Official John Dee Snow Central Family Thread #169 (32,194)


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Thank you!


I'll keep y'all posted


Still can't believe it!

(I should be a changed man in time,.... considering I've had jobs
where I sat I my ARSE for the last 20 years! Maybe I'll see my feet again?)



New member
Hey, welcome to the team Big Vin. I'm sure you will be great. Good luck, and watch your back at all times, in all ways.



New member
Hey Folks! How's it going???

The weather has been BEAUTIFUL! The skies have been BLUE and SUNNY - the rest is brown and grungy - so I just keep looking up... well, until I trip on something brown and grungy...

So... last week's busy days on the phone have created TWO very good job interviews for me this week Thursday and Friday. Both jobs are really good jobs and the companies are really good companies! Both jobs are in my Project Management career path which will allow me to put my schooling to work.

I'm excited, but I'm trying to keep it under control - I can't have another breakdown like I did last time. So for right now, it's really interesting conversation... I'll get excited when I have two different job offers to choose from. :)

Other news - my cat is sick - she was damn near death over the weekend - she has a major infection in her liver. So I had to take her to the vet - they didn't charge me for anything except the medications - HOW COOL IS THAT!! She is doing well after three days on her meds. I have to shove a pill down her throat each morning, along with two other liquid meds. She is taking her medicine like a good girl - I only have a few scratches. The first time I gave her the pill she fought me tooth and nail... for real. Pretty strong for a near death kitty.

Hopefully the infection will clear up and her liver will get back to normal. My cat dying on me would be the last straw... I'm telling ya. That would be the last straw for this ol' camel.

Other than that... same sheot different day here at the Campbell House. Kids are on Spring Break and are on a road trip with Jim to see my Parents in Illinois. I didn't go with because I have too much school work to do and I have INTERVIEWS! It will be good for the boys to see their G-ma and G-pa.

Hope all is good for everyone else... Enjoy the beautiful weather and watchout for the flood waters!




New member
BigVin - Congratulations! That is awesome news! I know one thing for sure, if I were incarcerated there I would NOT mess with you!

Julie - Now it's your turn! Good luck on the interviews! One of these have to be the one. When I briefly looked at Facebook the other day, I think you mentioned that it was Socksie that was sick. I'm glad she's improving. Hey, try wrapping a towel around her when you give her medication. It may save you from being scratched. Then again, she may hate it!

I need to get back to work. The workload is starting to ramp up because we have our District Conference the week after Easter.


New member
Heads Up Jul's!

Hey Juls,...
Keep up the positive thinking!!!!
You can always come here, wrap a towel around ME,...
and shove pills down MY throat!

Keeping the fingers crossed and the prayers going!


Active member
Cranking some BigV tunes in the office as I type....yeeehaw

"How's it going there boys....give me a #3....shut up over there...." love that song...what, I love them all.
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New member
WOW! Sunday already... so pretty out there with the bright sunshine! It's windy and chilly, but the sky is beautiful blue!

Big Brother Vinnie - I am just THRILLED for you - had to just say it again!

I think it's time to hang winter up… can't believe that this is the first winter in FOREVER that we did NOT get a big snow storm in March! Even with all the snow we did get, we were still 10 inches behind average. BUT… the steady pile up of snow we did get is causing some big time flooding around here. I sure hope that no one has major damage… AND I hope it brings our lake up! Even without having the boat anymore - we will be on the lake and it desperately needs more water!

Last week's interview was GOOD. I really enjoyed meeting all the people and learning about the company and the role. I spent 5 hours there talking to 6 different people. Each person brought a different aspect to the interview so they kept me on my toes. I would do great in the job and told them that I was really interested. They said they would know something next week. Right now, it's just conversation... excitement will come if an offer is extended.

The other interview was cancelled. Pissed me off totally, but hey... I guess it just wasn't in the cards. They cancelled "because they had such a large group of internal candidates to choose from." Why the heck did you post the job externally BEFORE you completed your internal interviews... STUPID.

In the mean time, I did find some other ones to apply for and I found a great network connection with a company that I've had my eye on for a while. She is going to talk to the recruiter and hiring manager about me Monday.

The kids are back from their road trip with Jim to see my parents. They had a blast on their spring break with Jim! I had a good relaxing week at home alone... except the cat nearly dying on me. BUT she is doing great now. The meds are working and the vet is pleased. Will take a month or two for her to fully recover, she is on the right track. The vet has been wonderful - not charging me for anything but the meds. VERY COOL! She has more blood work to be done this week - that will give us a really good look at how she's responding.

Better get back to homework. I'm setting aside certain hours to do home work each day so I am not dragging it through all day every day.

Y'all have a GREAT WEEK!

REV IT UPx3! :)



New member
Big Vin!, Just read your news! Congrats! Things are lookin' up! (Hope they never read back in the old threads during your background checks.... Would be fun to hear that line of questioning though!)

