Ski doo freestyle. It was a sled made for tweens.
OH....MY....GAWD!!!!!!!......what 14 yo girl would be caught dead on a doo freestyle?....ugliest sled on the planet.
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I'm sure whatever sled attackman gets it will be the best ever.
Get a nice looking older light weight sled for her to learn on and if that isn't good enough....guess what ....she ain't ridin.
That's how it has been (for my oldest who is now out of the nest) and still is for my kids still at home. If the 98 Poo Classic isn't good enough or COOL enough for you, then you aren't riding. Kids are spoiled big time nowadays.
After going up 83% last year, our health insurance premiums (forget about deducts and co-pays) are going up 114% starting 1/1/15. Who the frick can afford to outfit their kids with the latest and greatest sled? Not me but I'm just a typical middle class peon. Those that are wealthy and born with silver spoons in their mouths....that's a different story.
Sorry Attackman - not bashing at all and I too wish my kids could have better stuff. But it's all about choices nowadays.
Putting a governor on a ZR 700 is almost against the law, isn't it? Haha, just kidding. That will be plenty of power for her for years to come.We ran into this same issue last year. Purchased a 1995 Yamaha Ovation 340 for our daughter who was 9 year old at the time. Last year she turned 14 we moved her up to a sled that could handle longer miles and better suspension. As mentioned as long as you are in front, you control the speed. We ended up with deal on ZR 700 for her now but also put a governor on it. No issues but she has been riding for some time. I think it really comes down to your feelings regarding your child’s abilities.