NFL thread


New member
Getting close...once this starts sledding is right around the corner. I think the NFC north should be tight again. Maybe even coming down to last week...wish bears and pack playd again on week 16..that was fun. With the packers having rodgers they will always be the favorite to win the division. While they have a better QB their roster is average IMO. Think their GM has not done a good job of building a decent defense to compliment rodgers. But they will prolly go 11-5 shearly off rodgers greatness. Seems they struggle with good trench play like the niners. Why thompson hasnt stacked the D is beyond me. Peppers may be motivated which could be scary but he is older and he does take play off....especially if he isnt happy.

The bears are returning every offensive starter besides earl bennet in the slot. Who has been replaced by marques wilson a 6 foot 3 inch burner. Added depth to Oline as well. Cutler has a capable O line, more elite skilled weapons than any team in the NFL and his second year in the system. No excuses for him this year. I have defended him but if he doesnt have a good year there is no defending him.The D is revamped and on paper is pretty impressive. I havent been this excited about the bears team in my life. If they can stay healthy....should have a good squad.

Lions dont worry me much as a new system is tuff...but we will see its the NFL....

Vikings dont have a QB besides an unknown rookie and with vegas slapping 32 to 1 odds on them to win the division Id be suprised if they have more than 5 wins. If it was me id trade AP to a contender for 2 high end draft pics. They are to young to win now IMO.

Seahawks and niners are still the teams to beat in NFC. But that division is stacked and think they will beat each other up. I dont see the seahawks staying that healthy again but them or the niners will be in the way of getting to the superbowl for whoever wins the north.

Gona be interesting. Lets keep it civil.....o ya and GO BEARS


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Basically what happened last year in Green Bay is that we ran out of players due to injury (again). A surprisingly close game with the Niner's in the playoffs despite playing with 3rd and 4th string. I've forgotten how many we had on I.R. but so much for woulda, coulda, shoulda. The defense is stacked with everyone healthy to start this season, plenty of young talent and depth. The offense is "scary good", possibly unstoppable based upon talent across the board. But again, they gotta keep them healthy. That's a problem the Packers have had in recent years and nobody knows why. Personally, I think it's because they don't practice hard enough and then get injured during games. I guess if I had all the answers I'd be working at 1265 Lombardi, and I'm not.

So here's my prediction for this year's NFC North:

1. Green Bay (talent and depth)
2. Chicago (talent on offense)
3. Detroit (Starting over with a new Coaching Staff)
4. Minnesota (Starting over with a new Coaching Staff)

Numbers 1 and 2 can easily be switched based upon talent, luck, schedules, etc.


New member
I feel ya on the injuries. The bears 9 or 10 starters out on D and multiple backups on Defense which is a big part of why they couldnt stop a nose bleed. Emery added depth. We will see. All the vets are back.

agree the pack offense as far as rodgers and skilled players are elite. The o line is where the questions are.

they added peppers and the rookie safety from bama...other than that anyone notable on D?

In the NFL health is always the most important.....its not a coincidence that the the healthiest team last year the seahawks won it all. To get that far some things just have to go your way.


I am excited for this season. I am most interested if who..Julius Peppers or Jared Allen..plays better/healthier for their new team? I vote Allen.


New member
I am excited for this season. I am most interested if who..Julius Peppers or Jared Allen..plays better/healthier for their new team? I vote Allen.

Allens leadership and attitude is much better than ole pepps. Pepp is a much more freakish athlete. It was disapointing on how many plays he took off last year. Emery publicly stated they would get 6-8 100% plays from him a game last year out of 30-40+ snapps. The change of scenery will help him I bet, but if things dont go well...he gives up.


Active member
I personally think the pack and the bears were foolish for giving those two old guys money. Yeah yeah, I know they have been great players in the past, but football is a young mans game (except QBs). I have all the respect for Allen and Peppers, but I don't think they are game hangers anymore. No doubt Peppers will draw attention and that's certainly an upgrade from last year, but unless it allows the others to step up, it won't mean much. While I like Matthews, he will more than likely have a bad hamstring by week 4.

My predictions

1. Packers, just to much talent on Offense. I think the defense will be better than last year somewhat.
2. Bears, an offense that is ready to be real good. Just imagine how good they would be with a great QB. If they haven't improved defense, this could be lions spot.
3. Lions, have some weapons, but never had a good coach to let the talent shine. This is the wildcard team.
4. Vikings, they just keep wasting APs talent.