Hopefully the rest of us that are looking can find full-time gigs soon. Spent the last 7 months as a part-time bar-keep. 3-4 days a week of weird hours for minimum wage and tips at the bowling alley is better than nothing I guess. (Yes Andie-the bowling alley!)

Made some great friends, renewed some old friendships and got my availability known. Can't hurt....

If you're in the neighborhood of Ashwaubenon Bowling Alley, stop to see if I'm there. Usually Tuesday, Friday and Saturday nights and Thursday daytimes.... until the end of bowling season.

Best of luck to you Brother Vinnie!



Big Vin-

Congrats. Sorry it is so late but I have been out of town the last week. I hope all goes well during your training.

mrsjac95- Good luck on your interview. I hope your time comes soon for a new job. Keep the positive attitude.


New member
(Yes Andie-the bowling alley!)

Ken - I would be an AWESOME bowler if I worked at the alley! However - if I was tending bar - that would be a different story! ROFL
Are you feeling better I hope then??
We are stinking it up this year - but we are switching alleys next year - hopefully that will kick us back into gear!

Randy - I'm so excited for you! Very cool my dear! :D

Juls - glad to hear Socksie is doing better! Scary! Bootsie would be lost if something happened to her........

Smoke is getting huge - weighed him last night - 18 pounds!! He was only 9 pounds 3 weeks ago when we got him! DOH! Anyone know how to stunt puppy growth???


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Andie... 18 lbs already!? Holy cow! He's gonna be A BIG BOY!!

So yeah... Socksie... she's taken a turn for the worst. She is peeing blood now. Collected and took a pee sample to the vet yesterday - when I got there the vet that was there saw it and said "oh my, this is bad."

I am waiting to hear from the vet that is handling Socksie's case - she should be calling in an hour or so. Really not sure what will happen next.

My STATE unemployment has ended. I am now on the Federal Extension. Yep... that's bad news. Since Congress is on vacation I am really not sure if I will be getting benefits or not. They did not pass the unemployment extension so who knows...

Folks... I'm at the end of my rope and I'm really not sure if I can hang on. So... if you have more faith left than I do... I sure could use some.




New member
WOW sure is handing you some bad lemons. It is hard to stay positive, but if you have your health that is the most important, after that a loving, caring and understanding family/friends. Take one day at a time and never give up the faith. God has plans for all of us (although I am not sure what he has in mind for me.........ARGH!!!). Easy does it.....We are all thinking of you.


Well-known member
julie, ive been following your guys thread here since it started. i have no intention of "joining up" with you guys but thats for another day. so i know your predicament the last year and i just wanna tell ya i really, really hope and pray for you that something will break for the better. i know talk gets old and theres nothing i can say thats not already been said. just know theres somone out there in cyber space that really hoping something brakes for you soon. stay strong for your boys at least.


New member
Oh Juls - I'm sorry!! I just saw your post on FB about it. Somehow I missed seeing that last night!
I hope that they can do something to help her :(

chin up my dear - things will not always be like this.......

{{{{{HUGGIES}}}}} or should I say BOOOBIESSSS??? (I hope that made you :D)


Active member
Julie: Keep the head up. You just have to toss the bad thoughts and things you can't control aside as there is nothing that you can do about them. Like Timo said...stay positive for the boys.


New member
Thanks all! I don't mean to go all drama princess on everyone... really I don't... I'm just feeling really defeated. At this point in my life, there is nothing I am in control of... really... well except how many Diet Mt. Dews I drink... :)

I'm telling ya... if it were not for my boys - including Jim... I would have gone off the deep end a long time ago! They keep me going... keep me on my toes and keep me in line. They are what I depend on in my life for lots of love, smiles and giggles... no matter how CRAPPY (oops! I didn't realize I put a naught word there!) I feel - they somehow make me bust up laughing!

THANK YOU ALL for your support! It means the WORLD TO ME!


The vet called, she wants me to bring Socksie to see her tonight. She is not charging me for anything but the meds - which is wonderful. I am just not sure how long that will last though...

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Active member
Julie ....I gotta say me too... don't want to butt in...but I'm gonna for a minute....thats just me :eek:...I read about the tight family you guys are and love it.....nothing like friends....nothin like them in the world...:D......and just wanted you to know another cyber friend really hopes something brakes soon....the camels back gets real heavy sometimes... but I never have heard of a camel with a broken back...:)...just want ya to know I'm thinking of you!


New member
EVERYONE who is a registered John Dee User,...

The reason this is a "Family thread" is,... it usually deals with
what is really going on in all our lives,...
(and some folks could care less,.... so they skip over it)
and when ya look back on it,... it will look like a pothole in the road
in the rear view mirror of life.
All of us are giving ya a big hug and praying for things to turn around,...
It's not like you're sitting around,....
All your efforts will pay off.


I am living proof of the strength of everyones positive thoughts and prayers.
I got the call today that my background check and drug test were great.
I "start" training on my 12hr shifts starting Thursday, April 8th
They run (2) 12hr. shifts (3 on, then 3 off),... that will be something I
NEVER did before,.....

Have a good night y'all
'gotta catch,....L O S T