told does not hold water. I just don't like the new union tactics. I worked every day with union people and would not hesitate to say some of the workers were top notch. I just hated to watch more of them milk every job. I might have a plumber working on a job and if he got to a elect plug or switch he would stop and we would what for an electrician to come unplug or turn a switch on or off. Ether would go home and turn a switch on or off or open a valve. Its not the people its the people running the unions, for the most part.
sorry if I offended you.


New member
Man is this thread getting a lot of attention.
I happen to work in a UAW shop.... Toledo Jeep to be precise. Being a moderate conservative, I've enjoyed(sarcasm) many a lively political debate out on the floor with my coworkers. :rolleyes: My kind is a bit of a minority there. Personally, I don't have any real issues with "right to work" as long as the language of the law protects the ppl who choose to join. I do understand the unions having a few "legitimate" issues with with it. One issue, and maybe this varys by state depending the language of the laws, is that, the unions still have to, in practice, represent those in the shop that choose not to join the union, such as in disciplinary issues, also, specific work rules or benefits negotiated also apply to those that choose not to join. Now we all know of the entitlement attitudes of many that help drain our wallets, I feel many will say "screw the dues" if I'm gonna get the same benefits as members. Funny tho, those aren't the reasons you hear from the unions themselves. They try to make it a rights issue and say govt is trampling on ppls rights, yeah right. If the unions feel they are so important, and in cases of working for a large company, I think they are, then ppl should be happy to pay the dues. I know I'll will, even tho they politically back a lot of things(and people)that I oppose. The big problem with big unions now days is, they don't give a crap about the workers. It's all about money and political clout.
Anyway, I think if choose not join in a represented shop, then you should be on your own when it comes time to deal with the company.

And BTW, if I may add to the debate that ended right above my post on corporate perks, save it for a different thread. It has nothing to do with right to work laws. Unions have been around for how long now, and corporate perks have skyrocketed still. Try googling top paid union leaders and see where your dues are going. Union fatcats ain't worried about us peons any more than the corporate fatcats.

Whew... I had to fight myself to keep politics to a minimum as to not break any rules. :p
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New member
I am not a union worker and I make darn good money and I don't have to worry about the sorry worker that were here and the boss fired them for not working and gave more money to us that work. I can think for my self I do not need the unions bosses to make all the money and then say they are looking out for me. Ways of doing business are not like a few years age, tank goodness. Good luck to Mi and Wi. people.