I may ride, or I may not. If I did it would be severely scaled back and I certainly wouldn't own two sleds and a trailer for the sake of 1 or 2 trips a year (if I decided to ride at all -- it would also depend in part on whether my already too small group of riding buds decided to stay in it). I do agree that common logic would say the state can't afford to not have snowmobiling -- but few people with functioning brain cells ever accused the government of using logic.
All this being said, there were some interesting posts on the HCS thread. I empathize with those who have issues with MSA. I don't always agree with things they've done, either. But you can't please all the people all the time and in the grand scheme of things, I think we're better off with them than without them. No, they're not perfect but I don't think they're the great Satan that some on HCS make them out to be.