Happy "Belated" Birthday's too all I have missed (sorry),...
Congrats and Prayers to all who need it,...
Been gone for awhile,... but check in when I can.
I am only 1/2 way through my required State Certified Recruit Training School.
(Mandatory to keep my job),...
Lots of Homework, work sheets, report writing, and VERY LATE NIGHTS Studying.
Not to mention all that mixed with combat procedures (learning how to legally take
inmates down in fighting situations),....
It really has beat the Crap out of me.
Mentally and Physically,.... I am Drained.
Outta shape and Old come to mind.
I have to succeed,....Because,.. if you don't pass,.... the Job is Gone!
I just gotta hang in there for 2 more weeks!
Monday,.. I get a direct HUGE dose of Pepper Spray to the face (eyes must be open),...
then I have to complete an obstacle course,.. take down an inmate (instructor in a padded suit),.... handcuff,.... and other stuff,...while my face and eyes are on fire.
Oh what fun,....NOT!
THEN,.... take 2 big tests (written),... always something.
Somehow,..... that old D.J. Job seemed so sweet! LOL!,....
Well,.... back to studying,....
~Da Big Guy