Painting Plastic Ski Tips


Indy, the fusion wore off of the wheels in less than 600 miles. Stuff is meant for lawn furniture and stuff that doesn't move. New wheels, in the right color, are going on next season. Maybe yours will stick better since they have all summer to bake. Cheers.


Well-known member
15 yrs old not even a drivers license yet already starting the Jed clampett life style 1sled shed 1open trailer 1enclosed trailer 1utility trailer ?custom Menard's brown and green covers.few sleds hand full of custom a few yrs American pickers will be knocking on your door


Monster stickers are supposed to be green, not blue. Green would go better with the pink ski loops also. That can't possibly be your sled anyway. When I was 15 by the time riding season was over my sled would be held together with duct tape and baling wire. There is even a windshield on the sled in the pics. Who are you trying to fool here????? PS. As good as that sled looks it would look even better with 144 studs.


Well-known member

Here are some pink ski handles for you!

A guy from SledMI (Snowballer) had a post last year and he talked about painting his girlfriends accessories pink on her sled. I asked him about how it held up, b/c I was thinking of painting stuff on my wife's sled. At the time, he had only one trip on them. So I emailed him the other day asked him for some pictures and what he thought now. Here is what he had to say:

"They have been painted for two years. They held up pretty good. They need to be painted again. The inside of them where you would grab them if you were stuck is flaking off.
If you mainly trail ride, I bet they would look good for a few years. But I make her go off the trail and get stuck all the time."



He also said he scrubbed them with soap and water , then cleaned them with paint thinner, just before he sprayed them with Krylon Fusion Pink then with Kyrlon Outdoor Spaces Pink Satin b/c it looked almost like a peach color with just the Krylon Fusion Pink on the yellow loops.

By the way your loops do look pink in your first post!


New name for Indy!

Indy - check out the red fur on the SkiDoo in the previous post. You should run out and buy a few snowbrushes and superglue the brush parts to your hood! Then you could change your John Dees name to SpinyAnteater or something. Just a thought.


Well-known member
Indy is that your yard or the neighbors? It needs to be thatched.

mine, didn't thatch it because it's supposed to snow this weekend! or else i'd have it done already. I have a thatcher i hook up behind the mower. (my mower!, I have 3 of my own!) I also thatch the schools grass where i ride!


Well-known member
15 yrs old not even a drivers license yet already starting the Jed clampett life style 1sled shed 1open trailer 1enclosed trailer 1utility trailer ?custom Menard's brown and green covers.few sleds hand full of custom a few yrs American pickers will be knocking on your door

lol my parents said when i can drive the open trailer is basically mine and i can use it to take my sled anywhere. i made a better support arm for the salt shield, painted the axle, put a new wheel on the jack, sealed the deck (now torn up from studs :(), painted the rims, and greased her up. and yes you got all the trailers right and the tarps well it rained so i put them on. and i have 3 bikes (in the summer i get about 10 of them lol and then put them on the side of the road with like 2 or 5 bucks on them after i get sick of them)


Well-known member
Nice looking sled, the 509 stickers make the sled. ;) lol

no kidding! lol i might be getting an sno-x style helmet at milwaukee snow show, hopefully i will strike a deal on some 509's. darn expensive but definately worth it!


Well-known member
Monster stickers are supposed to be green, not blue. Green would go better with the pink ski loops also. That can't possibly be your sled anyway. When I was 15 by the time riding season was over my sled would be held together with duct tape and baling wire. There is even a windshield on the sled in the pics. Who are you trying to fool here????? PS. As good as that sled looks it would look even better with 144 studs.

I had a red one on my 500! I've never put a crack in a hood or windshield, but bent up the trailing arms and ski's on my indy trail, cracked the torque arm in taht thing and many more "cracking" and "bending" of metal parts.


New member
Hey Indy--there's alot of people on here giving you crap. I hope you know everybody is just messing with you. For a young man your age to have the knowledge, ability, and most of all, ambition to do the things you are willing to take on is very impressive. I'm sure most of the things you've accomplished has come from trial and error. Lead by example--more kids should be following in your footsteps.

Don't ever lose your creativity and that tinkering mentality. You are going to go far in life!!!


Well-known member
Hey Indy--there's alot of people on here giving you crap. I hope you know everybody is just messing with you. For a young man your age to have the knowledge, ability, and most of all, ambition to do the things you are willing to take on is very impressive. I'm sure most of the things you've accomplished has come from trial and error. Lead by example--more kids should be following in your footsteps.

Don't ever lose your creativity and that tinkering mentality. You are going to go far in life!!!

Thanks! my parents say i have too much creativity and it costs them too much money lol. as in they are always buying wood and tools and stuff for me. And yeah i know their just messin with me! prolly feel like they can because i'm 15! ughhh adults these days tsk..tsk..tsk.. :D


There is no such thing as 'too much' creativity. It is refreshing to see a fifteen year old that actually does something. There are many more that just sit on their butts and play games and watch Sponge Bob. Keep it up. Those skis are pink, though.


Well-known member
There is no such thing as 'too much' creativity. It is refreshing to see a fifteen year old that actually does something. There are many more that just sit on their butts and play games and watch Sponge Bob. Keep it up. Those skis are pink, though.

:MAD: they are not pink! lol the box makes them look pink because i painted the ski tips on a white box.

(why didn't the smiley work?)
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New member
Shoulda saved all the $$$ you wasted on the "go fast" sticker kit, and bought red loops, sorry, but the pink paint wont last long.