My Redneck Enclosed Trailer


New member
Maybe, why you ask?? The switch is going to get a rebuild on the motor, it's getting tired. I may stuff a 700 in it. Anyways I love your work!


Well-known member
i'm all finished with the shed! got the frames painted yesterday, put the frames on today then i put the sheet metal onto the frames today. and i put handles on. right now all i have is bungee cords on the handles i need bigger locks so i'm basically 99.9% finished!







New member
indy 500, it's looking good. I was just thinking about your doors. You may want to raise the shed off the ground a bit. Openning the doors will require you to shovel all the snow away to the ground to open. That will get old. You need room to swing doors open. I gotta go drill some holes See Ya!


Well-known member
yeah, i know about the opening doors and having snow in the way. the east side doors won't get any snow, so i put 2 hinges on each door. the west side doors which get all the snow i put 3 on each door. i might put a little bit of snow fence up to keep snow away from the doors


Well-known member
i got on a second coat of paint today! it looks awesome! and the lady we got the shed for free from came by today and bought some snowmobile bibs we had for sale. she saw it and was amazed.


Well-known member
I would love to see the look on the girls face when you pull up to her house to pick her up for a date on your trick tandem bike. LOL.then you can peddle her back to Scott's sled shed for some real fun


Well-known member
Looks good! I know some of the guys give you a hard time on here, but I'm sure its all in good fun.

When I was growing up my friends and I liked working on projects and that has carried threw to today. I build 3 decks when I was 16. One On my house, one on my best friends house, and one for a friend of a friend, which I actually was paid for. Glad to see your doing some with your time and staying out of trouble!


Ditto-lofsfire, It is good to see a young man with ambition. To take something that is trashed and turn it into something usefull is good to see. Keep up the good work Indy, you will go far in life.


Well-known member
I actually sold the tandem bike. it was taking up too much room lol thanks for the compliments. the shed is awesome. i can't wait to get some pics of it with my sled inside!


Well-known member
i was thinking of pounding 2x4x6's into the ground like telephone poles and stretching an extension cord from the garage to the shed. i know my parents wouldn't let me do that though! lol


Well-known member
Tell him you will decorate the house for Christmas, and run a extra cord your way. Maybe even put Christmas lights on the shed then there is a reason for the power cord to be out there.


Well-known member
Jeez, heat, lights, next thing you know there will be a trail sign to "Scott's Bar & Grill". LOL


Active member
I didn't know they road sleds in Alabama! I love that tandem bike also, I want the front, cuz all you have to do is stear. Awsome thread man. Classic.