Need Help on What Kind of Dog to Get


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mutts are the smartest!!


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WEIMERIANERS!!!!!!!! no questions, hands down. Great indoor dogs, great people dogs, amazing bird dogs, good tempers. I would never buy a different dog


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Lab. there's a reason they are the #1 breed in USA. They don't shed bad at all. as far as a gun dog if your mainly into upland you might be better off with a pointer like a brittany or setter, (labs are flushers). However I've seen some labs (including mine) hunt circles around some of the pointing breeds. Properly trained and introduced the lab will be the most loyal and friendly breed you can get IMO. Do your research and get one from a reputable breeder, it's worth the couple extra hundred to spend, make sure both parents have HIP certification, you dont want to end up with one that has dysplasia. AKC really doesn't mean squat anymore. Also the British Lab (bred from strict british bloodlines) tend to be smaller in size and have much less "excitement" or a mellower demeanor compared to other labs.

get this book too: GAME DOG by Richard Wolters. It's not just for training hunting dogs either. Follow his training regiment from day one and you will end with the best dog you could ever imagine. He offers up great advice on choosing a puppy too so its a must read even before you get your new buddy.


New member
Lab all the way. Great hunters and family pets. Yes they shed but most all dogs do. Look at what color your furniture and floors are and pick the color dog that best matches. We have dark grey floors and you can hardly see the black hair. Just have the little lady vacuum a little more often. Wife had little Shizhus when I met her. Hated them! Made her promise that once they passed on, we would get a real dog and not fish bait. She is sooooo happy we went with a lab. This is my 3rd lab and don't think I would ever go with another breed. I tried attaching some pics and hope they come thru. Good luck with what ever you go with. Just a bit of advice, dont drop a ton of $$ on a dog. Just not worth it. You can get a great dog for around $100.00.


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X3, That is what I did 30 yrs. ago and I added, "I am not marrying your mother" to the rant. She cried, got over it and still loves me (not sure why). I make the rules and give her all the money. We got 2 dogs, a Boston Terrierist, and a King Charles Cavilier. Both are great "Varmit" hunters. So........... zipper goes in the front. and get what you want for a dog. It will be her dog before you know it.


I say Lab also they don't shed that much I'm on my second one both yellow's and males Zeke lived 15 1/2 years Chewman is now 5 years old. You can't ask for a better dog Luv my labs.


I'm very biased. Forget the bird dog and shedding get a Newfoundland. Dynamite disposition fantastic with kids.


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I have a female English Springer Spaniel (Liver and White). Great dog. Very territorial. I also have a male Brit(Orange and White). AWESOME DOG. Smart,Fast Zero attitude very low key.I would lean towards a Brit. Also Brits have won more field awards by far than any other breed.
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Here's a plug for the German Shorthair. In the field, they are a great all around dog. Very good natural pointing instinct, a decent retrieving instinct and intense prey drive. I have had a Lab and English Setter and while the Lab is an awesome natural retreiver and great family dog, they generally don't point. The Setter usually has a great pointing instinct, but in my experience retrieving and range can be a problem. This is a great over simplification and it obviously varies from dog to dog within each breed, but this has been my general experience. The Shorthair on the otherhand does all of these things pretty well and darn near out of the box. While they won't excell at retreiving like a Lab nor perhaps be as a classy on a point as a well trained Setter, with a little training they will be serviceable at all field tasks. They are also very good family dogs. Mine sleeps with my 6 year old daughter and they are great play buddies, except when the dog steals her stuffed animals which is daily. Mine is also a pretty good watch dog, alert and barking at any strange sound or person around the yard. As for the hair and care, mine does not seem to shed and any hair that might come off is so short, it is hard to notice. Becasue the coat is so short, it does not seem to hold dirt or smell. Very maintenance free. The only caution I would offer is that these dogs are extremely athletic and high energy. They love to play and run. Mine will retreive anything until your arm falls off. They would not do well couped up in an apartment.


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I could recommend a good squirrel dog. He also likes to fish and tube.


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I am very biased as to what dog to get. My saying is all dogs want to be labs and all labs want to be black. This is just the opinion of one narrow minded lab owner. I have 2 in fact. I got a yellow one because the girlfriend wanted that one and when asked why I got the yellow was to keep the flies of the good one. (good one happens to be black)

All kidding aside. If the lab is the best critter for you. Hips is only one thing to look for. Make sure the parents have all necessary certs. Hips, eyes, possibly elbows and is EIC and CNM clear. Hips is only one issue to consider. Make sure they have all of the above if you are serious about the dog. Buy from a reputable breeder who has been doing it for awhile. Not your neighbor who decided to have puppies. Can you get a good dog from your neighbor. Sure you can. Remember you get what you pay for. Health certs are the key no matter what breed. Take your time see the parents. If possible see what they can do. Retrieve, obedience and house manners. Hunt!!!!!????

Good luck in your search and I hope you find the dog for you.


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My vote is for a lab.We have had them for years and never thought twice about another breed. If you decide on this dog, make sure you meet the parents, as many breeders play tricks on reducing their litters. And remember, there is only three colors of labs. Black,Yellow,and Chocolate. Don't let anybody tell you different. Sometimes I think my LW thinks more of the labs than me. LOL.


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I don't bird hunt any more but she is the best bird dog I have ever had well still do have.she was a pound puppy when I got her she looks like a golden retriever pup but is now 14.from the time she was 6mo she would point out birds rabbits what ever foot up tail out.when tossing a ball in deep grass that she can not see over she will start in one spot and run larger and larger circles until she finds it .I have a bud who takers her out pheasant hunting a few times a yr so she can teach his lab to hunt has not worked to well for the lab but izzy still flush them out at 14.I also have a scottish terror he has a great personality and is verry strong willed verry tough dogs when breeding scotties back in the day they would put a scotty in a barrel with a badger and if the Scottie won he was good enough to breed.and BTW one won best in show last night at Westminster


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how about a beagle or a weiner dog? sorry had to lol have a arf arf day and bow wow and hope you get the right bird dog to THINK SNOW just not yellow lol!!!!


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oh yeah weimers dont shed and I have never known one to run away, mine have never been out of yelling distance