New Riders to the sport???


I agree with Attack Man. They need to bring back the new small, entry level sleds. We bought our kids 440 sleds in the 90s and still have them today. Their kids ride them when they come over. Best investment I've ever made in the sport. But I'd buy them two new ones in a minute if they were available today. My wife and I get a matching set of new sleds whenever mine wears out, whether she needs one or not. I've never understood why guys make their wives and kids ride old stuff (or their hand me down sleds) so they can afford to get themselves a new sled every year. But its probably the reason they don't sell small sleds anymore.



Active member
I figured you seen it but just wanted to make sure, good luck & have fun riding with your daughter, I'm sure she will have a blast!!!


No brainer, used 600 Ace rental. low power, cheap price, good mileage, no Smoke, dependable. Newer Sled that She will be happy with.
This summer I bought my 12 year old daughter a 1991 Polaris Indy Lite with only 1,043 miles for her first sled. It's a fan cooled 340 that's in great shape.


You have a poo 800, right?? Haha

Don't get mad, I do too.
Nah, he was referring to the ZRT's, "X"-cats, Sno-Pro's and F-1 thru 8's. LOL
Don't get mad greenies, I'm laughing at you, not with you.