Need Help on What Kind of Dog to Get


Best advice? Do your homework. Research the breed and ESPECIALLY the breeder. Many breeds are overbred (Labs and Weimeriners come to mind) as pets. Much of their natural hunting instincts bred out of them. Many times you can tell with the much lower prices. All pointer and spaniel brees are going to be HIGH energy dogs needing daily exercise. I am on my 2nd Vizsla. 1st one died at 14. 2nd one is pointing and retrieving at 13 months. Superior intelligence and an unbelievable family dog. He thinks he is a 50 lb lap dog, and sleeps with one of the kids every night. I even travelled to WI to get him!


Weimers DO shed, as do Vizslas. Their hair is short, so it's not too noticable. There are very few breeds that don't shed such as poodles.


New member
Not even married yet, and already she's got you where she wants you. You're setting the stage for a very long, no sense telling me what you want cuz' it doesn't matter, life. The way you handle things now will most certainly dictate the amount of fulfillment and equality you get out of your marriage. You still have a chance to change the course of the history of marital relationships. It's not too late-there's still time!! Do it for all those that have set the stage for this uneven playing field. Tell her what you want-heck....DEMAND IT!! Than run like **** backwards (this will allow you to see the items she is firing at you and dodge them as you make your exit), get in your vehicle, take a long ride, and think about what you just did. You just went where few men have ever dared venture before. Once she cools down (in about 6 hours), it will than be safe to make your way home. If she's truly the woman you believe she is, she will forgive you. In the end, she will get the dog she wanted (you don't need a hunting dog anyways-you're getting married--the days of pounding the fields are over). You may also end up with a black eye from one of the multitude of flying objects, and a bruised ego, but damn it you stood your ground. Fine job young man!!

Having had one full sized vac thrown at me (she denies this of course says she threw it in rage and not AT ME) I would take this one step further....(to be continued below....)

All dogs are great companions, but not all dogs make good hunting dogs, and good lay around the inside of the house, dogs.

My "English Shedder" is a great family dog with great temperment but he does shed in the spring...who am I kidding...he sheds year around...but these are the things you overcome if you want a good hunting dog and a loveable companion.

Labs are great dogs, but they tend to be big, eat big, and shed big. They also have a higher propencity to have hip problems. But as is any breed there are good lines and then there are just lines.

I went 1200 miles to get my current pooch, and I scoured the North American Continent to find "just the right dog". I did well on about 80%, but he drools with big jowels, (think here of a st. barnard...long layers of skin on either side of his mouth...ready to inflict damaging slobber on anyone and anything he comes in contact with) and I can't water him in the house, or I have to run after him and play "tug of war" with a towel to dry him down or live with a mess which means I will have to clean that up either now, on him....or later on, on the couch, table, doorway, etc.

An indoor dog should be very docile. Pups are never very docile, but after the chew stage and once they get past the puppy stuff, then they should be a --settle down dog that fits the family well.

I think the short haired dogs fit this best. They shed, but the hair is so short it doesn't stand out like the long hair breeds do. Also some dogs possess oily hair which has a much stronger odor which people without dogs can pick up often as soon as they open the door. Is that what you want, or don't you care?

Labs though they can hunt just fine and are loveable dogs were not designed to hunt grouse...and a smaller more delicate dog would likely be more suitable for that. Smaller dogs get warn out easier than big dogs but when they are young that might not be so bad anyway since you won't be chasing all over the county for them either.

Problem with some of the short haired pointers such as the ves, and short haireds, they can be a little more pricey because their are few of them around.

But a long time ago, I was right where you are now, and I, having had setters my whole life got THE best dog I ever owned...his name was RED dog (named for his liver colored ears and otherwise white coloring) and it was truly one of the best hunting dogs I ever owned. I have had several since then and all were good but this dog could hunt a pheasant across a wheat stubble field at high noon on an 80 degree day and pin a bird down that nobody would believe was actually there.

It was what made memories and everyone deserves at least one of these miracle dogs at least once in their life time if they are hunters. I had mine, and I hope you get yours...and as the man said futher up the line here, this is it....get it now...later, life as you knew it, will ceases to exist at least as YOU invisioned it. So go for it, and set the rules around the house and remember, you are king of your domain...and dang it, for all those of us who have long ago lost that battle, remember, you fight that fight for ALL of us...remember...we are pulling for you!!!!!


New member
Puggles are good dog's also. Not much for hunting birds - rabbits on the other is a good possibility. They sure are sociable dogs as well and not real bad as far as shedding goes. We had a mastiff that used to shed real bad so we buzzed him to about 3/8" and that helped a lot. Good luck on whatever you decide!


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Good post, anonomoose. All good points re: the price of some dogs. Finding a good, reputable breeder is of utmost importance. I had to travel 600 miles to find a puppy with the same bloodlines as my previous Vizsla. Time well spent IMO cuz I got a great dog.