It's a bummer that the trails are closing again early this year...but i did get some riding in this weekend...and it was a mixed bag...yesterday was actually really good...white, smooth trails and they were hard...some ice in the corners...a few wet spots..but fast..more puddles and bare spots, trails very soft...but again decent in the woods...I wasn't burning my slides off, or smoking my carbides..not bad for 53 degrees....but i stayed away from the rail road grades..they were toast..the lake sucks..water, slush everywhere.(but plenty of ice)..I think it's done ...150 miles in 2 days...better than nothing...amazing they opened at all...the amount of downed trees was nuts...we'll be very busy in the off season, as quite a few trails were not able to open this weekend (too much damage)....its actually unbelievable how many trees are down in some of those sections...I know people who just want to ride...dont understand...its going to be hours of work in the off season...its that bad. Will we actually have a decent season next year.???..I sure hope so...but thats it folks....better than last year..but still crappy...wether or not i continue to do trail reports here, or continue with the club remains to be seen..have a lot of soul searching to ...have a great off season..and maybe I'll see you next year....part of me wants to move on because john was actually a friend of mine, and my meteorologist when I worked at Wolv as the morning man (23 years ago) ..i lived in south range....I rode with him, and considered him a friend, and this site took off like a rocket...he loved snowmobiling, as i did..he showed me a new type of riding...POWDER...he rode an old XLT, and i had a mountain max, i bought from much fun...we lost touch through the happens...but i miss him (such good memories)...with him feels weird to me..i hope you guys understand if I'm not back next year...its difficult for me to understand that he's not here...its his meant the world to long winded...had to get this off my chest.