Paulding Light


Active member

We touched on it in this thread before, but the more I think of it, the more I like the new advertising theme for the Running Bear Resort, a little variation on a well known motel chain's legendary advert:
Running Bear Resort, the home of the Paulding Light — "We'll turn the light on for ya".
(With just a touch of a "Yooper accent!) :)


Active member

We touched on it in this thread before, but the more I think of it, the more I like the new advertising theme for the Running Bear Resort, a little variation on a well known motel chain's legendary advert Running Bear Resort, the home of the Paulding Light — "We'll turn the light on for ya". (With just a touch of a "Yooper accent!) :)

Thanks frnash, at least someone cares about the business in Paulding! Thats got a nice ring to it, or maybe I should say a brightness to it LOL
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Active member
So the 15 collage kids are here, and on NMU's dime mind you, viewing the Light for a project? So do you think should ask them how it went in the morning ?


Active member
you better not, it may not be a business friendly report :confused:

hahahahhaah I blew the business friendly reports out 526 posts ago, nothing but fun now, remember post #2 ;) hahahaah, the collage kids are still sleeping can't wait to hear!

The Light sure does bring us a lot business Lucky Us! I might have to change our brochure!


It doesnt really matter what we say because people believe what they want to believe. Until they go there and personally do the tests, it is difficult to sway them, they will believe whatever they want. Business will not change because the mind is way to curious, after all, the lights have ben seens for 1000's of years, remember!!!!!!
"… cause cars weren't invented yet." (?)

But as the Backwoods Wisconsin site says:I believe the reports of a "train brakeman's light(s)" is just a bit of folklore rather than actual "reports".

not true FRNASH about 1966 being first report...first report and brakeman killed story was from the COPPER RANGE RAILROAD the went from CALUMET to MCKEEVER MICHIGAN.....look at map of MACKEEVER and you will see 45 is that same tracks

the trains run was change to the TORCH LAKE RUN because of the paulding lights....about 1870's or so is the first report of them...there were earlier rail lines for logging that have same reports also

this guy and or his workers first reported it and one of his workers is probably where the brakemans story came from....1966 report is a product of the CHINESE TELEPHONE EFFECT.....same like ROSWELL...1st report they say.....not...was many before that...and.....they dont even admit roswell as first....paulding lights same way....seen by indians.....then explorers....then settlers...then loggers....then trainmen....and now YOU ALL

car lights.....still a good flat......still a good one.....DOH


Active member
Copper Range Railroad

See also the late Kevin Musser's Copper Range Railroad web site, a wealth of local history may be found there!

In particular, check out the Copper Range Railroad History page, and note that the CRR did not extend south of Mass City, certainly not to Paulding!

However, the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad (C&NW) did have a line from Choate, MI past Paulding(!) to Watersmeet, MI and Land O Lakes, WI from ca. 1887 until the section from Choate to Watersmeet was removed in 1941, according to RRHX — Railroad History of Michigan. There was even a station at Sleepy Hollow! :)
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Well dang,,,, I didn't know all that, what the heck was I thinking!!!!!!! :eek:
Now I see how 18 people intrepreted science incorectly, we didn't have the frigging links, BUT WE GOTTEM NOW.

PROPC, you da man!!!!!!!!
I SUCK!!!!

o lenny.....cut it out now....ease up i said....both car lights and other lights are showing at that and 18 others dont suck.....get a just pointing out that the story is way older than 1966....and....theres something to the dancing flame look that we was still looking into......i for 1 and not sure its car lights 100% as well as some others but they not chimein in fer some reason....its just like BIGFOOT.....nothing out of the ordinary is there.....but on the other hand people keep reporting seeing some.....50,000 people cant keep seeing nothing over 300 years.....not possible.....same at paulding....they're deffinitely seeing something else as well
See also the late Kevin Musser's Copper Range Railroad web site, a wealth of local history may be found there!

In particular, check out the Copper Range Railroad History page, and note that the CRR did not extend south of Mass City, certainly not to Paulding!

However, the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad (C&NW) did have a line from Choate, MI past Paulding(!) to Watersmeet, MI and Land O Lakes, WI from ca. 1887 until the section from Choate to Watersmeet was removed in 1941, according to RRHX — Railroad History of Michigan. There was even a station at Sleepy Hollow! :)

true dat.....thats how SLEEPY HOLLOW got its name as well....the headless horseman carried a flame in his hand and a sword in the other so the story goes....what better name for a town that has strange lights every night....especially in 1830.....other wise if the car light thing was true then they would of named the town ....CHRISTINE.....AHAHHAHAHHAHAaaaaaaaaaa


New member
hey Mrsrunningbear how is the romance with BIGFOOT going? lol ;) Has he lightened up your life and will we all be seeing yours and his name up in lights in NEw York City or the Goodyear Blimp from afar? Glad you all had a good time and wish I could of met you all maybe one day I will get that chance THINK SNOW and Rock and Roll :)


Active member
hey Mrsrunningbear how is the romance with BIGFOOT going? lol ;) Has he lightened up your life and will we all be seeing yours and his name up in lights in NEw York City or the Goodyear Blimp from afar? Glad you all had a good time and wish I could of met you all maybe one day I will get that chance THINK SNOW and Rock and Roll :)

shhhhhhh....your gonna get me in trouble with Bear....;) LOL LOL I hope we get to meet too cause I'm thinkin it would be REALLY FUN!


MrsRunningBear, tell us what, if anything, the college kids told you. did you have any communications with them about the light?