I agree with Attack Man and the others. This would be one fun sled for riding in the mountains. It's amazing how much power a naturally aspirated engine loses at altitude. I believe it's about a 3% power loss for every 1000 feet. Just when you need the power the most (in the mountains-steep and deep) the power is down. My 165 hp Summit 850 makes only about 125 hp at 8,000 feet. I would love to have 165 hp at 8,000 feet. When going higher than 8,000 feet, this turbo still keeps it close to 165 hp (a little less the higher you go) but will make 40+ more hp than a non-turbo sled. Also, only weight 10 more pounds than a regular Summit. The only fly in the ointment for me is the $18,000 they cost...and...still no stock LED headlight!!