Oh, geezz....too old...pooshaw!
What it DOES do is require that you learn to ride differently. None of this namby pamby stuff ....hit the throttle, hit the brakes, lift the skis, and the throttle again to the next corner....no sur ree....
You just ask TYLER.....you see the tree coming, you plan for the tree to go by THIS side and then being all sort of short in stature to "will" the sled in the direction you want it to go....you ride right over the tree....assuming it isn't too big. Ain't I right john??
Weaving, dodging, face full of snow....oh, no...where did everyone go....geezzz look out....just missed that stump.....oh...sh!!tt....
Now that is sledd'n at the height of your career....
All I can say it's a good thing you city boys only get a dumping like that once every ten years or so.....or you would put the sled parts places to the top of the charts....and the sled biz...would recover nicely!