Julie - I am sending prayers your way for both you and Socksie. I don't know what to say. You have been through enough, it has to start getting better now, doesn't it? It's great you have Jim and the boys to lift your spirits, though. I hope Socksie will be o.k. I know how tough it is to have a sick cat. Keep us posted.
BigVin - I think 12 hours shifts would be great once you get used to it. I know a couple of people that use to work those hours and they really liked it. However, 12 hours makes for a long day. It would be nice to have the extra days off during the week, though. Congrats again on the job!
As for me, my truck is in the shop getting a new engine. I should have it back on Thursday. I really needed to spend this money like I need a hole in the head, but I really don't have a choice. I can't afford to buy a different vehicle. This is going to almost wipe out my measly savings account, but a vehicle is one of the priorities in my life. I need to get places. On top of it, we got a notice on Friday of possible unpaid days off this year (15 of them) which are built around all the holidays. When I figured out what I would be losing in pay with the furlough days, it adds on about another 6% cut in pay to the almost 11% I will get permanently. I will have a tough time rebuilding my savings with those kind of cuts in pay. Oh well, at least I still have a job (so far).