No snow North do we go west?


Staff member
is that with or with out the prostitutes?

Funny, that is exactly what I thought at first. :eek:

Just checked the site though. Pretty unbelievable looking place. I guess if I had that kind of cash laying around, I'd do it up!


Funny, that is exactly what I thought at first. :eek:

Just checked the site though. Pretty unbelievable looking place. I guess if I had that kind of cash laying around, I'd do it up!


I just checked on pricing. It's actually $600 per person all inclusive...if that is any better. Pretty amazing place and when you factor in Tog, Rental, Guide, Food, Alcohol and the extra six hours of driving to Moran Wy. compared to Saratoga it isn't that much more. Food is prepared by a team of chefs, all top shelf drinks prepared by personal bartenders and the cabins/accomodations will blow your mind. I still think Tog is better riding but if your looking for something different and have the cash to burn it's definately an experience. It's a ranch that caters to the stars. It's makes them feel as though their "roughing it" when they in all actuality are not. Kelly Clarkson and Reba Macintire stayed there a couple months back. Just another option to have out there.


Staff member
600 makes it a little easier to fathom. Truth is, at 1200 a night, if he can get it, more power to him and far be it for me to tell him how to run his business. Some of my gang could actually might be able to make it affordable by the "all drinks included" clause alone!

An awesome looking place. If you are ever headed out to hang with dear old dad chillywilly, and need a tag-along, let me know! :)



New member
Yeah, I didn't realize it came with sled rental. I could deal with $600 a night if I really wanted to treat myself sometime. I agree it looks pretty awesome. BTW, I had that same raunchy thought but was keeping that to myself until now that is ;)


New member

The snow out west this year is WAY down. I was in the snowies two weeks ago and the snow they got last night was the first snow they have got since I got back.

The "trails" are ridable and they have groomed a VERY small amount leaving out of Albany. I would say 75% of the trails have not been groomed and are not even marked. If you dont know the area its not going to be easy to figure out where your going because most people ride "off trail" out there so tracks go everwhere.



New member

The snow out west this year is WAY down. I was in the snowies two weeks ago and the snow they got last night was the first snow they have got since I got back.

The "trails" are ridable and they have groomed a VERY small amount leaving out of Albany. I would say 75% of the trails have not been groomed and are not even marked. If you dont know the area its not going to be easy to figure out where your going because most people ride "off trail" out there so tracks go everwhere.


We pulled out of the Snowys just after that little storm, it was greatly needed. They were out grooming and marking the trails in the Northwest area of the range at that time.