Brotha Bradzooooooooo,
Made a note of those dates,... if we "still have snow",...
and I am "available",.. it would be great to at least catch
One ride with ya this year.

Went for an Interview yesterday (Corrections Officer Position)
Started off by the interviewers with "Congratulations first off, for
making it THIS far",.... Holy Crap! Guess they got a SLEW of
applications, and between weeding them out, and the people who
failed that 4hr test I took awhile back,
The interview ROCKED!
I was nervous as all heck going in,... but then just told myself,...
Be honest, and Be Yourself! It worked.
So, now I will WAIT for at least a month,.. for the results.
(they still have some more interviews scheduled,.... some coming in
from as far away as Colorado!). So,... At least THAT part is over.
I "lightened" them up on one of their questions,....
So,...Randy,.... What are some of your weaknesses?
I replied: "Pizza"

I'll keep y'all posted. I am just glad I thought I did well.
The snow we got the last couple of days,.... really burned off
yesterday,... it got up to 39 here. YIKES. Warm next couple of days
predicted also. Doesn't take much now, to wreck things.
Sure hope we get some more snow to ride locally.

I'd like to have Scoop come up and rail the trails here,...
There still is time. THINK SNOW!
Off to Houghton this weekend with TomAss and Nasty,...
It is our yearly Copper Harbor Vintage Ride.
Got the old '72 Nordic all ready to go! This years ride
has more hp than the Fox Trac I smoked last season! LOL!
Love them vintage sleds!
Have a Great weekend everyone.
