Here's a plug for the German Shorthair. In the field, they are a great all around dog. Very good natural pointing instinct, a decent retrieving instinct and intense prey drive. I have had a Lab and English Setter and while the Lab is an awesome natural retreiver and great family dog, they generally don't point. The Setter usually has a great pointing instinct, but in my experience retrieving and range can be a problem. This is a great over simplification and it obviously varies from dog to dog within each breed, but this has been my general experience. The Shorthair on the otherhand does all of these things pretty well and darn near out of the box. While they won't excell at retreiving like a Lab nor perhaps be as a classy on a point as a well trained Setter, with a little training they will be serviceable at all field tasks. They are also very good family dogs. Mine sleeps with my 6 year old daughter and they are great play buddies, except when the dog steals her stuffed animals which is daily. Mine is also a pretty good watch dog, alert and barking at any strange sound or person around the yard. As for the hair and care, mine does not seem to shed and any hair that might come off is so short, it is hard to notice. Becasue the coat is so short, it does not seem to hold dirt or smell. Very maintenance free. The only caution I would offer is that these dogs are extremely athletic and high energy. They love to play and run. Mine will retreive anything until your arm falls off. They would not do well couped up in an apartment.