Michigan Smoking Ban


at least in MI, this goes far beyond bars and restaurants. In involves all work areas and public businesses.

My hardware-lumber is smoke free because I choose it that way. Even as the only employee, I no longer have the right to smoke here. Kick it up a couple knotches beyond that too....not only am I to remove all smoking paraphernalia from my workplace (ash trays and otherwise); I also am required by law to post a no smoking sign at each entrance of my store.

I am shocked at the lack of conversation on this. If I owned an office where all those employed were smokers and it was not opened to the public....the ban still applies. I used to say that if this ever happened here, I would keep a lit smoke going all day here in Mass. Not sure I wish to spend my money that way these days, maybe putting out some ashtrays would be just as good.

I know at least one bar is having a smoking party the day that goes into effect. I am not a 'smoker' but on rare occasions I like a pipe or cigar. I will be joining them to pollute that day. The local health department is charged with enforcement, we will see how it goes.


Btw, I dont care to frequent a smokey place either. I vote with my feet on this, seems we are all big enough to make our own decisions. I agree with the majority in this thread.


Well-known member
This is stupid, IMO. I don't like eating in smoky restaurants.

The use of a legal product on private property should be the decision of the owner of the property. Property rights are on one of the primary foundations of our constitution.

The only exception I can see is for establishments where minors are allowed, who might not have a choice to avoid the hazards of 2nd hand smoke. Anyone else can make the decision for themselves, workers included (no one is forcing them to work there). If there is a market for nonsmoking bars, they will thrive on their own, even with government coersion.

Another point is why do we want to use taxpayer resources to enforce such bans?


New member
i am not a smoker, i hate the smell of cigarette smoke,i hate talking to people that smoke. i think it is a nasty disgusting habit, but i agree with most people in this thread that it should be up to the owner to make the decision.

the one argument i have heard for this ban is, it is a health issue. second hand smoke is very dangerous.


New member
i am an ex-smoker and i believe it should be up to the owner which crowd he wishes to cater to. one thing i haven't seen here, (and i'm sorry if i missed it) is how are they going to enforce this law, will there be smokey police? and what are the penalities... can you sneak in the boy's room for a smoke-just like high school...just wondering...


Active member
I will not be going to a bar if i can not have a smoke with my beer.Ill just stay home and buy a case of beer and sit in the garage an drink and smoke.I am already spending 2.75 to 3 bucks for a beer and i cant have a smoke.O well ill save money by not going to the bar.


Super Moderator
Staff member
As a non smoker, I cannot wait until this law goes into efffect, in both Wi and Mi. As a person, I think it should be up to the owner of the establishment.


Active member
The owners have every right to make their business private... Butt when yer invite'n the public in you can't have an anything goes policy...(I could just imagine the food prep areas along with the beverage lines) I know for a fact if my place of employment had the amount of smoke some of the bars spew out we'd be sport'n respirators 9 ta 5 along with our steel toed boots n safety glasses...


i am an ex-smoker and i believe it should be up to the owner which crowd he wishes to cater to. one thing i haven't seen here, (and i'm sorry if i missed it) is how are they going to enforce this law, will there be smokey police? and what are the penalities... can you sneak in the boy's room for a smoke-just like high school...just wondering...

Enforced by authority walking into a bar or resturant and look for the smoke.

Here in IL. I know someone who has got a warning about smoking in their private owned office/shop that is not open to public but a business. A offened non-smoker "salesperson" entered building and reported. "maybe because they did not buy anything" I think that is wrong, ITS HIS BUILDING he should be able to do what he wants.

I'm a smoker, do not smoke in house or around my kids. I respect non-smokers and do not smoke around them, unless it does not bother them.


New member
Coming from a x smoker you don;t realize it till you get home and holly cow your hair your cloths smell like smoke big time.I too agree it should be the owners choice just walk away if you don;t like.One question how about exhaust fans and smoke eaters like the casinos have.The problem is i have alot of friends that smoke and i enjoy bs-ing with them.we will see what happens i know some of the guys said they will hang it up and buy more beer with their saving ....


New member
As a non smoker, I cannot wait until this law goes into effect, in both Wi and Mi. As a person, I think it should be up to the owner of the establishment.

I agree. I to cant wait for this law to be instated! In my travels I have found it GREAT to be able to go out for a night and not end up smelling like a garbage dump when I get back to the hotel. Most major cities in the country are smoke free and businesses do better because of it.

Oh Yeah! Why do you get a signature line when no one else does??


Enforcement in MI is by the local health dept and carries a $100 fine. I posted a link to the actual bill that contains all the details (above)
I have to agree with Famousguy on this issue. I too am a smoker, hopefully an ex-smoker soon but I would never even think of telling someone that they couldn't smoke. Smoking in bars is something that has been done since the beginning of time and up until what, maybe 10 years ago when the "Second Hand Smoke" thing got started no one cared if they walked into a tavern and there were people smoking. I also agree that "We the people" have allowed "The Man" to rule us, with our own money and we can't say a thing about it. Yes, smoking is bad for your health. That is not a new fact that someone just discovered a few years ago. Driving your car, truck, boat, SNOWMOBILE is bad for the health of the environment but does that stop any of us from driving to work, playing on our sleds, taking to the lake in the summer? NO IT DOESN'T!!!! America is still kind of a free country, right? Well then exercise one of the rights given to us by our government and DON'T GO INTO PLACES THAT ALLOW SMOKING IF YOU DON'T LIKE SMOKE. I should not be discriminated against just because I smoke. I will leave you all with this question to answer. What ever happened to the matradee asking "Smoking or Non-Smoking?"


New member
i am not a smoker, i hate the smell of cigarette smoke,i hate talking to people that smoke. i think it is a nasty disgusting habit, but i agree with most people in this thread that it should be up to the owner to make the decision.

the one argument i have heard for this ban is, it is a health issue. second hand smoke is very dangerous.

I agree with this. I also think that it should be the individuals right to choose to allow smoking or not. There is definitely too much government interference already.

That said I am glad for the law in that my wife (who hates smoking as much as I) and I can FINALLY go out for a drink or to a restaraunt, small cafe, or other places, that in the past did not have seperate non-smoking areas. Most small places only had non-smoking sections and that was worthless as the smoke just wafted over anyway.

I am sorry it took a law to force these establishments to go non-smoking but I can finally go out instead of drinking at home. As others have stated, I had a choice not to go into a bar or restaraunt that allowed smoking, which I did not, but I now can.

Again, I think that it should be the individual business owners choice, but I am glad for the law.