Like a lot of you...I go to the local dealerships and check out the new machines, every's always fun to window shop....I had my middle daughter with me...she loves to snowmobile, and keeps asking me to buy another sled...that she can typical 14 yr old girl fashion...I am not allowed to buy something "ugly" or "old".....and what I found was...there is nothing from ANY brand...that I would put a "new to snowmobiling" driver on....the machines are way too big for a 5' 3", 85 LBS girl....I would never put her on a 600 cc sled...I also feel the 550 fanners are too big for her as well. Being a Yamaha/Cat guy at heart...I looked at the F series fanner...(which is a huge chassis for her to throw around)...and I looked at the phazer...way too stiff suspension, no wind protection, and from my own experience...even though they lack top end...they pull rather hard down low...too hard for an 85 lb I looked at an ace 600 is the closest to what I would like to see her on...but they are very expensive for a once in awhile, newbie type sled.
Window shopping for a second machine was rather disappointing...IMO there really isn't anything for newbies to the sport, or families...I think the BIG 4 all get an F in this category....this is what will kill our sport...if we aren't finding new ways to introduce teens/and women to our will die out...we can't keep putting our kids, and wives on old junk, and expect them to like the sport...Look at the average age of snowmobilers vs ATV's getting older and older, and not growing...snowmobile registrations in the upper midwest are slowly declining on average (the last 10 years)...atv registraions are growing (for a number of reason).
Let's hope they start making machines to address the lower end of the market...I realize they reason they stopped making these "low end machines" was that they didn't sell well....maybe it's because they were outdated, cheap looking, and didn't have many features on them to attract buyers??
There.....that is my pre season
Window shopping for a second machine was rather disappointing...IMO there really isn't anything for newbies to the sport, or families...I think the BIG 4 all get an F in this category....this is what will kill our sport...if we aren't finding new ways to introduce teens/and women to our will die out...we can't keep putting our kids, and wives on old junk, and expect them to like the sport...Look at the average age of snowmobilers vs ATV's getting older and older, and not growing...snowmobile registrations in the upper midwest are slowly declining on average (the last 10 years)...atv registraions are growing (for a number of reason).
Let's hope they start making machines to address the lower end of the market...I realize they reason they stopped making these "low end machines" was that they didn't sell well....maybe it's because they were outdated, cheap looking, and didn't have many features on them to attract buyers??
There.....that is my pre season