Mixing two types of 2 cycle oil


Well-known member
May be true run whatever oil in etek sled engines but I run WD50 BRP in my 150etek outboard still under warranty so not taking chances. All my other 2s run whatever oil I need to use up no problems at all.


New member
I would be tickled pink to the get to mix oils right now. That would mean Iwas riding at least. This is turning into the great snow famine of 11-12.


New member
Amsoil Interceptor does not mix well with other oils. I have tested it and it stayed separated and made a layer of oil similar to what you see when oil floats on water.


New member
Amsoil Interceptor does not mix well with other oils. I have tested it and it stayed separated and made a layer of oil similar to what you see when oil floats on water.
It mixes just fine with Poo VES Gold. I have done it many, many times and all those sleds are still no issue. Got into Amsoil when I found 2 qts. laying in the middle of a trail about 6 years back. Being Dutch I just could not let them go to waste. poured it in and the rest has been history, love the clean burn and the smell!!!! and here we go again on oil chat.


New member
It mixes just fine with Poo VES Gold. I have done it many, many times and all those sleds are still no issue. Got into Amsoil when I found 2 qts. laying in the middle of a trail about 6 years back. Being Dutch I just could not let them go to waste. poured it in and the rest has been history, love the clean burn and the smell!!!! and here we go again on oil chat.

How do you know they mixed when they are the same color?

I have mixed APV and Interceptor and it made a nice layer cake of oil in the reservoir. So pretty when shining a light through it from the side.


New member
I agree no risk mixing oil just an urban myth pour & enjoy the ride.

Agreed. I was told by an Amsoil rep at the Novi show that mixing is OK. In fact, he said fed regulations require it due to the fact that you may NEED to mix as to avoid being stranded out in the sticks. Dunno if that's true but that's what he said.

Still, running it down wouldn't hurt either.


New member
How do you know they mixed when they are the same color?

I have mixed APV and Interceptor and it made a nice layer cake of oil in the reservoir. So pretty when shining a light through it from the side.
really who cares if they mix or not???? It runs thru no issues. It works without issue, that is the main point here.
If the oils stay seperated it is no big deal.Where the problem could happen and i have not seen this happen in a long time is some oils in the older days when mixed did not play good together and would turn to slim.The only thing i have seen in the recent time is some race oils that may not play good with each other due to different additives that are not real compatible with each other but these are oils specifically designed for race purposes.The same deal with running race motors on methanol some oils are not compatible with methanol use.


New member
I would be more worried about getting air in the oil lines, than the oil not mixing. I guess you could always premix at 100/1 for the first tank on change over just like on break in. Hope it snows soon so you can try it!!!


Well-known member
OH OH. sounds like another oil debate starting??

I think what's happening here is that the debate on which oil to use is officially a dead horse. Everyone's minds are officially made up and there is no more debate to be had, at least until there are new people involved. So, the next step is to debate what oils play well with other oils.


New member
I think what's happening here is that the debate on which oil to use is officially a dead horse. Everyone's minds are officially made up and there is no more debate to be had, at least until there are new people involved. So, the next step is to debate what oils play well with other oils.
We do have way to much time on our hands, don't we? I blame the DROID!!!