New member
Its tuff not to be biased but the only position IMO the pack are better is QB than the bears. We have better wideouts allbeit cobb and nelson are darn good. Lacy is up and up but no where in the same convo as forte yet and the oline was elite last year. Defense lot of uncertaities but the only player starting week 16 that will be starting week 1 is jennings and briggs..both pro bowlers. Peanuts back..allens jacked, ratliff and collins healthy, dj williams back in the middle, 1st rounder fuller has been tearing it up in camp. And the biggest suprise of the year I seen in vegas is jay cutler is the 6th best odds to win the MVP, and anyone who bets knows how smart the oddsmakers are. Behind peyton, brady, brees, rodgers, and andrew luck. Given the public hates cutler I was shocked to see him that high. Ahead of wilson kaep stafford flacco cam..etc.....given he had a 90 QB rating last year and really only had 2 bad games in the first year of a new offense. Word from camp is nothin but positives. First one in last one out everyday. Which is different than the past. Time will tell if he will turn the corner. Bears will find out week 2 in san fran if they can play with the big boys.


New member
In the big scheme I dont see the bears or packers having trouble scoring. The defense is what both teams lacked last year. Who made the bigger stride is the big question.


New member
NFC west
1. Seattle/san fran. Both will likely get in playoffs
3. Rams...scary roster..unproven QB
4. Cards ,Also good roster but palmer is dated.
This is the division of death

NFC south
1. NEW Orleans
3. Carolina was a fluke
4. Lovie dovies bucs...interesting to see how MCown plays without elite wideouts, RB and line. Not to mention a above average TE

NFC east
2. No idea as other 3 teams seem weak especially dysfunctional cowboys

NFC north
1/2.Bears/Pack I believe both teams get in the playoffs with similiar 11-5 records.

Unbelievable how much deeper and better the NFC is.

AFC is predictable broncos, pats, colts, beyond them I dont believe it matters.


Well-known member
DA Bears Emery's team now & he spent big bucks on defense & had a good draft in weak areas. Emery is doing good things for Trestman but would not do for Lovie. If the Bears can beat 49ers in game 2 look out should be a playoff year. The Pack on paper not as good as Bears 1st time in along time & Pack will be in scoring battle with Bears but edge goes to Bears retooled defense. Only wild card I see is how the new Bears play together as a team? If they jell quickly could make it to SB!...that good on paper.


New member
DA Bears Emery's team now & he spent big bucks on defense & had a good draft in weak areas. Emery is doing good things for Trestman but would not do for Lovie. If the Bears can beat 49ers in game 2 look out should be a playoff year. The Pack on paper not as good as Bears 1st time in along time & Pack will be in scoring battle with Bears but edge goes to Bears retooled defense. Only wild card I see is how the new Bears play together as a team? If they jell quickly could make it to SB!...that good on paper.

I Agree emery has worked magic again. He did this year to the D what he did last year to the O. On paper they are tough. But paper dont win. Only question mark is safety. But we all know what a good DLine does to the safety postion. Lot of good competition at safety in camp. 1st team now is former steeler ryan mundy and danny Mcray. The rookie brock vereen and former pro bowler adrian wilson at #2s. They still have conte comin back, jennings, and steltz to add to the competition as well. Pending health they could be scary good. Looking foward to weeks #2 and 4. ;)


Well-known member
Bears have soooo much depth at Safety now it needs to be thinned out to best of best.... 1 or 2 of these guys can play or at least one would think so.


New member
Pretty lame preseason matchup tonight but at least football is back!! And the bears made it all 7 camp days without injuries....yippeeeeeee


It will all come down to injuries just like it always does. Don't even try to pick divisional winners until mid season. By then a whole bunch of big horses will be sidelined. There will be north division games that end up 56 to 48. No matter who wins the north it really doesn't matter because the West has by far the best defenses. Whoever is healthier San Fran or Seattle wins next SB. Unless they both lose their starting QB's. Then Denver wins with the Bionic Manning. Not long to wait now.


Well-known member
Just can't see the Bucs being ranked so high new coach, new system, marginal players no way that is going to happen. But other than that seems reasonable at this point of preseason.


New member
Bears #3 wide receiever out with broken collar bone diving for a ball at practice today. Cripes just read an article about how he was tearing it up in camp. 6-8 weeks. Good news is its only aug 4th should be back by week 4.


Well-known member
Bears #3 wide receiever out with broken collar bone diving for a ball at practice today. Cripes just read an article about how he was tearing it up in camp. 6-8 weeks. Good news is its only aug 4th should be back by week 4.
Da Bears loaded at WR & Emery signs another 1 every other week. 1&2 all pro & really outstanding maybe best tandem in the league.:)


Well-known member
Definetly ready for some football!
Packers wr and former Badger, Jared Abbrederis out year with acl. Too bad would of liked to seen how he did.


New member
Da Bears loaded at WR & Emery signs another 1 every other week. 1&2 all pro & really outstanding maybe best tandem in the league.:)

Yea pretty much everyone agrees marshall and jeffrey best tandom. Wilson was a huge complement to them, 6foot 3 and fast. Marshall jeffrey bennett all over 6 foot 4.....tuff to defend..especially in redzone. Just freakin need to stay healthy. Reality is every single team in NFL is one injury away from a tire fire....