New Riders to the sport???


I feel for you too. I have twins coming up the chain and don't know what to do either - but that won't be for another 10 years. Right now I think I can get us all on the 2-up with a snowcoach for the kids. It stinks. Even a snowcoach is a rip off for a plastic shell with ski's.


Active member
Ski doo freestyle. It was a sled made for tweens.

This was a great option when it came out and was geared to do exactly as Attack Man asks. However the dealers had a hard time selling them. Now they are tough to find used and everybody wants one. Go figure.

I find it hard to believe that some advice was made towards the Phazer because the Doo 550F was to large. The Doo is less horsepower and less weight. Much tamer down low and in the big picture it will only go as fast as the leader of the group. While I do believe the industry could use a nice entry level sled it is very tough to satisfy a customer driven segment with quality used machines out there and the EPA to deal with. A bit of thought and it is easy to limit the throttle on a used sled and again Educate the kids. While they are not all Tucker Hibbert's we do underestimate abilities.

Teach them right and teach them young. Buy them what you can afford and teach them to be proud of what they have (some have nothing at all).
Most new sleds are made for Ricky Racer, Boondock Bobby and Mountain Mike. The little folks have long been forgotten.

I just had to be the first to use Ricky analogy this year.



Active member
Was told the same thing by a MFG Rep that Cooksend just posted. Between the EPA and the amount of great used starter sleds on the market, it just doesn't make sense for any MFG. OP, there were a few pink 340 Puma's on this sight for sale last season, it would fit your needs . We have a black one with over 6k on it. Great sled. May never sell it!
Late 90's Indy 500 would be perfect. Liquid cooled. Easy to handle. Could always customize it to her liking with a custom hood wrap or paint.
Attack Man,
What is your price range? If your looking new, of course thats a lot of money. If you're only talking a couple grand or less, then I agree with what's been said arctic cat 440, yamaha phazer 500 fan 2 strokes, ski-doo 380, arctic 370z, but if you're willing to spend 3500 to 4500 polaris shift iq 550 but very light fan, good beginner sled and can make look cool and girly with a pink wrap on the black sled. should be able to find 2010 to 2012 for less than $4500 low miles. I did see a 2011 600 ace for 4200 with 3500 miles about a month ago.


Well-known member
OH....MY....GAWD!!!!!!!......what 14 yo girl would be caught dead on a doo freestyle?....ugliest sled on the planet.

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I'm sure whatever sled attackman gets it will be the best ever.
snobuilder ,,,,I dont care who you are... thats funny...and sooo true!!!!

- - - Updated - - -

no disrespect meant....just a quote from Larry the Cable the way he wouldnt be caught dead on one either!

Attak man

New member
OH....MY....GAWD!!!!!!!......what 14 yo girl would be caught dead on a doo freestyle?....ugliest sled on the planet.

- - - Updated - - -

I'm sure whatever sled attackman gets it will be the best ever.

Whats your problem?? It seems like you are going out of your way to be a *****??


Active member
Just bought my kids a 2000 Z 370, and I put it in the barn till it snows, then i'll get it out and surprise them. Can't wait to see what they do.


New member
Get a nice looking older light weight sled for her to learn on and if that isn't good enough....guess what ....she ain't ridin.

That's how it has been (for my oldest who is now out of the nest) and still is for my kids still at home. If the 98 Poo Classic isn't good enough or COOL enough for you, then you aren't riding. Kids are spoiled big time nowadays.

After going up 83% last year, our health insurance premiums (forget about deducts and co-pays) are going up 114% starting 1/1/15. Who the frick can afford to outfit their kids with the latest and greatest sled? Not me but I'm just a typical middle class peon. Those that are wealthy and born with silver spoons in their mouths....that's a different story.

Sorry Attackman - not bashing at all and I too wish my kids could have better stuff. But it's all about choices nowadays.


Well-known member
When I started it was a 500 fan with a screw behind the throttle to control the speed. Better I rode the further the screw was set in. Wasn't a fancy sled but I actually think I had more fun on that old sled than my new one. Teach them how to ride, respect for others and don't get mad if they put some scratches or even a dent in it on accident, accidents happen.

Attak man

New member
That's how it has been (for my oldest who is now out of the nest) and still is for my kids still at home. If the 98 Poo Classic isn't good enough or COOL enough for you, then you aren't riding. Kids are spoiled big time nowadays.

After going up 83% last year, our health insurance premiums (forget about deducts and co-pays) are going up 114% starting 1/1/15. Who the frick can afford to outfit their kids with the latest and greatest sled? Not me but I'm just a typical middle class peon. Those that are wealthy and born with silver spoons in their mouths....that's a different story.

Sorry Attackman - not bashing at all and I too wish my kids could have better stuff. But it's all about choices nowadays.

No problem...I am in the same boat...I was simply trying to relay what my daughter said about different machines...anybody with teen girls knows what I'm talking about...I have no idea why somebody feels the need to bash my daughter or me...I thought it was a relevent post to many other sledders in my position


Well-known member
My kids are 12 and 14 and the two sleds they ride are a 1994 supers port and a 2000 500 XCSP. Both machines run great and are easy to take care of. I joke that the 500 is the fastest sled we own, compared to mine and my wife's RMKs,but they both do a good job on them. As some body else mentioned, as long as I lead, I control the speed. There's been a few missed corners but no injuries or real damage yet!


New member
We ran into this same issue last year. Purchased a 1995 Yamaha Ovation 340 for our daughter who was 9 year old at the time. Last year she turned 14 we moved her up to a sled that could handle longer miles and better suspension. As mentioned as long as you are in front, you control the speed. We ended up with deal on ZR 700 for her now but also put a governor on it. No issues but she has been riding for some time. I think it really comes down to your feelings regarding your child’s abilities.


New member
Both of my kids learned on a Sno Pro 500, middle of the road price wise, kind of sporty looking and fun to ride even for your friends. You won't let her ride by herself in the beginning anyway so I bet she would get along fine.


Active member
We ran into this same issue last year. Purchased a 1995 Yamaha Ovation 340 for our daughter who was 9 year old at the time. Last year she turned 14 we moved her up to a sled that could handle longer miles and better suspension. As mentioned as long as you are in front, you control the speed. We ended up with deal on ZR 700 for her now but also put a governor on it. No issues but she has been riding for some time. I think it really comes down to your feelings regarding your child’s abilities.
Putting a governor on a ZR 700 is almost against the law, isn't it? Haha, just kidding. That will be plenty of power for her for years to come.


Well-known member
2015 Indy 550....422 lbs.....around $5500.00...probly a ton a these out there used coming off the rental fleets too for way less $$$$

Not the "coolest" sled on the planet but maybe a arctic FX skin would do it up nicely....?