Paulding Light


Active member
Another supposed "confession" from an area business :) (from message board): Say it ain't so!

here is a conversation i had with a very very informed witness who saw the truth behind the lights. Its really a shame Fact/Faked didnt speak with this individual first. It also casts cold water on my 4d theory :( sounds like a total hoax that is easily verifiable... again someone local prove this guy wrong or right please. Here is his reply to me (he was hard to track down)

RE: The Paudling lights. Yes, we were able to verify each passing vehicle because (a) we first verified it in daylight by driving a pick-up with flashing lights on it before dark. That established that a baseline of where the lights should appear. (b) As it grew darker and vehicles passing the very same spot had headlights on, it was exactly the same spot. Actually, the lights showed up in the sky a few seconds before we actually spotted the vehicle headlights directly because we actually saw the vehicle lights when the car hit the crest of the hill.

As the cars passed the crest and headed downhill, both the car lights and the light in the sky disappeared almost simultaneously. The same thing happed about 15 times over about a two hour period. Bear in mind, this is a very lightly traveled road.

I have read about the MARFA lights of Texas and about other places with mysterious lights. I have never been to any other "lights phenomena" other than Paulding, so obviously I have no personal experience beyond the one I commented on.

We stopped at a bar for a light lunch and a beer at Watersmeet a few miles away on our way home. We had fun with the locals. We pretended we were on our way to Paulding and asked about them. They told us they were real. When we told them about our experiment, they admitted we were right. They said the "myth of Paulding" is good for tourism, so they don't want to ruin a good thing.


Active member
I still think it's Runningbear flipping the switch....

They'll do anything for tourism dollars up there!


no takers on my proposal?

that says a lot for the oppositions stand, basically there isn't one!! :rolleyes:

What we do see is the confirmation that the headlights are in fact the truth. Oh wait, sy-fy said it wasn't ;)


New member
Me and BIGFOOT BELIEVE!!!!! Let the Paulding Midnight Light Special shines its ever lasting light on you all ;) THINK SNOW + LIGHT + ROCK + ROLL + FUDGE :D


New member
Put a fork in it... It's done

Its a ghost light get over it. I've been observing it since 1975 and I, and my whole family, chose to believe it's a ghost light. I won't even go into the details of the sightings I've seen since then. It's more fun then the cacino and I can count the experiences I've had there (lets not go to I'VE SEEN THE LIGHT THERE) with my 3 kids. Put this to bed... Anyone arguing this point has way too much time on their hands...