Off Trail in Northern MN - Feb.....1974


Well-known member
I was going through some old photos and it struck me that even though much has changed in our winter addiction, some things haven't. Everything about our machines and gear is better but the experience is still the same. I look at some of my current photos and the similarities are remarkable.

P.S. My wife always wore the yellow scarf. I guess it was kind of an accessory thing but it also helped with identification at -30.


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Well-known member
Whoops, found two stragglers here.

Yep, we thought the flags were cool but the real purpose is still unclear


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New member
Oh that's right, we had to have a flag on our sleds for visibility while driving on city streets to get to our snowmobile field... Great pics!!


Well-known member
Great pictures, I remember the flags, dickmsp is right, they are so you can be seen on the city streets. It looks like you are a stand up rider in the last picture on the Chaparral.


Well-known member
Great pictures, I remember the flags, dickmsp is right, they are so you can be seen on the city streets. It looks like you are a stand up rider in the last picture on the Chaparral.

Busted by a 37 year-old photo! Yes, I'm still stand'in. I guess the roots run deep, this photo was taken last week.

I suppose the flag would've come in handy if I had sunk it in the swamp.


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Well-known member
I still can't get over what a great collections of sled's you guys had. Those were some of the nicest sled's made during that period.

I felt very fortunate to have owned these machines. They were light, innovative, and a blast to ride. Style is always subjective but I agree that these were some of the sharpest sleds around. They really marked a turning point at which high performance and styling became dominant factors in sled marketing.


New member
I see a similar one to what got me started - a 400 Charger SS! Only mine had the heads sticking up out of the hood. Thanks for posting.


Well-known member
I don't remember exactly when my brother got the Charger but at one point he got a spank'in new Sears (built by Polaris). I think it was called a "Sportster". It was basically a Charger 400 free air. Went like a bat out of h___. I do seem to recall that he did some damage to both himself and the sled while riding it.


Well-known member
A friend of mind rode a Sears in the mid 70's. It was a free air Polaris except for the light blue color and the decals. It was the only one that I ever saw in our area.


Well-known member
I forgot all about the flags good chuckles. I still spend most of my time riding like pic one old habits die hard. I think I need a flag would be a good laugh for the over 35 crowd


Well-known member
I forgot all about the flags good chuckles. I still spend most of my time riding like pic one old habits die hard. I think I need a flag would be a good laugh for the over 35 crowd